CONTENT BY JUDY – Perennials, Active Agers, Baby boomers

Just what are we? And are you paying attention to us??

A search for a term that doesn’t offend is taking place. Trying to avoid terms like senior citizen, retiree, elder and the elderly. The question becomes what do we call everyone 55+?

Terms are materializing that are perhaps more appropriate and appealing.

The term, Baby Boomer was created and has been used since all those World War II babies were being born. This group has changed and revolutionized the United States as the have passed though each phase of aging. And they will and are changing and redefining the term senior each day. Just look around – they are not stationary, boring or old.

The title, Perennial has been around for several years now and refers to blooming again and again. And yes, we do that again and again during our lives. We become young adults striking out on our own. We become homeowners, parents. So forth and so on as we parade along the paths of our lives. Ever changing and blossoming into the “new” me.

Active Ager is a newer term and defines seniors as young at heart, tech-loving, gym-using, trend setting, fun-seeking marketer’s dream. This term might be the best fitting so far as each generation is truly younger than the generation before them.

Whatever term you use 55+ adults are strong, happy, healthy. They are using and buying what they choose. They want the same products all ages want and use. They are not to be overlooked as they are living longer, working longer, staying healthier and maintaining their independent as well.

Call them what you will but remember they spend over $3 trillion on products and services each year.


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced an extended equitable relief period for
beneficiaries who are unable to pay their premiums because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
CMS is still encouraging beneficiaries to pay their premiums on time, however, they are giving
beneficiaries who are unable to pay due to the pandemic until September 30, 2020
to pay their premiums without termination of their coverage.
Beneficiaries with past due balances will receive a letter informing them of the September 30,
2020 relief period end date.


Join Registered Dietitian, Alison Dvorak, for a virtual review of the healthy eating
opportunities for older adults in Eastern CT and beyond. We will discuss programs
funded by the Older Americans Act such as:
Farmers Markets, Restaurants, SNAP, Grocery Delivery,
and much more!
Send in your questions before or during the event. Mark your calendar for Thu, August 20th at 2pm.
This program is a free web-based event open to the public. Pre-registration is required at or 860-887-3561.


Extreme heat is a period of high heat & humidity with temperatures
above 90 degrees for at least two to three days. In extreme heat your
body works extra hard to maintain a normal temperature, which can
lead to death. In fact, extreme heat is responsible for the highest
number of annual deaths among all weather-related hazards.
Extreme heat can occur quickly and without warning.
Older adults, children and sick or overweight individuals are at
greater risk from extreme heat.
Humidity increases the feeling of heat as measured by a
heat index.
Find air conditioning. Avoid strenuous activities.
Wear light clothing. Drink plenty of fluids.
Check on family members and neighbors.
Watch for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and


The Senior Center plans to scale up its operations beginning this Fall with an anticipated date of
September 8th for resumption of some programs. This will happen in phases. With that in mind, please be
aware that we will be following the recommended guidelines for “social distancing” and ask that everyone
maintain 6ft between one another. In addition, everyone who enters the building will have to wear a mask.
With this in mind, please answer the following questions. You can mail us your survey answers to East Lyme
Senior Center at 37 Society Road, Niantic, CT 06357. You can email your responses to us at or you can call us 860-739-5859. Whatever works for you but please take a moment to
help us plan for the future. If you want us to mail you a hard copy, give us a call.
1. When do you plan to return to the Senior Center?
_____ As soon as it opens
_____ Late Fall
_____ Winter
_____ Next Spring
_____ Next Summer
_____ Not until a vaccine is available
_____ I am undecided at this time*
* if undecided, please tell us your concern.
2. Please indicate how you would prefer to participate in programs when we re-open:
_____ In person at the Center with the understanding that class sizes will be limited
_____ On-line using Zoom
3. Would you take a class outside?
_____ Yes
_____ No
4. Once on-site programs resume, ALL programs will require pre-registration. How would you prefer to do that?
_____ In person
_____ Over the phone
5. Do you have the hardware (tablet, laptop, desktop computer, smart tv) in order to participate in programs
_____ Yes
_____ No
Please leave any final comments/thoughts/concerns/questions you have for us:

At this time, there is no time table for re-opening the Senior Center.

Updates on our status will be
posted on the East Lyme Town Hall
website –, and
the East Lyme Senior Center page
on the SECT regional senior center
website –,
the Senior Center Facebook page
and on the Senior Center
answering machine.


August is named after Augustus Caesar, founder and the first emperor of the Roman Empire.
August in the Norther Hemisphere is similar to February in the Southern Hemisphere.
August’s full moon, the Full Sturgeon Moon, reaches peak illumination on Monday, August 3.
August 11th marks the end of the Dog Days of Summer.
August is a wonderful month for star gazing! It’s the month of the Perseid meteor shower, which peaks
between August 11 and 13.


This is old news but it bears repeating. We miss you all and hope that you have had some
enjoyment through the summer of 2020. The staff of the Senior Center are still out
delivering Meals on Wheels but we are anticipating our volunteer MOWs drivers to
return beginning in August. We will likely assist with this service as some of our drivers
are not comfortable returning at this time. If you need to contact us, you can always call
or email us. If we don’t answer immediately, we will be back to you by the next day.
We want to remind you all that our buses are running and offering limited transportation service. Our Diala-Ride service is also operational. If you have any questions, please call the Senior Center office.
We are looking at offering some classes outside while the weather is nice. We will contact participants who
were already enrolled in the programs that can go outside and see if we get enough people to make this a
worthwhile venture. But in the meantime, we really want to show you how to use Zoom. We’ve reached out to
a bunch of you and know many are not interested but it is not that hard and it may be a way to continue your
involvement with the Senior Center until things get back to normal. Let us help you with this. Give us a call.
In the meantime, we are looking at early September to resume some programming. We will be in touch with
you all once we determine which classes we will be offering. To that end, we have included a survey for you to
complete and return to us. Please take a minute to do so.

Aging Mastery Program

We are hoping to offer the Aging Mastery Program again starting this October using a virtual platform. We invite anyone who is interested and anyone who was in the program this spring to join us as we launch a new session. Although the program won’t start until this fall, we must have everyone registered by the end of August due to program funding. If you are interested in learning how to develop behaviors across many dimensions that lead to improved health, stronger financial security and overall increased wellbeing this is the program for you. Please call us at 860-434-4127 option 2 or email asap to register or for additional information. The program is free to all members.

Cooking Class for Adults Living with Diabetes

Cook Well – Eat Well 2020

A Four-Session, 2-Week Cooking Class for Adults Living with Diabetes

Location:  Live Video Conferencing (You will be invited via email to join us!)

Dates:  Tuesday and Wednesdays, August 4, 5, 11, and 12,

Time:  11:00am – 1:00pm includes eating lunch together!

Sponsors:  Ledge Light Health District, Waterford Senior Services, Groton Senior Center and Senior Resources

Class size is limited. Call today!   To register, or for more information contact Cindy Barry at Ledge Light Health District – 860-448-4883.  (space is limited)

This program is funded by the CT Department of Public Health and based on the Cooking Matters Program and the Live Well with Diabetes Program.