What to know about Primary Care Provider- CONTENT BY JUDY

Once upon a time the doctor we went to for everything was our family doctor but now they are called our PCP or Primary Care Providers. They can be MDs, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.   We go to them for a yearly exam, a cold, and other common medical problems. If you don’t have a PCP it can become very hard to get any other health care.

We need a Primary Care Provider who fits into our insurance plan, will be available for the majority of our health issues and who we have trust in. Someone we feel comfortable talking to.

The problem often is when our trusted doctor retires or moves. Our insurance no longer covers our doctor. And now we need to find someone new.

Generally, we will ask our family and friends who they use. What they like and dislike about that provider and their practice. Then is the provider covered by our insurance. Are they part of that network? Are they taking new patients?

You also can ask other doctors for recommendations. You can ask your dentist or pharmacist as well.

Then the next step is… Are the Primary Care Providers you’re considering easy to get to? Do their office hours work for you? Again, double check that they are part of the network of health care you are in.

Once you have narrowed it done to one, two or three Primary Care Providers, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Go for a visit and see if you like them. Did they take enough time with you? Did they seem interested in you as a person? Did they answer your questions? Was the office staff helpful and friendly?

If the answer is yes to the questions that are important to you then you’re all set. Otherwise keep looking!

Don’t settle. This is an important decision. Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make.

Remember not everyone likes the same people or the same professionals. That’s why there are so many to choose from.

Find the Doctor and the practice that fits you so that you are comfortable when you are the sickest knowing you are getting the best health care available.


What to know about Primary Care Provider- CONTENT BY JUDY

Once upon a time the doctor we went to for everything was our family doctor but now they are called our PCP or Primary Care Providers. They can be MDs, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.   We go to them for a yearly exam, a cold, and other common medical problems. If you don’t have a PCP it can become very hard to get any other health care.

We need a Primary Care Provider who fits into our insurance plan, will be available for the majority of our health issues and who we have trust in. Someone we feel comfortable talking to.

The problem often is when our trusted doctor retires or moves. Our insurance no longer covers our doctor. And now we need to find someone new.

Generally, we will ask our family and friends who they use. What they like and dislike about that provider and their practice. Then is the provider covered by our insurance. Are they part of that network? Are they taking new patients?

You also can ask other doctors for recommendations. You can ask your dentist or pharmacist as well.

Then the next step is… Are the Primary Care Providers you’re considering easy to get to? Do their office hours work for you? Again, double check that they are part of the network of health care you are in.

Once you have narrowed it done to one, two or three Primary Care Providers, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Go for a visit and see if you like them. Did they take enough time with you? Did they seem interested in you as a person? Did they answer your questions? Was the office staff helpful and friendly?

If the answer is yes to the questions that are important to you then you’re all set. Otherwise keep looking!

Don’t settle. This is an important decision. Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make.

Remember not everyone likes the same people or the same professionals. That’s why there are so many to choose from.

Find the Doctor and the practice that fits you so that you are comfortable when you are the sickest knowing you are getting the best health care available.


What to know about Primary Care Provider- CONTENT BY JUDY

Once upon a time the doctor we went to for everything was our family doctor but now they are called our PCP or Primary Care Providers. They can be MDs, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.   We go to them for a yearly exam, a cold, and other common medical problems. If you don’t have a PCP it can become very hard to get any other health care.

We need a Primary Care Provider who fits into our insurance plan, will be available for the majority of our health issues and who we have trust in. Someone we feel comfortable talking to.

The problem often is when our trusted doctor retires or moves. Our insurance no longer covers our doctor. And now we need to find someone new.

Generally, we will ask our family and friends who they use. What they like and dislike about that provider and their practice. Then is the provider covered by our insurance. Are they part of that network? Are they taking new patients?

You also can ask other doctors for recommendations. You can ask your dentist or pharmacist as well.

Then the next step is… Are the Primary Care Providers you’re considering easy to get to? Do their office hours work for you? Again, double check that they are part of the network of health care you are in.

Once you have narrowed it done to one, two or three Primary Care Providers, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Go for a visit and see if you like them. Did they take enough time with you? Did they seem interested in you as a person? Did they answer your questions? Was the office staff helpful and friendly?

If the answer is yes to the questions that are important to you then you’re all set. Otherwise keep looking!

Don’t settle. This is an important decision. Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make.

Remember not everyone likes the same people or the same professionals. That’s why there are so many to choose from.

Find the Doctor and the practice that fits you so that you are comfortable when you are the sickest knowing you are getting the best health care available.


What to know about Primary Care Provider- CONTENT BY JUDY

Once upon a time the doctor we went to for everything was our family doctor but now they are called our PCP or Primary Care Providers. They can be MDs, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.   We go to them for a yearly exam, a cold, and other common medical problems. If you don’t have a PCP it can become very hard to get any other health care.

We need a Primary Care Provider who fits into our insurance plan, will be available for the majority of our health issues and who we have trust in. Someone we feel comfortable talking to.

The problem often is when our trusted doctor retires or moves. Our insurance no longer covers our doctor. And now we need to find someone new.

Generally, we will ask our family and friends who they use. What they like and dislike about that provider and their practice. Then is the provider covered by our insurance. Are they part of that network? Are they taking new patients?

You also can ask other doctors for recommendations. You can ask your dentist or pharmacist as well.

Then the next step is… Are the Primary Care Providers you’re considering easy to get to? Do their office hours work for you? Again, double check that they are part of the network of health care you are in.

Once you have narrowed it done to one, two or three Primary Care Providers, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Go for a visit and see if you like them. Did they take enough time with you? Did they seem interested in you as a person? Did they answer your questions? Was the office staff helpful and friendly?

If the answer is yes to the questions that are important to you then you’re all set. Otherwise keep looking!

Don’t settle. This is an important decision. Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make.

Remember not everyone likes the same people or the same professionals. That’s why there are so many to choose from.

Find the Doctor and the practice that fits you so that you are comfortable when you are the sickest knowing you are getting the best health care available.


What to know about Primary Care Provider- CONTENT BY JUDY

Once upon a time the doctor we went to for everything was our family doctor but now they are called our PCP or Primary Care Providers. They can be MDs, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.   We go to them for a yearly exam, a cold, and other common medical problems. If you don’t have a PCP it can become very hard to get any other health care.

We need a Primary Care Provider who fits into our insurance plan, will be available for the majority of our health issues and who we have trust in. Someone we feel comfortable talking to.

The problem often is when our trusted doctor retires or moves. Our insurance no longer covers our doctor. And now we need to find someone new.

Generally, we will ask our family and friends who they use. What they like and dislike about that provider and their practice. Then is the provider covered by our insurance. Are they part of that network? Are they taking new patients?

You also can ask other doctors for recommendations. You can ask your dentist or pharmacist as well.

Then the next step is… Are the Primary Care Providers you’re considering easy to get to? Do their office hours work for you? Again, double check that they are part of the network of health care you are in.

Once you have narrowed it done to one, two or three Primary Care Providers, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Go for a visit and see if you like them. Did they take enough time with you? Did they seem interested in you as a person? Did they answer your questions? Was the office staff helpful and friendly?

If the answer is yes to the questions that are important to you then you’re all set. Otherwise keep looking!

Don’t settle. This is an important decision. Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make.

Remember not everyone likes the same people or the same professionals. That’s why there are so many to choose from.

Find the Doctor and the practice that fits you so that you are comfortable when you are the sickest knowing you are getting the best health care available.



Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D/Prescription Drug Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans coverage is from October 15th to December 7th, 2019. Enrollees should review their coverage to determine if any changes are needed. If a change is made, it goes into effect as of January 1, 2020.

During this annual enrollment period changes can be made to various aspects of your coverage. You can switch from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage or vice versa. You can switch from one Medicare

Advantage plan to another. You can switch from one Medicare Part D plan to another. And if you did not

enroll in a Medicare Part D plan when first eligible, you can do so during the General Open Enrollment,

although a late enrollment penalty may apply. Contact the Senior Center office if you need assistance.

Counselors will be available on Thu, Nov 14th starting at 9am. Call the Senior Center office for an appointment.


The Town of East Lyme is looking for someone to act as  its representative to the TVCCA Board. The meetings are quarterly at 5:30pm in the Conference Room of UCFS Health Center at 47 Town Street in Norwich, CT.

Please contact the Senior Center office if you are interested.


Wednesday, November 13th- Bus Trip to East Lyme High School

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations.  Number of seats very limited.

Departure time: 11:15am

Return time: TBA

Nov 13th – Join us for a special concert & lunch at the East Lyme High School. Seating for lunch is limited to 20 but the is plenty of room for the concert. Registration is required for the lunch and/or the concert. Departure time is 11:15am. Lunch fee is $5pp.


Wednesday, October 23rd- Bus Trip to Tea Kettle in Old Saybrook

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations.  Number of seats very limited.

Departure time: 11:00am

Return time: around 3:00pm

Oct 23rd – Join us for lunch at the Tea Kettle in Old Saybrook. Shopping afterwards and if the leaves cooperate, a bit of sight seeing! Departure from the Senior Center at 11am. Return time around 3pm. Trip fee is $pp.


Wednesday, October 9th- Bus Trip to Toyo Hibachi & Asian Fusion

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations.  Number of seats very limited.

Departure time: 11:00am

Return time: around 3:00pm

Oct 9th – Join us for lunch at Toyo Hibachi & Asian Fusion restaurant in Colchester.  Shopping afterwards and if the leaves cooperate, a bit of sight seeing! Departure from the Senior Center is 11am. Return around 3pm. Trip fee is $5pp.