Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Pizza and turkey grinders
$7 for one set of bingo sheets
Additional sheets available at an additional cost
Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Pizza and turkey grinders
$7 for one set of bingo sheets
Additional sheets available at an additional cost
For Lisbon Central School families in need: Pick a ticket and leave unwrapped gift with ticket in Karen’s office by December 18th.
Meeting at 7:00pm
Time: 12:00pm
Time: 1:00pm-6:00pm
Call for an appointment at 1-800-733-2767 or visit us online at redcrossblood.org to schedule an appointment.
Blood Drive held in the Community Room
Time- 11:30am
Menu: Seafood Newburg, sage stuffed chicken w/ cranberry sauce, bowtie pasta, garden salad, biscuits, punch, coffee
Entertainment: Ledyard HS Carolers
Cost: $10 members, $15 nonmembers
Register by Friday, December 13th
Time: 4:30pm to 7:30pm
Join family and neighbors at this start to the holiday season! Mystic Chamber of Commerce will be here at GSC—inside and outside. There will be caroling, food trucks, horse drawn carriage rides, bell choir, tree lighting, Ledyard Carolers, cookie decorating, letters to Santa, Christmas Tree decoration contest, AND of course, Santa!
Here are a couple of our fabulous volunteers, we are so fortunate to have such dedicated individuals who give their time and talent to Groton Senior Center.
Elizabeth Hogan decided to take part in Groton Senior Center after retiring as a Registered Nurse. She had also promised her brother that she would join. While participating in the great classes the center has to offer she was approached by Carol Pratt who asked Elizabeth to volunteer on our TRIAD committee, she agreed and the rest is history. Elizabeth has been a volunteer for the past 9 years and is very enthusiastic, pro-active and incorporates inclusion within the TRIAD committee. She actively promotes the TRIAD program on a regular basis to seniors who don’t drive and live alone; along with those that do still drive, this way all seniors have a sense of safety.
Elizabeth calls herself “a pop up volunteer” whether she’s needed to bake something for Club 55, help in the pouring rain at Waterstock, donate items to the flea market or step in last minute to cover as a trip supervisor — you can always count on her.
Elizabeth loves traveling (see photo of her boarding the luxurious Rocky Mountaineer), enjoying GSC day trips and participating in the Stretch, Strength and Balance class offered here at the center. Elizabeth stated “when you retire your whole circle of friends changes. Being a part of somewhere as great as the Groton Senior Center whether you’re volunteering or taking a class, it allows you to meet the wonderful staff and other seniors – you end up making new friends and having fun!!”
Alexandra Bettridge (Alex) decided to volunteer at the senior center because she absolutely loves older adults and likes to be an advocate for folks that maybe can no longer help them self.
Alex volunteers in our cell phone help class weekly at the center and is very knowledgeable and patient. She stated that she had seen an advertisement on Facebook stating that we were looking for volunteers to help with this class and she just knew this would be the perfect fit for her because she is often told that she is super with cell phones. When Alex is not volunteering at the senior center she enjoys being a nanny, a caregiver for older adults and taking hikes with her dog.
We appreciate all that you do Elizabeth and Alex, it’s individuals like yourself that make a difference in the lives of others!!