Bill Benson, Singer, Songwriter and Musician.

Wednesday, January 29th at 1:00pm Bill Benson, Singer, Songwriter and Musician performs an acoustic version of “Singing your Memories” with such songs as Sunshine on my Shoulders, Sweet Caroline, Country Roads etc.

Movie: “Judy”

Join us Tuesday, January 28th at 12:45pm for a showing of the 2019 Movie: Judy, which is based on Judy Garland’s life. Thirty years after starring in “The Wizard of Oz,” beloved actress and singer
Judy Garland arrives in London to perform sold-out shows at the Talk of the Town nightclub. While there, she reminisces with friends and fans and begins a whirlwind romance with musician Mickey Deans, her soon-to-be fifth husband. Join us for this free program.* Please note: If movie is not released to DVD before this date, this program will be postponed until after the release date and another movie will be shown in its place.

This week at Groton Senior Center

Good morning friends!

We are open regular times today, Monday, Dec 23 – tomorrow (Dec. 24)  we have our special Christmas Eve Breakfast (sorry- it is full now) and then close at noon.

We are open Thursday, Dec.  26th  and Friday, Dec 27th  until 4:30 pm.


Movie: “Downton Abbey”

Wednesday, January 22nd at 12:45pm we will be having a special showing of the newly released movie
“Downton Abbey”. After tips from the January 15th lecture, participants are encouraged, but not required to dress in Downton Abbey attire. Please call to sign up.

Center Hours Next Week

Next week (12/23- 12/27) our hours are as follows:
12/23 MONDAY open regular hours
12/24 TUESDAY close at noon – transportation to/ from center only
12/25 WEDNESDAY closed
12/26 THURSDAY close at 430 pm
12/27 FRIDAY close at 430 pm

NY Botanical Garden Holiday Train Show exhibit and Little Itlay

This is the 28th year of this amazing exhibit- thank you New York Botanical Garden for keeping up this grand holiday tradition! We are excited to be visiting N.Y.B.G. on Monday, Dec 30th!

We are off on this wonderful day trip Monday, December 30th departing form Groton Senior Center Parking lot on a deluxe motor coach. We visit the New York Botanical Garden- the Holiday Train Show exhibit then we have time on our own on Arthur Street of “Little Italy” – What a great day! Call 860-441-6785 or email  We only have so many spots left!

Annual Club 55 Holiday Lunch postponed to Tuesday, December 31st

Due to tomorrows weather report, the Annual Club 55 Holiday Lunch will be postponed until Tuesday, December 31st.

If you cannot make the new date, please call the center or stop by. 860-441-6785

The clubs raffle will still be drawn tomorrow, December 17th. The winners will be notified by staff. Thank you and always, please be safe if you travel tomorrow.


“Downton Abbey Style: Influences on Fashion, 1912 -1925”

Wednesday, January 15th at 1:00pm, Susan Jerome Susan J. Jerome, Collections Manager at the University of Rhode Island Historic Textile and Costume Collection. will present “Downton Abbey Style: Influences on Fashion, 1912 -1925”. In this lecture she will explore the social, technological, and political developments of the early twentieth century as reflected in the notable evolution of women’s and men’s clothing. This power point presentation will look back at what was fashionable, or not, as a way of understanding why people wore what they did. We will look at some of the influential designers and other persons involved in the years spanning the series. Time will be given for questions and discussion, which are encouraged. Please call to sign up.