The IRS has issued a statement urging taxpayers to keep on the lookout and exercise extra caution in response to a recent surge of fraudulent IRS calls and email phishing attempts related to these payments, often referring to them as “stimulus checks”.

The IRS has issued a warning that scammers may:

  • Emphasize the words “stimulus check” or “stimulus payment” while seeking personal financial information. For reference, the official term is “economic impact payment”.
  • Ask the taxpayer to sign over their economic impact payment check to them.
  • Ask by phone, email, text or social media for verification of personal and/or banking information, saying that the information is needed to receive or speed up their economic impact payment.
  • Suggest that they can get a tax refund or economic impact payment faster by working on the
  • taxpayer’s behalf. These scams could be conducted by social media of even in person.
  • Mail the taxpayer a bogus check, perhaps an odd amount, then tell the taxpayer to call a number or verify information online in order to cash it.

Safety Tips and Resources to Families with Dementia at home April 17th

The Alzheimer’s Association Connecticut Chapter is joining forces with the Town of Groton Police Department, Waterford Police Department, Groton Senior Center, Town of Groton Parks and Recreation to offer safety tips and resources to families taking care of loved ones with dementia at home.

Experts in the dementia field, service providers and members of law enforcement agencies will help you navigate this challenging time. Panelists will discuss home safety issues such as managing medications and wandering; help you form an emergency plan and share when behavior becomes a police issue; and identify community resources and support services including food programs and fuel assistance. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions, to let us know how we can help you.

April 17th 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Speakers include:

Kris Sortwell, Alzheimer’s Association, CT Chapter

Officer Heather McClelland and McDonald, Groton Town Police Department

Lt. Marc Balestracci, Waterford Police Department

Tomi Stanley, Groton Senior Center

Please register here!

COVID-19 Emergency Financial Relief Program

Below is a link to information about the COVID-19 Emergency Financial Relief Program from the PenFed Foundation, which may provide financial relief to Veterans, active military service members, and those serving in the Reserves and the National Guard. This fund can support expenses like rent, mortgages, auto loans/leases, and utilities. Please note, all checks will be sent directly to the creditor or landlord after the grant is approved. The Foundation can only support one emergency financial request per household.

COVID-19 Emergency Financial Relief Program

Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Wise! Content by Judy

So here we sit with Coronavirus snuggled up right next to us on the coach. And yeah, I’m not liking it very much.   You? How about we ask those germs to please leave? Tell them they have overstayed their welcome? Just flat out tell them to get out!! I don’t think any of us could have ever imagined or thought up a worldwide situation like this!! But it is what it is and we need to all – Be Safe, Be Smart, and Be Wise!

When we think of safe, we often think of being secure, protected, free from danger. In this situation being safe is… Stay home. Keep 6 feet of space between you and others.


We have started using “My Tribe” “My Circle” “My Posse” as a way to refer to those closest to us. So be sure they are safe too. Contact those loved ones, friends and neighbors. Work together to make things as good as you all can. Take care of each other and stay safe.

Now let’s Be Smart – Use your time wisely. Create new routines because being together for way more hours than usual can create difficult situations. Find new ways to stay calm. Maybe find a yoga video. Learn to meditate. And you can probably find what you are looking for online. YouTube is amazing. Take a look – There is like nothing that is not there. Learn something new, maybe a craft skill, a new language. Watch silly movies. Make your own videos. Share them with those you are missing. Share online. Make others laugh. Make a list. And do the things at home you never seem to have time for. Enjoy the great weather and start spring cleanup. Get the garden ready. Clean closets, cabinets, paint that room, reorganize, fill out your census form. Be smart and “Don’t hoard” For everything you have too much of – someone else needs it. Just what are some of you going to do with 100 rolls of toilet paper??? Buy what you need and leave the rest for the next guy.


Be Wise – take care of you!! If you don’t – you can’t take care of those around you. Be nice to you and nice to those around you. Develop a new schedule. Structure helps. Be thankful for those still out there taking care of us. The xray tech, the nurse, the doctor, the CNAs, police, EMTs, firefighters, TRUCK DRIVERS, everyone that is still working. AND Stay positive!! Don’t hoard!! Use your time wisely!! Plan parties and events for when this is all over!! Look at this as more of a gift than a punishment


Medical Rides

We are continuing to provide medical rides to critical appointments only and we will also pick-up prescriptions if needed.

Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Wise! Content by Judy

So here we sit with Coronavirus snuggled up right next to us on the coach. And yeah, I’m not liking it very much.   You? How about we ask those germs to please leave? Tell them they have overstayed their welcome? Just flat out tell them to get out!! I don’t think any of us could have ever imagined or thought up a worldwide situation like this!! But it is what it is and we need to all – Be Safe, Be Smart, and Be Wise!

When we think of safe, we often think of being secure, protected, free from danger. In this situation being safe is… Stay home. Keep 6 feet of space between you and others.


We have started using “My Tribe” “My Circle” “My Posse” as a way to refer to those closest to us. So be sure they are safe too. Contact those loved ones, friends and neighbors. Work together to make things as good as you all can. Take care of each other and stay safe.

Now let’s Be Smart – Use your time wisely. Create new routines because being together for way more hours than usual can create difficult situations. Find new ways to stay calm. Maybe find a yoga video. Learn to meditate. And you can probably find what you are looking for online. YouTube is amazing. Take a look – There is like nothing that is not there. Learn something new, maybe a craft skill, a new language. Watch silly movies. Make your own videos. Share them with those you are missing. Share online. Make others laugh. Make a list. And do the things at home you never seem to have time for. Enjoy the great weather and start spring cleanup. Get the garden ready. Clean closets, cabinets, paint that room, reorganize, fill out your census form. Be smart and “Don’t hoard” For everything you have too much of – someone else needs it. Just what are some of you going to do with 100 rolls of toilet paper??? Buy what you need and leave the rest for the next guy.


Be Wise – take care of you!! If you don’t – you can’t take care of those around you. Be nice to you and nice to those around you. Develop a new schedule. Structure helps. Be thankful for those still out there taking care of us. The xray tech, the nurse, the doctor, the CNAs, police, EMTs, firefighters, TRUCK DRIVERS, everyone that is still working. AND Stay positive!! Don’t hoard!! Use your time wisely!! Plan parties and events for when this is all over!! Look at this as more of a gift than a punishment


Energy Assistance Program

Residents interested in the Energy Assistance program need to call TVCCA at 860-425-6681. This agency is also closed to the public, but they are processing Energy Assistance applications by telephone. Additionally, the authorization for fuel deliveries for this program has been extended to April 30th, 2020.

Volunteers Needed

If you or someone you know is interested in providing help during this time, please call the Senior Center. At this time, we have received only a few requests for help but in case this increases in the future, it would be helpful to have names and numbers at the ready.

The Senior Center has been asked what services are in place to help seniors in Town. Our response is that there is no set plan and the world is changing at a rapid pace. What makes more sense at this juncture, is for specific requests/needs to be expressed and a solution created. Do not hesitate to call. We’re in this together and we will come out together.