Bakers Battle community event happens this Saturday 11-1

PROFESSIONAL & RECREATIONAL BAKERS competing to be declared the best!

Do you love baked goods? Be a TASTER at our BAKERS BATTLE fundraiser!

We are licking on our fingertips Saturday, March 14th as we sample delicious treats from Professional and Recreational area bakers in a friendly competition to be named BEST.

Tasters $10 PP in advance/$12 PP at the door. This event is open to all ages. 

Register online or at our Recreation office or Senior Center.

This community friendly fundraiser event takes place at Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT


Ashly Cruz

On Wednesday, April 8th at 1:00, Ashly Cruz will be back to perform. When asked to describe Ashly Cruz it is best to envision what would come down the pike were you to take a double shot of Janis Joplin, Betty Boop, and Marylin Monroe together (shaken and not stirred). WOW!!! Ashly is wildly entertaining and crowd pleasing. Music, theatre, and dance meld into one on stage.

Backyard Birding Lecture and Field Experience

Join us Tuesday, April 7th at 1:00pm. for a Backyard Birding Lecture and Field Experience presented by the CT. Audubon Society. Afterward join us outside for a binocular and field guide tutorial, and birding practice. We’ll have a limited number of binoculars and field guides, but feel free to bring your own!

Challenge yourself – Content by Judy

We are in a new decade in a new century in the midst of a huge political season.

Take some time and reflect. Decide what you believe in today. Challenge yourself.

Don’t settle for status quo.

What we thought was most important in the past might have changed. We are not the person we were 20 years ago nor is the world the same.

I recently was at a networking event and we were asked “What is important enough to you that you would protest for it?” That’s a pretty deep question to answer when you don’t know those around you. My answer was “our basic rights” The freedom of speech. The right to assemble. The right to bear arms and the right to vote.

For others it was the ocean or the environment. We all know there are many important issues. Some have been around for a very long time and resurface. And this country was founded so we as individuals could not be suppressed. We have freedom of speech which enables us to voice our beliefs and we need to continue to exercise all these basic rights.

We need to be a part of the process. We need to stand for what we believe in. We need to be different. Have different beliefs and wants.

But we need to hear each other and be respectful.

Look around at the candidates running for office. In your town, state and nationally.

Who stands out? Who is expressing what you are thinking? Who do you think would do the best job?

Pick a campaign or pick a cause. Get out there. Get involved. I don’t know of a group that isn’t welcoming others to join them. Campaign for what and who you believe in.

Remember we don’t all need to agree. But we must respect our differences and listen to those other opinions.

And as Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed’ it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Now go out and be a part of that change!

Challenge yourself – Content by Judy

We are in a new decade in a new century in the midst of a huge political season.

Take some time and reflect. Decide what you believe in today. Challenge yourself.

Don’t settle for status quo.

What we thought was most important in the past might have changed. We are not the person we were 20 years ago nor is the world the same.

I recently was at a networking event and we were asked “What is important enough to you that you would protest for it?” That’s a pretty deep question to answer when you don’t know those around you. My answer was “our basic rights” The freedom of speech. The right to assemble. The right to bear arms and the right to vote.

For others it was the ocean or the environment. We all know there are many important issues. Some have been around for a very long time and resurface. And this country was founded so we as individuals could not be suppressed. We have freedom of speech which enables us to voice our beliefs and we need to continue to exercise all these basic rights.

We need to be a part of the process. We need to stand for what we believe in. We need to be different. Have different beliefs and wants.

But we need to hear each other and be respectful.

Look around at the candidates running for office. In your town, state and nationally.

Who stands out? Who is expressing what you are thinking? Who do you think would do the best job?

Pick a campaign or pick a cause. Get out there. Get involved. I don’t know of a group that isn’t welcoming others to join them. Campaign for what and who you believe in.

Remember we don’t all need to agree. But we must respect our differences and listen to those other opinions.

And as Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed’ it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Now go out and be a part of that change!

Sat. May 23rd- Day Trip to New York City on your own

We provide the ride. You enjoy the day! This trip is open to all – not just seniors nor just Groton residents. We make 3 drop off stops in NYC to best meet the wants of all. $55 per res./$65 per nonresident. Trip cost includes coach transportation & driver gratuity.