2020 Medicare Open Enrollment

You can enroll or change health coverage for 2021

December 7, 2020- Open Enrollment Ends

This is the last day you can enroll or change health coverage for 2021*.

January 1, 2021- Date New Coverage Starts

Whenever you enroll or make changes during Open Enrollment, your new coverage won’t start until January 1, 2021.

*You may be able to make additional changes after Open Enrollment if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. Ask CHOICES for more information. If you need  to make changes after Open Enrollment ends.

ATTENTION: Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Rose City Senior Center is currently closed to the public.

We are still offering rides for needed doctor appointments and help with grocery shopping.

Outreach Administrator Carolyn and Program Administrator Hilary are available to assist you.  If you need to contact either one, please call the Senior Center and leave a message on their voicemail.

Information in this newsletter is as up-to-date as possible but is subject to change or cancellation.

We will do our best to keep you up to date on changes.

If you have a question or are looking for services or resources to help you,

please contact us at (860) 889-5960.


Thursday, November 10th- Walk-through Take Out Lunch

Menu: Turkey * Potatoes * Stuffing * Vegetable Cranberry Sauce * Dessert * Drink
Cost: $5

Call 860-376-2329 to sign up


United Way Alice Relief Fund

Your United Way and key agencies partners are working together to respond to the growing needs of households we call ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) as the economic consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic become more dire by the day. These are our neighbors who already live paycheck to paycheck, and their lack of financial cushion make them particularly vulnerable to the rapidly changing scenario our country now faces. Funds were made possible through generous donations.

The United Way of Southeastern Connecticut’s Alice Relief Fund provides support directly to households who are in the below ALICE income ranges and have lost a job or wages due to the COVID – 19 Pandemic. Those who qualify may
receive a $200.00 mobile cash card for use at most online retailers and stores that accept mobile payment. For additional information concerning the United Way Alice Relief Fund, please contact TVCCA, 401 W. Thames St., Norwich. Phone 860-425-6629 or 860-425-6575.

Turkey Chase -A Selfie Scavenger Hunt

Turkey Chase  November 13 –15, 2020

A Selfie Scavenger Hunt- We provide the clues—you provide the selfies!


Groton Senior Center will provide clues that lead up to finding the 10 destination sites in Groton.  Find the marker site then take your selfie shot with it. 


Winners will be awarded:

A Frozen Turkey

1st place -earliest time stamp

2nd place – funniest photos

3rd place- most creative photos.


Register by Friday, November 13.  You will receive the clues for the Turkey Chase Upon registration.

Send selfies/ photos to tstanley@groton-ct.gov  by Sunday, November 15 at 11:59 pm.


Seeking Outdoor Holiday Decorations

We are looking for donations of OUTDOOR string lights & holiday displays.

“Why?” you may ask- because we are holding a DECK THE HALLS event yet this time OUTSIDE. 

DECK THE HALLS CELEBRATION will be November 20th   1:00– 4:00 pm.  This event is hosted by Groton Senior Center & Groton Public Library.

What a great way to get into the holiday spirit! Please join us for decorating fun, joyful times and enjoy our hot  cocoa, carolers and craft vendors. We have holiday guests and more!

Come outside and help the Groton Public Library and Groton Senior Center deck our halls for the holidays! You can lend a hand stringing lights, setting up festive inflatables, and hanging wreaths, or just stop by to support the local crafters, artists and vendors who will be on site selling their wares. There will knitted items, stained glass, vintage paper products, holiday masks, fine art photography, cloth bags, beeswax wraps, sauces and seasonings, jewelry, skin and nail care products, wood working, gnomes, hand bags, gourds, clay and felt ornaments and much, much more! There will be food, music, and a special appearance by The Grinch, as well as family activities and door prizes.

Don’t miss this festive, socially-distanced kick off to the holiday season!

