St. Vincent de Paul Place Donations drop off by Wednesday December 18th

The Rose City Senior Center will be collecting items to donate to the St. Vincent de Paul Place in Norwich this Holiday Season.  St. Vincent de Paul Place is a community meal site and food pantry that strives to meet the needs of individuals and families who are struggling financially in the Norwich area.

Items that are needed: soup, canned vegetables, pasta sauce, pasta, canned fruit, tuna, jelly, peanut butter, beans, coffee, sugar, oatmeal, soap, deodorant, razors, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream, winter hats, winter gloves, socks, toilet paper, paper towels, dog food, cat food, wash clothes, and reusable or plastic shopping bags.  Monetary donations and gift cards to Stop & Shop, ShopRite, Big Y, Walmart and Target are also appreciated.

*Please be sure all items are canned or in plastic containersNO fresh, refrigerated or frozen items.  Also, items must be new, in unopened containers and not expired.*

If you would like to make a donation, please drop items off at Reception no later than Wednesday, December 18th so we can get the items to St. Vincent de Paul Place!


Wednesday, December 4th – Safety Research Survey

Time: 10:45am

Interested in helping college students conduct research about safety?  We want to hear from you!
Students from Eastern Connecticut State University will be here collecting survey data on different safety topics.  Topics included motor vehicle and firearm safety.  We urge you to come join us to learn more about older adult safety practices and take a brief survey.  Snacks will be provided and participants will be entered into a raffle to win $10 visa gift cards.  Hope to see you there!
Sign up at Reception if you will be attending.

Wednesday, December 11th- Mini Holiday Craft Fair

Time- 9:30am to 1:30pm

Stop by for some holiday shopping at our mini craft fair.  Hand-made crafts and one of a kind items!  A great way to pick up some holiday gifts and support local crafters.  Hope to see you there!





THURSDAY, DEC 5th 10:30-11:30 AM

with Groton Senior Center’s Registered Dietitian Deb

You will learn tips for heart-healthy holiday eating – how to enjoy your favorite foods without feeling Deprived AND a holiday favorite will be available for taste testing!


GetTechnology Help with Our TECHY TEENS Program Monday Dec. 2nd

Please join us for our next TECHY TEENS Program Monday Dec 2nd 4-5 pm

Anyone 55 and older is invited to attend this computer workshop to receive help with their computers, phones and devices from a teen volunteer. Seniors are encouraged to register with the Groton Senior Center. This program meets at the Groton Senior Center in partnership with the Teen Program at Groton Public Library.

Holiday Luncheon and Performance by the LOL High School Select Singers

Thursday, December 19th at 12:00pm for our Holiday Luncheon and Performance by the LOL High School Select Singers. Call 860-388-1611 to sign up for our luncheon! This group of performers is truly amazing! You won’t want to miss this!

Yankee Gift Swap

Wednesday, December 18th at 12:45pm we will be having enjoying a Yankee Swap. For those of you who are not familiar with this, here is what you need to know to participate. Everyone wanting to participate brings a wrapped gift worth $5.00. Be creative, it should be a gift that others would like to own. When you bring your gift you will pick a number. 1 through however many people. The more people that come the “funner” it is! The first person picks a gift and unwraps it. Then the second person picks a gift or takes the one that the first person picks. If the second person chooses the first persons gift, the first person picks another gift and unwraps it. The game continues until the last person picks a gift.

Ugly Sweater Luncheon

Wednesday, December 18th at 11:30pm Ugly Sweater Luncheon. Break out your ugliest sweater, or your most festive holiday get up and head to the party! Anyone who dresses for the occasion will get a free lunch and be entered to win a gift card plus, we’ll be giving away prizes for the ugliest sweater and the most festive outfit! Call (860)434-4322 to sign up! Lunch will start at 12:00pm!

Holiday Show with Tim Buffaro

On Tuesday, December 17th at 1:00pm, Tim Baffaro, one of Old Lyme’s own will be here to present a holiday show full of music and good times. His performance will feature a trumpet, songs, props and fun! Audience participation is required! This program is sure to get you into the holiday spirit. Please call (860)434-4127 to register

Christmas Caroling to our Shut In’s

Monday, December 16th from 12:45pm-3:00pm for Christmas Caroling to our Shut In’s. Come get in the holiday spirit with us as we go caroling to the Shut In’s. No musical experience needed. We will meet here at 12:45pm and carpool to our destinations. We will enjoy cookies and hot chocolate back at the center after our musical visits. Song Sheets will be provided. Please call to sign up. 860-434-4127.