You could be our Club 55 Secretary for 2020

We Want You!
Club 55 is looking for interested individuals for Club secretary for 2020. Club 55 is run entirely by volunteers 55 and older. Interested? Contact a Club Officer by calling our front desk 860-441-6785 or come to the meeting to discuss what is involved.

Perspective On Africa: Past and Present

Friday, November 8th at 1:00pm for part 3 of our Current Lecture Series with Jared Day, PHD: Perspective on Africa: Past and Present. Long labeled a region in crisis, most of Africa has experienced remarkable growth and relative stability in recent decades. This lecture explores colonial and post-colonial trends in this part of the world, looking at why many countries
experienced so much adversity while others have made progress.

Enrollment is open for the Aging Mastery program® (AMP)

Groton Senior Center invites area residents to  “Master Aging” With 8-Week Health and Wellness Progra

The Groton Senior Center is pleased to announce that enrollment is open for the Aging Mastery program® (AMP). AMP is a nationally recognized, fun and interactive class for adults 50 and older that encourages developing sustainable behaviors that lead to health improvements, stronger economic security, enhanced well-being and increased participation in society. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) created AMP to develop new expectations, norms and pathways for people aged 50-100 to make the most of their gift of longevity. AMP is coordinated in Connecticut by the Connecticut Healthy Living Collective and Connecticut Community Care.

Aging Mastery Program® classes explore navigating longer lives, physical activity, sleep, healthy eating and hydration, financial fitness, medication management, advanced planning, healthy relationships, falls prevention, and community engagement.  For each of the classes, basic educational materials developed by highly trusted sources are provided, along with a checklist of potential next steps and a system for tracking behaviors.  Participants will earn points for positive actions and rewards.

“NCOA is delighted to see that the Aging Mastery Program® in Connecticut fully supports our national research and that participants find the program fun and beneficial to their health,” said James Firman, President & CEO of NCOA.  “It’s clear that residents here are taking their health care seriously and participating and recognizing that mastery of certain behaviors will lead to improved health, stronger financial security and overall well-being”.

Preliminary results from across the country show that after taking the 8 sessions, AMP participants significantly increased their physical activity levels, had healthier eating habits, increased their use of advanced planning, stayed more socially connected and participated in evidence-based self-management programs.

If you are interested in learning more about the program, please call the Groton Senior Center at 860-441-6623 or email colsen@groton.ct-gov.  This program will begin Tuesday, October 22 2019 at 5:00 pm located at 102 Newtown Road, Groton , CT 06340

SCAM alert

If you are an Eversource customer, please read the IMPORTANT message below regarding a new scam that has recently surfaced-

⚠️ Watch out for a new scam circling around ⚠️. This time scammers are calling to say they need to install a new meter for the customer to avoid being disconnected, but they have to make an immediate payment of $300 first This is NOT us. If you ever question any phone call or encounter, please contact us immediately at 800-286-2000 and alert your local police department. We’re here when you need us. #ScamAlert #StopScams

Pain Management Educational class Friday at 11

Avalon Health Center at Stoneridge  presents

Tips on Pain Management Educational Class

Friday, October 11th at 11:00 am.

Main topics for discussion will include the

  • use of heat vs cold
  • self-help tips
  • alternative pain management strategies


The Troubadoures Senior Variety Show

Wednesday, November 6th at 1:00pm as we welcome back The Troubadours Senior Variety Show. What’s with all the laughing? Join us and find out as Elmwood Senior Citizens entertain, sing, dance, tell jokes, and perform hilarious musical skits. If you love laughing…don’t miss this show!!

Medicare Updates

Tuesday, November 5th at 1:00pm for Medicare Updates with John. This will be presented by John Pitarra, Senior Benefits and Medicare Specialist from Senior Health Insurance Associates.

What to know about Primary Care Provider- CONTENT BY JUDY

Once upon a time the doctor we went to for everything was our family doctor but now they are called our PCP or Primary Care Providers. They can be MDs, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.   We go to them for a yearly exam, a cold, and other common medical problems. If you don’t have a PCP it can become very hard to get any other health care.

We need a Primary Care Provider who fits into our insurance plan, will be available for the majority of our health issues and who we have trust in. Someone we feel comfortable talking to.

The problem often is when our trusted doctor retires or moves. Our insurance no longer covers our doctor. And now we need to find someone new.

Generally, we will ask our family and friends who they use. What they like and dislike about that provider and their practice. Then is the provider covered by our insurance. Are they part of that network? Are they taking new patients?

You also can ask other doctors for recommendations. You can ask your dentist or pharmacist as well.

Then the next step is… Are the Primary Care Providers you’re considering easy to get to? Do their office hours work for you? Again, double check that they are part of the network of health care you are in.

Once you have narrowed it done to one, two or three Primary Care Providers, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Go for a visit and see if you like them. Did they take enough time with you? Did they seem interested in you as a person? Did they answer your questions? Was the office staff helpful and friendly?

If the answer is yes to the questions that are important to you then you’re all set. Otherwise keep looking!

Don’t settle. This is an important decision. Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make.

Remember not everyone likes the same people or the same professionals. That’s why there are so many to choose from.

Find the Doctor and the practice that fits you so that you are comfortable when you are the sickest knowing you are getting the best health care available.