Senior Learning Network: Stories from the Tamil Diaspora

Travel with us virtually on Zoom

 Tuesday, October 20,2020


Senior Learning Presents: Stories from the Tamil Diaspora

Program Description: What does it look like when worlds collide and create new communities? “Stories from the Tamil Diaspora” traces a Singaporean Tamil family’s history back to Tamil Nadu, India, in the early 20th century. The presenter shares experiences of British colonialism, Tamil performing arts practices, and Singapore’s transition from colony to an independent, multicultural, and global nation. Participants will gain intimate insight into Singaporean culture, much of which is reflected in its cuisines. Through storytelling, participants are invited to personally engage with global cultures, re-imagine past histories, and discuss positive futures.




HELPFUL HINT: Instacart’s new Senior Support Service

Instacart’s new Senior Support Service is now available to help customers who are 60+ use online grocery delivery and stay safe during the pandemic. In the past month alone, we’ve brought more than 60,000 seniors online, and with the new service, helped them learn how to safely and efficiently use grocery delivery. Call 1-844-981-3433
Our dedicated support specialists for seniors are available to assist senior customers with:
  • Setting up an Instacart account
  • Filling their virtual cart & placing their first order
  • Learning how to use key features like setting replacements & chatting with their shopper
  • Troubleshooting issues & questions about existing orders
If you think Instacart’s Senior Support Service is something that can help you or a loved one, call the number below to get started. If you would like to learn more, visit the Help Center. Call 1-844-981-3433

Yearly Healthcare Coverage Checkup – Content by Judy

Every year – usually in the fall it is time for all of us to do our annual check to see if our insurance will be meeting our needs for the next year. We all need to look at our Medicare, what we have for a supplemental and what our prescription policy covers.

So, for Medicare – do you have Part A and Part B? A covers the hospital and B covers about 80% of all of the other approved services. Part A is covered when you apply for Social Security and if you select to have Part B it is taken monthly out of your Social Security.

To cover the other 20% of Part B, you can choose a supplemental insurance and there are a lot of plans to pick from. Or you can choose to self-pay that 20%.

If you choose to have a supplemental plan, then you should review that the plan you have is the best one for you for the next year.  Then pick the company that offers your plan at the lowest monthly rate. All plans at each level offer exactly the same coverage. They just charge different fees.

For example, Plan G might be offered by 14 insurance companies. The prices can range from say $200.00 a month up to say $500.00 a month. The coverage is identical in all of the Plan Gs, so buy the $200.00 a month plan and you will save a lot of money.

It’s very similar when you check for your prescription plan which is Part D. Buy the best deal for you. Deciding is a little more complicated as you want to check that the medicine you are taking is covered by the plan you buy. Visit Medicare.gov and select “find health and drug plans” and plan on spending a half hour or more checking what you have, and which plan will be best for you next year. Be sure you are comparing drug coverage, deductibles and copays.

Then there are Medicare Advantage Plans. These are very similar to an HMO or a PPO where you pick providers from the in-network list. Generally, there is no monthly premium for health coverage. You might need to change doctors but maybe not. And these savings sound very attractive but be sure you are prepared as you will have copays for visits to the doctor, fees if you go to PT and for other services. These out of pocket costs can be as high as say $5,000 up to $6,700 for in-network before your plan kicks in again. And remember this is per person.

So if you are picking a Medicare Advantage Plan you might want to set up a separate bank account with $5,000+ in it so if you or your spouse falls ill you have the money to pay those out of pocket costs. No one needs to be worrying about money when dealing with an illness or accident.

With all of this said, set aside at least an afternoon to review your coverage, your insurance plans, changes in your health and your prescriptions for the last year, then look into what coverage you want for next year.

If this is overwhelming, reach out and ask an expert for help. Visit SeniorCenterCt.org and call your Senior Center or Senior Resources. All of the phone numbers are there for you. And the sooner you do this the better. Open enrollment starts Oct 15 and ends December 7th. If you do nothing your coverage will stay the same as what you have now. So, start today looking at your coverage and deciding if you need help. Those professionals are waiting for you to call and best yet their help is FREE!