Time: 12:00pm to 1:15pm
Call senior center for more information.
Time: 12:00pm to 1:15pm
Call senior center for more information.
Lunch is provided.
Register by Friday, September 20th.
Call senior center for more information.
Register by Friday, September 6th.
Call senior center for more information.
Register by Friday, September 6th.
Call senior center for more information.
Time: 10:00am
Come out to discuss: Inspiration quotes, Mentoring, dealing with issues, legacy, shopping, hobbies, religious beliefs, love, forgiveness, life lessons, work history, how to experience peace in your life, prayer, prayer life, health, books, music, family.
Refreshments will be provided.
Hosted by: Lona and Jeannette
If you served in the military and have an honorable discharge your level of VA benefits varies according to a whole lot of factors. When you served. Where you served. How long you were in. Plus, other details.
But the good news is there is someone out there waiting to help you figure out which benefits you are entitled to.
And I used the word “entitled” because they are your benefits. You earned them by serving and you deserve them.
And remember things are always changing. So, if you asked about your VA benefits when you first got out or five years ago. Even last year. Ask again because lots of factors have changed.
I mentioned having an honorable discharge and even that has been relooked at.
Also depending on your service, you might be entitled to things someone else doesn’t get. Or they get something you can’t get.
And regardless there is help out there for all veterans.
Depending on where you live is where you need to go. A great starting point is the VA website and it’s super easy to find. VA.gov. Go to the website and poke around. Its jam packed with information for you.
Check with your Senior Center and Town Hall. They can point you in the right direction. Call your Senator and Representative they can help as well.
Here in Connecticut each town has a Veteran Representative trained to help all veterans. There are VA clinics and VA hospitals. Plus, a growing number of Veterans Coffeehouses.
Ask for guidance. Stop in talk with the folks. Share your story.
Remember to visit VA.gov for the website.
Make some phone calls!
They are waiting to help you!!
Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm
Come join us for cake and entertainment to celebrate our members who had birthdays in September!
Did you see today’s front page of The Day? We are proud of what we offer our 55 and older community! Call to register for this great program 860-441-6785.
GSC Transportation Changes
The following changes to medical transportation have been made:
¨ Morning appointments must be made at 9:00, 9:30 or 10:00am.
¨ Afternoon appointments must be made at 1:00, 1:30 or 2:00pm.
¨ The center will not be able to take appointments at other times because it is difficult to get everyone where they need to be on time.
¨ If you have a 10am or a 2pm appointment and are not ready by 11:30am or by 3:30pm, you must use another transportation option to get home.
¨ You are responsible for telling your doctor’s office when you have transportation available for appointments.
Changes as of 9/1/19
Membership dues are due.
Only $5 annually
Sept 1, 2019– August 31, 2020