U.S. Bases around the World

Join us Wednesday, February 19th at 1:00pm for Jared Day’s Current Events lecture on U.S. Bases around the World. Space is limited and preregistration is required for this free to members lecture (non-members are $10.00), please call 860-434-4127 to register.

Memory Screening Clinic

Join us Tuesday, February 18th from 12:30pm- 3:00pm we will be holding a Memory Screening Clinic. The Lyme’s Senior Center and Coastal Connecticut Research in New London are partnering to offer no cost, confidential memory screenings as a service to the community for memory loss or suspected early
signs of Alzheimer’s. Individual memory screenings at the must be by appointment. Call 860-434-1605 Ext 240. Memory screenings will take approximately 15 minutes

Attorney General’s Office will be Speaking about the Latest Scams

Wednesday, January 22nd
A Representative of the Attorney General’s Office will be speaking about the latest scams – how to protect yourself and what to do if victim of a scam at 10:30 am.

This event is sponsored by the Groton TRIAD program for senior safety.
<Groton Senior Center, Groton Town Police, Senior Resources, Peoples United Bank and GSC Volunteers>

RSVP at 860-441-6785
at Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road Groton, CT 06340

Phone Photography Class.

Join us Monday, February 10 at 1:00pm for a Phone Photography Class. You no longer have to be a professional photographer to take nice photos. We will learn how to take photos using our smart phones. Learn how to edit them, and how to share them with others. Please bring your devices and phones. Pre-Registration required.

Coming up here at Groton Senior Center

Coming up here at your center this month!

-Friday, Jan.10 McLews Breakfast at 840 am RSVP
-Tuesday, Jan 14 Your Home Holistic Medicine Cabinet presentation at 11:30 am
-Wednesday, Fall Prevention class 10:30 am
-Thursday, Jan. 16 Bea Smith Clothing Sale 10-2
-Thursday, Jan. 16 Is Your Back Out of Whack? class 11 am
-Thursday, Jan. 16 French Riviera trip presentation 1 pm RSVP
-Saturday, Jan 18 Winter Ball Dinner ad Dance 5 pm RSVP
-Monday, Jan 20 – we are closed- MLK Jr Day
-Tuesday, Jan 28 day trip to Mystic Seaport Museum “Talk and Tea” RSVP

Also, NUTRITION Office Hours have changed to Thursday 9:30 am to 1 :30 pm now!