Start your new year with this fun challenge in honor of the 2020 Olympics! Anyone with a wearable fitness tracker can participate! You just need to be able to track the number of steps you take each day and show that to the front desk. So for the month of January, keep track of your steps. Bring your cell phone in each day and show the front desk.
You CAN track your weekends too! Six Bronze Medal winners – those who total 6,000 steps per day or 180,000 steps for the month will be eligible for a drawing of Senior Center hats! Two Silver Medal winners – those who total 8,000 steps per day or 240,000 steps for the month will be eligible for a drawing of a free fitness class! One Gold Medal winner – those who total 10,000 steps per day or 300,000 steps for the month will be eligible for a drawing of a free fitness class AND a free fitness center membership.
You can sign up with the front desk and start your steps January 1.

Driving in Snow/Sleet/Ice

We care about YOU! If you must drive in Snow/Sleet/Ice:
• Drive Slowly. Always adjust your speed down to account for lower traction when driving on snow or ice.
• Accelerate and Decelerate Slowly. Apply the gas slowly to regain traction and avoid skids. Don’t try to get moving in a hurry and take time to slow down for a stop light. Remember: It takes longer to slow down on icy roads.
• Increase Your Following Distance To Five To Six Seconds. The increased margin of safety will provide the longer distance needed if you have to stop.
• Know Your Brakes. Whether you have antilock brakes or not, keep the heel of your foot on the floor and use the ball of your foot to apply firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal.
• Don’t Stop If You Can Avoid It. There’s a big difference in the amount of inertia it takes to start moving from a full stop versus how much it takes to get moving while still rolling. If you can slow down enough to keep rolling until a traffic light changes, do it.
• Don’t Power Up Hills. Applying extra gas on snow-covered roads will just make you wheels spin. Try to get a little inertia going before you reach the hill and let that inertia carry you to the top. As you reach the crest of the hill, reduce your speed and proceed downhill slowly.
• Don’t Stop Going Up A Hill. There’s nothing worse than trying to get moving up a hill on an icy road. Get some inertia going on a flat roadway before you take on the hill.
• Equip Yourself With A Pair Of Sunglasses. Much needed to reduce the glare of the sun and snow blindness.

Weather Cancellations

Snow cancellations and early closings are on the following stations:  Television–Channel 2, WFSB Channel 3, Radio Stations WNLC (98.7), WICH (1310 am), WCTY (97.7) and K-HITS (100.9).

Closing includes the Fitness Center and Coastal Café. If schools are delayed, the  center will open at 8:30 & transportation will start at 9am.  If you are not sure, please call the center. The center will not reopen until the parking lot and sidewalks are plowed for your safety.

CALL BEFORE YOU GO Info Line is 860-445-2989.


Volunteers Needed:

Tuesday, December 17th- Holiday Luncheon

Monday, December 30th- Undeck the Halls

GNOG Talent Show Friday, February 22 5 PM

GNOG SHOW Friday, February 22 5PM

Get out of the house this winter and please join us for our annual variety show with staff and local seniors (anyone 55 and older) as entertainers!

Mmm the menu: Italian cheese stuffed meatloaf, cheddar bacon seasoned haddock, marinara sauce, mashed potatoes, Monaco blend vegetables, rolls, white & chocolate mousse cake, punch, coffee.

The show begins after dinner. Cost: $15 per person

Do you have an act? We welcome anyone 55 and older!
If so, email colsen@groton-ct.gov or call 860-441-6623 please.
Each act performs for 3 minutes.

102 Newtown Road, Groton, CT 06340 860-441-6785

Talent? We want you!

We are now recruiting for 55 and older talent acts in out annual GNOG SHOW on Friday, February 21st evening – individuals, duos and groups are welcome! It is 3 minute per act.

If you are interested please call Cindy at 860-441-6623 or email colsen@groton-ct.gov



SHADES OF IRELAND trip presentation Monday, Feb 3rd

Our trip Presentation for our SHADES OF IRELAND trip (September  7-16)  is taking place MONDAY,  Feb  3rd at 3 pm. If you plan to attend this trip presentation- great, but please register so we know how many to expect please!

Here is the link to all the details https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1003737

Our trips are not just for Groton residents.  Hope to see you at our trip presentation Monday  Feb 3rd.


The Reminiscing Reading Circle

A new program, The Reminiscing Reading Circle – for individuals with memory impairment and their caregivers will kick off on Thursday, February 27th at 11:00am and continue the last Thursday of every month. This will be a great way for care givers and the care given to connect and reminisce through
reading. These books are developed by Reading2Connect and are specifically for individuals with memory impairment. This program is co-sponsored with the Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library and will be held at the Lymes’ Senior Center. Caregivers are required to attend. For more information or to sign up please call Linda Alexander, Reference Librarian (860)434-1684. In addition, feel free to enjoy lunch with us that day at 12:00pm for $3.00 for persons 60 and over. Lunch reservations need to be made in advance. Call (860)388-1611 and tell them you wish to make lunch reservations for the Old Lyme Site.