Membership Credit

For those of you who chose to get a credit towards your Membership dues in lieu of a refund for your Corned Beef and Cabbage ticket purchase, please be sure to indicate this on your

Membership Form and only pay the balance due if you will be mailing it in or calling to pay over the phone.  If you do not remember the amount of your Membership credit, please call the Senior Center or email Hilary to find out.

Thank you for helping to support Rose City Senior Center! 


Home delivery is available for our monthly newsletter, VOICES!


Subscriptions are available for $8 a year and begin with any month you choose.

Your newsletter will be mailed to your home as soon as it is ready for distribution.

There are 3 ways to sign up for home delivery:

  • Include an additional $8 when you mail in your Membership dues
  • Call and sign up over the phone and pay by credit card
  • Mail in your $8 check along with your name, mailing address and phone number

If mailed, please send to: Rose City Senior Center-VOICES, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich, CT 06360

Thank you for your continued support of the Rose City Senior Center




Rose City Senior Center 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich, CT 06360 w Phone (860) 889-5960 w Fax (860) 885-1160 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

NAME:                                                                                                   DATE OF BIRTH:





RACE: o Caucasian  o Hispanic  o African Amer.  o Native Amer.  o Asian  o Other

MARITAL STATUS:                GENDER: M F

LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: o Alone  o With Spouse.  o With Family  o Other


DO YOU USE: o Wheelchair  o Walker  o Cane  o Scooter  o Other





PHONE NUMBERS:  Home:            Cell:              Work:



PHONE NUMBERS:  Home:            Cell:              Work:



I give permission for my information to be shared with other Members as follows:

o  PHONE                    o  MAILING ADDRESS                     o  E-MAIL ADDRESS




Yearly Membership runs from July 1st to June 30th

Membership is required to participate in programs, classes, activities and events at the Senior Center

as well as for transportation, hairdressing services, Massage Therapy and utilizing different rooms in the building.

Norwich Residents: Suggested $25 yearly Membership*

Out of Town: $40 yearly Membership

*Financial Assistance Available For Norwich Residents (Please Call for Information)

All Member information is kept Confidential and used only for the purposes of notifying you about services;

in case of an emergency; and for statistics about the use of the Senior Center required by the City of Norwich.

The Rose City Senior Center is a Nonprofit Organization, which is funded through the Municipal Budget from the City of Norwich and through grant funding.  The Membership Fee is a necessary ingredient to the successful operation of the Senior Center in order to provide numerous and diverse programs.  Revenue from Membership Fees stay with the Senior Center and goes directly towards programming and other services offered.




2020 Census

If you have not yet completed the 2020 Census, please do so today.

Every household has been mailed the 2020 Census form and your response is required by law.  You can complete the Census online following the instructions that were included in the mailing or you can complete and return the paper questionnaire that was mailed to you.

For those who do not complete the form online or by filling out and returning the paper form, a Census worker will be sent to your home starting sometime in August.

Filling out and returning your responses to the 2020 Census is important for our local community.  For every person Norwich does not count we lose $2900 in taxes…taxes that could go towards fixing roads and bridges, housing assistance, education or even supporting programs like Medicare part B.

If you need help completing the 2020 Census, please call the Senior Center.  Everyone Counts!


Remember to Stay Active and Stay Connected while staying safe at home!

Doing any activity around the home is better that none at all!

Be sure to remain active to maintain your health, muscle strength and flexibility!  It is good for your mental health too!

Also remember to stay connected!

Call a friend or loved one to keep in touch or try out a live virtual class and learn something new.


Renter’s Rebate Program

Assistance is available over the phone to apply. 

No in-person appointments at this time.

Please contact the appropriate person (below) for more information.

A program for low income elderly (65+) or disabled individuals who have rented in CT in 2019 and have not applied for the homeowners Circuit Breaker Program.  Program open through October 1, 2020.

Income Limits:

Single: $37,000 yearly or less    Couple: $45,100 yearly or less

For assistance, please call:

Norwich residents, 55 and older call the Rose City Senior Center at (860) 889-5960.

Ask for Carolyn’s voicemail and leave a message.  Carolyn will call you back.

If you are under 55 and a Norwich resident, call Norwich Human Services at (860) 823-3778.

If you reside in Senior Housing, please call your

 Resident Services Coordinator at your housing complex for information.


Virtual Presentations

These virtual presentations are being shared by AARP, West Hartford Senior Center, Cromwell Senior Center and Cheshire Senior Center.

  • Every Vote Counts – Every Voter’s Safety Should Too Wed., Aug 5th  1:00p.m.

Join the conversation to learn about ensuring your vote counts!  Learn about voting safely by mail or in-person and what you can do to demand action for your vote to count.  Presented by AARP.

Email Hilary for the link to register.

  • Bob Steele Wed., Aug 5th  1:30p.m.

Join Paul Hensler for a presentation on his biography of Bob Steele, the radio voice of Southern New England who entertained audiences with wit, humor, and style for over 60 years!.

