If you or someone you know is in need of a Holiday Food Basket with Turkey and all the fix-ings, plus many other food staples, please call the Montville Senior Center @ #860-848-0422. Please call to sign up for our FOOD Baskets for this Thanksgiving Holiday. Don’t miss out, let us help you enjoy the holidays. Last day to sign up is Wednesday, December 16th. Our Baskets will be distributed on Saturday, December 19th from 9:00 – 12:00 a.m. Must sign up to receive a basket.
If you are a senior or disabled resident in the Town of Montville and will be spending the Holi-day alone, please call and sign up for our Christmas Hot Home-Cooked Dinner. Enjoy a won-derful Baked Ham Dinner with all the fixings! Dinners will be delivered on Wednesday, De-cember 23rd. Please let us help you enjoy the Holiday and sign up for a Hot Home-Cooked Meal! Last day to sign up for Dinner is Monday, December 21st #860-848-0422
Virtual Discover Connections- Tuesdays & Thursdays
Virtual Discover Connections
Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00a.m. – 10:30a.m.
This virtual class is free and open to the public. The class will vary by day and offers stimulating activities such as mind aerobics, music, reminiscing, poetry, exercise and more. We encourage you to join us, make new friends and have fun within the comfort of your own home.
This virtual program is designed for adults with beginning to mild cognitive challenges or anyone at risk for social isolation. This virtual ZOOM class is being offered by Groton Senior Center.
For ZOOM meeting ID and password, contact Groton Senior Center (860) 441-6785
Virtual Mind Aerobics- Tuesdays & Thursdays
Virtual Mind Aerobics
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00a.m. – 11:30a.m.
This virtual class is free and open to the public. The class is going to offer things such as trivia, name that tune, math equations and much more! If you are looking for something to challenge your mind than this is the class for you. This virtual ZOOM class is being offered by Groton Senior Center.
This virtual program is designed for adults with beginning to mild cognitive challenges or anyone at risk for social isolation. This ZOOM virtual class is being offered by Groton Senior Center.
For ZOOM meeting ID and password, contact Groton Senior Center (860) 441-6785
Handling The Holidays with a Nutrition Workshop Monday, November 23
We have a GREAT virtual presentation for you all coming up! Be sure to sign up for this!
Handling The Holidays – Nutrition Workshop (virtually) will take place Monday, NOVEMBER 23 3:30 to 4:30 pm via ZOOM with Groton Senior Center’s Registered Dietitian Deb Downes. Please call 860-441-6785 to receive the log in information.
You will learn tips for heart-healthy holiday eating while you also learn how to enjoy your favorite foods without feeling deprived.
FREE YET REGISTRATION IS NEEDED! 860-441-6785. We will email you the Zoom link.
Virtual Art- Painting a Harvest Pumpkin
Please join us virtually for another Senior Learning Presentation. This time we will learn how to Paint a Harvest Pumpkin offered by : Art Online Sherita Sparrow. This presentation will take place Monday , November 23, 2020 1:45 p.m.-3:00 p.m. via ZOOM. Please call the front desk for the ID to Zoom for the program. 441-6785
Sherita is back, and ready to paint again! No experience necessary! Join us as we create art from our hearts. We’re designing a painting that celebrates the beauty of fall. This opportunity is open to anyone looking to decompress and unleash the inner artist. No art experience is required. Just bring your creative self, paint (orange, yellow, red, blue, black, and white) paintbrushes, and 11 x 14 canvas or 8.5 x 11 white paper. Paint Brushes & Art Palette (Alternative: Paper Plate) Cup of Water / Paper Towel/ Acrylic or Tempera Paint Colors.
November Hikes and Outings
O.A.T.S. November 2020 Hikes [Outdoor Active Traveling Seniors (55+)]
A group with a shared interest of being outdoors and adventure run by Groton Senior Center. Registration required for any OATS outing.Please call 860-441-6785.
- Thursday, November 19 at 1 pm we hike with GOSA /Groton Open Space Association at Avery Farm Nature Preserve approximately an 1 1/2 hour for a hike on the northern loop. About 2 miles on level terrain.
- Wednesday, November 25th 9:30 am is our annual Pre-Thanksgiving Hike. TBA
- Also in November is our fun, outdoors & active TURKEY CHASE scavenger hunt beginning November 13. Can you find all the turkeys? You may possibly win a turkey!
**Due to COVID19, we are following the proper protocol with hikes:
- social distancing of 6 feet if not from the same household,
- masks when in closer proximity.
- not participating if you have shown symptoms.
Registration is needed for each OATS outing. RSVP at 860-441-6785
GSC Take Out Meal Nov 16-20, 2020
Take out menu 11/16-11/20
Monday – Beef stew, side salad, roll.
Tuesday – Meat lasagna, spinach, garlic bread.
Wednesday – Oven fried pork chops, mac & cheese, vegetable rice, apple sauce.
Thursday – Chicken cordon bleu, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable.
Friday – Baked ham w/ cherry sauce, sweet potatoes, green beans.
Call 860-441-6785 after 9 am the day of to get your meal ordered!!
Turkey Chase (scavenger hunt) starts this weekend
Don’t forget about our town wide, family fun TURKEY CHASE scavenger hunt this weekend. The weather is looking perfect for this on Saturday. This is for anyone in our community! You can possibly win a turkey!
How to get in on this? Call us to register 860-441-6785. Stop by the center Friday to pick your clue brochure up (it will be right outside the front doors on a table) or give us a call so we can email them to you. Again, you can sign up online at www.grotonrec.com or by calling the center at 860-441-6785. We can’t wait to see what fun you have!
For the details please check out our event at this link https://www.facebook.com/events/759984521244831/
Handling The Holidays Nutrition Workshop
Handling The Holidays – Nutrition Workshop (virtually)
Monday, NOVEMBER 23 3:30 to 4:30 pm via ZOOM with Groton Senior Center’s Registered Dietitian Deb Downes.
You will learn tips for heart-healthy holiday eating while you also learn how to enjoy your favorite foods without feeling deprived. FREE YET REGISTRATION IS NEEDED! 860-441-6785. We will email you the Zoom link.
Register by November 19th to get the materials.