My Favorite Sayings

A sound argument doesn’t require a lot of sound.                             

Useful information is anything you wish you had known sooner.

The best birthdays of all are those that haven’t arrived yet.

If you have an hour to spare, don’t spend it with someone who doesn’t.

One may round out a good life by square dealing.

Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.

Age is not the years of your life but the liveliness of your years.

The best flattery-free compliment is imitation.

Cafe Program

Our October menu consists of the following meals.  Our program is closed on Monday October 14th in observance of Columbus Day.

On October 21st the menu will consist of Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken, Garlic Roasted Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Fruit Cocktail, bread, butter and  beverage.

On October 28th we will serve Applesauce & Sage Glazed Pork Loin w/Root Vegetables, rice Pilaf, Broccoli, Sweet Treat, Apple Juice, bread, butter and beverage.

Lunch reservations must be made to participate in the program.  Please call by the preceding Thursday for a luncheon reservation on Monday.  The telephone number at the Preston Senior Center (Monday AM, Tuesday & Thursday 1 – 4 PM) is 860-889-0770 or leave a message with your name, telephone number and reservation information at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.

There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per person (60 years of age and older) to participate in this program.

Energy Assistance Program

If you are having difficulty paying your utility bill, especially during the winter heating season, please note that the Senior Affairs Office does assist Preston residents in completing the application.  The first day for fuel deliveries that can be paid by the program is November 13, 2019.  If you are unsure as to whether you qualify for the program, please call the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6 with your questions or to set-up an appointment.

PVMS Luncheon and Volunteer Reading Program

We’re happy to announce that our Luncheon and Volunteer Reading Program will begin on Wednesday, November 20TH and continue on Wednesday, December 18th.  The Volunteer Reading Program will begin at 10:30 a.m. .  Lunch will be served at 11:00 a.m.  Please register for the program of choice.  Phone 860-887-5581 ext. 6 or a sign-up sheet is available at the Preston Senior Center.  The menu for the November luncheon has not been determined at this date.

Wednesday, October 16th- Annual Flu – Pneumonia – Shingles Clinic

As a reminder, Wednesday, October 16th is the date of our annual clinic.  Persons who have registered for the clinic will have received written correspondence regarding the event or in some cases, personal contact or a telephone call.  We will have a volunteer assisting with the parking arrangements.  Handicapped parking is available in the rear of the building.  If you need to use a wheelchair, please call the Senior Affairs Office in advance of clinic day to ensure that one will be available for you.  We ask that if possible, that you remain with us for 10 to 15 minutes to ensure that you do not encounter any adverse reaction to the injections.  This will give you a great opportunity to visit with friends and neighbors and partake in a light refreshment.

First Ladies: An Adventure in Glamour, Guts and Gumption.

Wednesday, November 13th at 1:00pm for First Ladies: An Adventure in Glamour, Guts & Gumption. Learn the personalities and adventures of the women who became the First Ladies of the United States. Who were they really? What made  them tick? Did they love or loathe their role? Did they sink or swim navigating the complexities of politics, protocol and publicity, whether they did so willingly or not? The presentation is designed to be lively, humorous and engaging by weaving historical and modern events and facts about First Ladies to understand and appreciate the important role they play, starting with Martha Washington. Presenter Mariann Millard will be sharing her personal anecdotes as a Licensed DC Guide leading tours in DC. This will be judiciously used to enhance the First Lady experience. Join us for this free event. Please call (860) 434-4127 to register.

Lunch with Trooper Greg Hunter

Wednesday, November 13th at 11:30pm join us for our Officer for Lunch Program. We will welcome Resident Trooper Greg Hunter to eat lunch and visit with us.

18 Steps To Fall Proof Your Home

Tuesday, November 12th at 1:00pm for “18 Steps to Fall Proof your Home” presented by Care One Security representative Jeff Piscitelli. Did you know that 1 in 4 Americans aged 65+ falls every year? Fall are the leading cause of fatal and  non-fatal injuries for older Americans. Come learn how through practical lifestyle adjustments, evidenced-based programs,  and community partnerships, the number of falls can be reduced substantially