Pre-registration required by emailing or calling (860) 561-7583 to receive the link.

  • Passport in Place Thurs., Aug 6th  1:00p.m.

Travel around the world virtually!.  Presentation by Lia Livett.  Lia has traveled to over 60 countries and every continent except Antarctica.  Learn about her amazing experiences!

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Great Painters: Game Changers, Evolutionists and Rebels. Thurs., Aug 6th  2:00p.m.

Join Leo Pigaty, lecturer, art museum docent and author for this interesting travelogue through art history.  Discussed will be great painters and their masterpieces of the last 700 years!

Pre-registration required by emailing or calling (860) 561-7583 to receive the link.

  • Caregiver Roadshow for CT Families Tues., Aug 11th  1:00p.m.

Learn tips and tools on supporting the unpaid family caregiver, the care recipient and choices to live safely and independently at home.  Learn specific tools for navigating and connecting with available services, gain an understanding of care options and costs, and stay informed on the legislative issues impacting seniors and family caregivers.  Presented by AARP

Email Hilary for the link to register.

  • Fraud Watch Network: Con Artist Playbook Wed., Aug 19th  1:00p.m.

Learn tips and tools to protect you and your family from becoming a victim.  Presented by AARP.

Email Hilary for the link to register.

  • Mondays at Mystic Seaport: Behind the Scenes Mon., Aug 24th  12:00p.m.

Explore behind the scenes at Mystic Seaport Museum to experience the museum’s collection of rare vessels that are not on public view.  Christopher Gasiorek, Vice President of Watercraft Preservation & Programs at the museum, will answer your questions.  Presented by AARP.

Email Hilary for the link to register.

  • Dementia Friends Program Mon., Aug 31st  10:30a.m.

Join us for an informational session to learn 5 key messages to guide you and practical actions you can take to help someone living with dementia.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.


If you have any questions, need help using Zoom, or would like more suggestions for additional online programs, please call or email Hilary.



CONTENT BY JUDY – Perennials, Active Agers, Baby boomers

Just what are we? And are you paying attention to us??

A search for a term that doesn’t offend is taking place. Trying to avoid terms like senior citizen, retiree, elder and the elderly. The question becomes what do we call everyone 55+?

Terms are materializing that are perhaps more appropriate and appealing.

The term, Baby Boomer was created and has been used since all those World War II babies were being born. This group has changed and revolutionized the United States as the have passed though each phase of aging. And they will and are changing and redefining the term senior each day. Just look around – they are not stationary, boring or old.

The title, Perennial has been around for several years now and refers to blooming again and again. And yes, we do that again and again during our lives. We become young adults striking out on our own. We become homeowners, parents. So forth and so on as we parade along the paths of our lives. Ever changing and blossoming into the “new” me.

Active Ager is a newer term and defines seniors as young at heart, tech-loving, gym-using, trend setting, fun-seeking marketer’s dream. This term might be the best fitting so far as each generation is truly younger than the generation before them.

Whatever term you use 55+ adults are strong, happy, healthy. They are using and buying what they choose. They want the same products all ages want and use. They are not to be overlooked as they are living longer, working longer, staying healthier and maintaining their independent as well.

Call them what you will but remember they spend over $3 trillion on products and services each year.

Senior Nutrition Resources

Join Registered Dietitian, Alison Dvorak, for a virtual review of the healthy
eating opportunities for older adults in Eastern Connecticut and beyond. We will
discuss Older Americans Act funded programs, Farmers Markets, Restaurants,
SNAP, Grocery Delivery and much more! Send in your questions before or during
the event.
The event is planned for Thursday, August 20, 2020, 2:00 – 3:00 pm. This is
a free web-based event open to the public. Pre-registration is required at or 860-887-3561.

CONTENT BY JUDY – Perennials, Active Agers, Baby boomers – CONTENT BY JUDY

Just what are we? And are you paying attention to us??

A search for a term that doesn’t offend is taking place. Trying to avoid terms like senior citizen, retiree, elder and the elderly. The question becomes what do we call everyone 55+?

Terms are materializing that are perhaps more appropriate and appealing.

The term, Baby Boomer was created and has been used since all those World War II babies were being born. This group has changed and revolutionized the United States as the have passed though each phase of aging. And they will and are changing and redefining the term senior each day. Just look around – they are not stationary, boring or old.

The title, Perennial has been around for several years now and refers to blooming again and again. And yes, we do that again and again during our lives. We become young adults striking out on our own. We become homeowners, parents. So forth and so on as we parade along the paths of our lives. Ever changing and blossoming into the “new” me.

Active Ager is a newer term and defines seniors as young at heart, tech-loving, gym-using, trend setting, fun-seeking marketer’s dream. This term might be the best fitting so far as each generation is truly younger than the generation before them.

Whatever term you use 55+ adults are strong, happy, healthy. They are using and buying what they choose. They want the same products all ages want and use. They are not to be overlooked as they are living longer, working longer, staying healthier and maintaining their independent as well.

Call them what you will but remember they spend over $3 trillion on products and services each year.