Immigration in International Perspective

Join us on Friday, October 11th at 1:00pm for the second part
of our three part Current Events Lecture Series with Jared Day,
PhD. This series explores a number of key issues that ripple
through contemporary debates on immigration. We will be examining
some of the chief economic and demographic drivers
of immigration, both in Europe and the United States. We shall
also study the immigration challenges faced by Americans, Europeans,
and Asians as they try to maintain a delicate balance
between culture economy and society. This program is free for
all members but space is limited and preregistration is required,
please register by calling (860)434-4127

Day trip to the BIG E Fair Friday, Sept 13th

Day trip to the BIG E Fair Friday, Sept 13th

Friday, Sept. 13 is Be A Kid For A Day, Military Appreciation Day.  It is also the FIRST day of the BIG E so all will be freshly presented & clean.

We are taking our own (so, no other pickups) motor coach bus to the BIG E.

The Big E, also known as The Eastern States Exposition, is billed as “New England’s Great State fair”. It is the largest agricultural event on the eastern seaboard and the seventh-largest fair in the nation.

$50 pp includes deluxe coach transportation,driver gratuity and admission to the fair.

Wear your walking shoes for this one!!

We leave Groton Senior Center at 8:30AM  We depart The BIG E at 5 pm.  860-441-6785


Day-tripping to the BIG-E this Friday!

Weather is looking great for day one the BIG E – this Friday- and we still have 5 spots left!! Come on in to claim your spot on this fun filled time at New England’s Biggest Fair!

$50 per person to go with us Friday, Sept 13th – includes your BIG E admission ticket, privately chartered round trip motor coach transportation and driver tip. This bus leaves 8:30 am and returns to Groton Sr Center approximately at 6 pm. Call 860-441-6785 or

Click here for all the details


Bargain Beauties Art Sale

The Shoreline Artisits Workshop of the Lymes’ Senior Center
will be selling beautiful paintings, prints, cards, frames, &
art supplies at a discount on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH
FROM 9AM-12PM. * A portion of the sale will benefit the
Lymes’ Senior Center. CASH AND CHECKS WILL BE

Music: Jeffrey Engel presents Chopin…

Wednesday, October 9th at 1:00, Jeffrey Engel presents “Chopin, Liszt, and Berlioz: Friends & Frenimeeze

7th Annual Veterans Luncheon

Tuesday, October 8th at 1:00 pm we will hold our 7th Annual Veterans Luncheon at the Lymes’ Senior Center. If you are a Veteran interested in connecting with other veterans and active duty military in attendance, join us for this scrumptious free luncheon prepared by Atria Crossroads in your honor. Please call the Lymes’ Senior Center at 860-434-1605 ext.240 before Oct. 1st to sign up. Please feel free to wear your service proud.

America’s First Citizen: Ben Franklin and His Time

America’s First Citizen: Ben Franklin & His Time
The second lecture in our American History Lecture Series
with Jared Day, PhD will be held on Friday, October 4th at
1:00pm. This lecture focuses on one of the most renowned
statesmen and enlightened figures of the colonial era. Ben
Franklin was an international star through much of the eighteenth
century, and, for many Europeans, he represented
what it meant to be an American and what might be possible
in the “new world”. This course will focus on Franklin’s extraordinary
evolution from a powerful advocate for his king
and the British Empire to one of its harshest critics and an
extraordinary voice in support of the America’s revolutionary
cause. Space is limited and preregistration is required for this
program free to members by calling (860)434-4127.
7th Annual

Doo-Wop, Dancing & Drinks With THE CORVETTES Oct. 17th

Thursday, October 17th- The Senior Centers of SECT present: Doo-Wop, Dancing & Drinks With THE CORVETTES

$20 pp – tickets on sale now!!

7 pm-8 pm Hors D’oeuvres
8 pm-10 pm Enjoy the Band
Cash Bar with specialty drinks
50/50 raffle
Held at Langley’s Restaurant.
Seating Limited.
Call or stop by Groton Senior Center for your tickets  860-441-6785

Your Veterans Benefits – CONTENT BY JUDY

If you served in the military and have an honorable discharge your level of VA benefits varies according to a whole lot of factors. When you served. Where you served. How long you were in. Plus, other details.

But the good news is there is someone out there waiting to help you figure out which benefits you are entitled to.

And I used the word “entitled” because they are your benefits. You earned them by serving and you deserve them.

And remember things are always changing. So, if you asked about your VA benefits when you first got out or five years ago. Even last year. Ask again because lots of factors have changed.

I mentioned having an honorable discharge and even that has been relooked at.

Also depending on your service, you might be entitled to things someone else doesn’t get. Or they get something you can’t get.

And regardless there is help out there for all veterans.

Depending on where you live is where you need to go. A great starting point is the VA website and it’s super easy to find. Go to the website and poke around. Its jam packed with information for you.

Check with your Senior Center and Town Hall. They can point you in the right direction. Call your Senator and Representative they can help as well.

Here in Connecticut each town has a Veteran Representative trained to help all veterans. There are VA clinics and VA hospitals. Plus, a growing number of Veterans Coffeehouses.

Ask for guidance. Stop in talk with the folks. Share your story.

Remember to visit for the website.

Make some phone calls!

They are waiting to help you!!