Tuesday, April 14th at 1:00pm for Dr. Kayla Morris, a pharmacist and the Walmart Pharmacy Manager in Old Saybrook, who will be presenting a short informational session on safe medication use, storage and disposal. There will be some free giveaways for attendees. Please join to hear some valuable tips for keeping you and your family safe and healthy!
The Montville Senior Center is closed to the public for the next two weeks
The Montville Senior Center is closed to the public for the next two weeks and will be re-evaluated at that time. Office staff will be in. Transportation will be limited, essential errands only and necessary medical.
The Groton Senior Center is closed indefinitely starting Friday, March 13 at 5pm.
The center will be providing limited transportation to medical appointments, shopping and the bank. In addition we will start providing take-out meals on Tuesday, March 24th. Take-out meals must be called in by 10:30 on the desired day. Pick up will be between 11:30am and 12:30. Pick up instructions will be given at the time the order is placed. Limited delivery service will be available. Please call 860-441-6785 to place an order or with any questions.
Baker’s Battle and our St Patrick’s Day luncheon cancelled
Due to the Governor Lamont’s declaration, we are cancelling our Annual Baker’s Battle and our St Patrick’s Day luncheon for the protection and safety of our community and in accordance with the Governor’s declaration of a public health emergency in response to a coronavirus outbreak in Connecticut.
We are looking to reschedule and will keep you posted as we proceed. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you were registered for either event, money will be refunded to your account.
Friday, April 17th Noon – Movie showing – Julie & Julia
Friday, April 3rd – 9:30 AARP Driving Class
Wednesday, April 22nd 11:30 Lunch Special – Meatball Grinders
Thursday, April 9th 10:30 – Trip to Wrights Farm
Bakers Battle community event happens this Saturday 11-1
PROFESSIONAL & RECREATIONAL BAKERS competing to be declared the best!
Do you love baked goods? Be a TASTER at our BAKERS BATTLE fundraiser!
We are licking on our fingertips Saturday, March 14th as we sample delicious treats from Professional and Recreational area bakers in a friendly competition to be named BEST.
Tasters $10 PP in advance/$12 PP at the door. This event is open to all ages.
Register online www.grotonrec.com or at our Recreation office or Senior Center.
This community friendly fundraiser event takes place at Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT