Thursday, November 14th- Pain Management

Join Lynn Hillman, Clinical Liaison for Avalon Health Center at Stoneridge in Mystic together with Melissa Perry, Director of Rehabilitation Services at Avalon Health Center, for an educational presentation on the use of heat vs cold and alternative pain management strategies for ease of minor aches and pains…no advice – just education!

Sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


City of Norwich ~ Disability Awareness Week

Municipal Roundtable (featuring key City Employees on topics of ADA relevance)

Thursday, October 10, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Where:  Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive

Legislative Panel Discussion on Past and Upcoming Disability-Related Legislation

Friday, October 11, 10:30 – 11:45am

Where:  Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive

These events are part of the City of Norwich Disability Awareness Week, October 7-12, 2019.  Events are free and open to the public.  For a calendar of all events, go to

Questions or for written material in large print or other disability-related accommodation, contact Elanah Sherman by September 30thContact info: or (860) 614-7200. 

Disability Awareness Week is sponsored by the Norwich Commission for Persons with Disabilities, with the essential support of the City of Norwich Office of the Mayor, Norwich Public Utilities, Otis Library, and Rose City Senior Center.



On Tuesday, November 5th, the Senior Center is being used as a voting precinct.

The building will be CLOSED for the day except for voting.  ALL Senior Center programs and classes are cancelled for the day.   ALL rooms will be closed.  NO lunch will be served. 

We will still provide transportation to Medical Appointments and Walmart Shopping.



A big Thank You goes out to all the wonderful volunteers who recently helped at the Senior Center Summer Picnic in August!

Thank You to Debbie Andrus, Eva Blodgett, Ann Carignan, Michael Lewis, Rebecca Melucci, Dennis Ossont, Pat Sanderson, Betty Trudelle and Rene Trudelle who helped with the set up, food preparation, serving and clean up.

Thank You to Paulette Devino, Mike Manning, Phil Murtha, Lolita Wood and Bill Wrobel of Roseland Combo for providing some amazing musical entertainment during the picnic!


Thursday, October 31st: TALK- Am I Too Old for a Mammogram?

Are you wondering if you should stop having yearly mammograms due to your age?  In fact, 80% of all breast cancer occurs in women over 50.  Come join us to learn more about whether you should continue with breast cancer screening.  We’ll include time for your questions after the presentation.

Presentation by Dr. Kathleen Kurowski, MD, Breast Surgeon at Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Backus Hospital.

Sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


Happy Retirement Paul Erickson!

Paul Erickson, a.k.a Driver Paul, is retiring after over 14 years of service to the Rose City Senior Center.

Paul started as a Driver with the Senior Center on April 18, 2005.  During his many years of excellent service he was a very loyal and responsible employee who strived to give the best possible service he could.  Paul was very kind-hearted and always willing to go above and beyond (although sometimes with a little grumble).

Anyone who knew Paul, knew to always expect some sarcasm, a witty little joke and most definitely a warm smile.  Even through some of his aches and pains and occasional ailments he was sure to keep those qualities going.  He impressed us all with his willingness to work through some difficult times.

Paul’s commitment to the Rose City Senior Center was second to none.  As a person and an employee, you simply couldn’t find anyone better.  We wish Paul and his beautiful wife of over 50 years the best in his retirement and hope to see his smiling face on occasion here at the Rose City Senior Center.


Wednesday, October 30th- Flu Clinic

No Appointment Necessary – Just Walk-In

Vaccine covered by Medicare and the Medicare Advantage Plans for Aetna, Anthem and

ConnectiCare or the following insurance companies: Aetna, Anthem (including Blue Cross/Blue Shield), ConnectiCare and Cigna.  There is a fee for anyone not covered by Medicare or insurance.

Please bring a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card or Medicare card to provide your identification and information needed to bill your insurance.

Conducted by Hartford Healthcare at Home


Happy Active Aging Week!

You all are already quite active and we want to keep you that way!  We have planned a few special presentations this week with enhancing your life in mind!

Tomorrow, Wednesday, at 9 am we have Clear Captions here for you to learn more about and then at 11 am we have Lawrence + Memorial (L+M) Hospital will offer a Parkinson Program. Both are free and open to the public!

Thursday at 11 am – we have a Vertigo presentation – it’s enough to make you head spin!!  Have you or someone you know ever suffered from Vertigo?  Come Learn what causes Vertigo, dizziness, headaches and imbalance. Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Centers is going to talk about causes and remedies.

Volunteer Opportunities

Please consider volunteering. Please contact Tomi at 860-441– 6782 about volunteering. *Check out our Volunteer Board in the hallway by our offices. We are looking for volunteers for the following events coming soon.  TRIAD Dinner, Chili Cook Off, Club Harvest Bazaar, Thanksgiving Dinner, Groton Holiday Kickoff Celebration.