Take Out Lunch Menu August 3-7, 2020

Are we tired yet of being a part of a historical event??


Here is our menu for next week AUGUST 3-7, 2020.










Stay up to date with all we offer you at


STAY HOME, STAY SAFE order Still In Effect

Though we all miss seeing you all, Groton Senior Center is still not open to the public to come inside.

Due to the directives of the State of CT and Ledge Light Health District, we appreciate your patience while we work through the phases to reopen our center for all of you. At this time, Phase 2 of the reopening plan where persons 65 years and older and those with compromised immune systems are still under the STAY HOME – STAY SAFE order. Due to our center predominantly serving those 65 plus we are not opening our doors at this time. CT Senior Centers will be one of the last areas to open because of the population we serve and because there currently is no treatment or vaccine for the Corona Virus. Currently, it looks like the state will not recommend senior centers open until after September 1.

We are however offering several classes virtually and some even outside now.  Come by and pick up a newsletter or look online at it https://www.ourseniorcenter.com/find/groton-senior-center

Social isolation has a purpose though we know it is hard for you. Please contact the senior center staff so we can help you with ways to socialize online using computers, tablets or your smart phone and to stay busy.  860-441-6785


VIRTUAL Programs Summer 2020

We encourage you to join us for our VIRTUAL programs, see and make friends and socialize with safe distancing. Everyone is welcome you do not need to be a Groton resident to join us.  Having trouble logging on?  Please call us 860-441-6785.

DISCOVER CONNECTIONS meets Tuesday and Thursdays  10:00 am – 10:30 am  virtually through ZOOM.  This virtual class offers stimulating activities such as mind aerobics, music, reminiscing , poetry, exercise and more. This virtual program is designed for adults with beginning to mild cognitive challenges or anyone at risk for social isolation.

The meeting ID is 784-3589-4247.  No password is required just the ID

WE WEDNESDAYS meets weekly Wednesdays 10– 10:30 am virtually through ZOOM so that we may socialize with you while safe distancing. We will keep it casual with one staff member and just allow for everyone to have a chance to say hello and let everyone how they have been doing and what they have been doing.

The meeting ID is 719 3534 4254 / Password 9QvDdj

MIND AEROBICS meets virtually through Zoom Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00-11:30 am . Everyone is welcome you do not need to be a Groton resident to join us. This class is going to offer things such as trivia, name that tune, math equations and much more!!! If you’re looking for something to challenge your mind than this is the class for you.

The meeting  ID is 726-0483-2646


Take Out Meal Menu July 27-31, 2020

Twenty one weeks….  Wow.  So thankful for the opportunities we have been able to see you!

Here is the take out menu for July 27- 31, 2020

  • Monday – Meat loaf patties, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots.
  • Tuesday – Chippy chicken, mac & cheese, collard greens.
  • Wednesday – Stuffed cabbage, rice, corn.
  • Thursday – Sweet and sour ham, fried rice and vegetable.
  • Friday – Roasted Cornish hen, twice baked potato, vegetable.


There are some popular ones on here… be sure to call in right away.  J

Live Well with Diabetes Program August 14

Live Well with Diabetes

The in-home version of the popular Live Well with Diabetes workshop is now available to adults in the comfort of their home without having to use technology beyond the telephone.  The toolkit can be sent directly to participants at no cost and includes a Living a Healthy Life Book, instruction booklet and exercise and relaxation CDs. Weekly phone calls from a trained Live Well leader enhances the experience and can help to alleviate social isolation during the COVID epidemic.

Please note there is a limited supply of tool kits. Participants must be willing to share their name, address and phone number so the toolkit can be mailed directly to them and the leader can place the weekly call.  Calls are approximately 45 minutes in length and take place conference-call style with 4 -6 participants.

Participants will learn about:

  • Physical activity, exercise and healthy eating
  • Dealing with difficult emotions
  • Decision-making and communications skills
  • Working with healthcare providers
  • Action Planning

Dates: Wednesdays August 14, 21, 28, Sept 4, 11, and 18, 2020

Time: Two classes to choose from: 9:30-10:30 am or 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Provided by: Ledge Light Health District and the Groton Senior Center

Location: Phone conference call from your own home

Register: This FREE program is open to Groton residents and non-residents.

For more information or to register call Cindy Barry at Ledge Light Health District at (860) 448-4883.

Foot Clinic with Dr. Thomas Walter- On one Friday a Month

Come and get the Foot Care you need. Our On-A-Good-Foot Program can help. Foot care not covered by Medicare will be paid by a grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. A suggested donation of $6.00 is appreciated and helpful, not required. Dr. Thomas Walter, Podiatrist comes to our Center once a month to perform routine foot care. Call for an appt 860-848-0422.

(Please call Doctor if having issue- Home visits possible)

Rocky Mountain High Virtual Program July 21

Travel with us virtually on Zoom

Tuesday, July 21,2020


Senior Learning Presents:
Ready for a “Rocky Mountain High?”! Join us as our Park Ranger takes us on a tour of what makes Rocky Mountain National Park so unique- an encompassing overview of the Park in addition to some historical changes throughout the park over the years such as wildlife, the elk population, and wildfire.  

Please call the front desk for the ID and Password to Zoom for the program. 860-441-6785


Virtual Mind Aerobics weekly

MIND AEROBICS meets virtually through Zoom Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00-11:30 am . Everyone is welcome you do not need to be a Groton resident to join us. This class is going to offer things such as trivia, name that tune, math equations and much more!!! If you’re looking for something to challenge your mind than this is the class for you. The meeting  ID is 726-0483-2646


Socially Gathering Wednesdays – Please Join Us

WE WEDNESDAYS meets weekly Wednesdays 10– 10:30 am virtually through ZOOM so that we may socialize with you while safe distancing. We will keep it casual with one staff member and just allow for everyone to have a chance to say hello and let everyone how they have been doing and what they have been doing.

The meeting ID is 719 3534 4254 Groton mom/ Password 9QvDdj