Call (860)434-1605 Ext. 241 or Email to register

May Social Hour– Wednesday, May 8th at 11 AM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme
Movie Monday: “TBD”- Monday, May 13th at 1 PM @ the Lyme Library
Special Luncheon– Tuesday, May 14th at 12 PM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme
Veterans Coffeehouse– Wednesday, May 15th at 9:45 AM @ Saint Ann’s Church
Lyme Village Voices– Tuesday, May 21st at 1 PM @ the First Congregational Church of OL
“Building Buzz”-Tuesday, May 28th at 11:15 AM @ First Congregational Church of OL

Building Renovation Update

Since February, when the Senior Center construction bids came in significantly higher than
estimated, the plans for the renovation and expansion project have been reviewed with a fine-toothed comb for savings that will not compromise the integrity or functionality of the Center. In addition, a plan for modernizing the kitchen has been added. This new package will go out to bid this month.
The people of Lyme and Old Lyme are being asked for an additional appropriation $660,000 (Old Lyme) and $220,000(Lyme).

Two Town Meetings will be held on April 15th, where citizens
of each town may vote:

• Lyme – 6:00 PM in the Lyme Town Hall
• Old Lyme – 7:30 PM in the Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium
Please come out and vote! 

In addition to this update, monthly “Building Buzz” information sessions are being held every 4th
Tuesday at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme at 11:15 AM.
More information can be found on the Senior Center Building Committee’s webpage:

Upcoming Lectures

Upcoming Lectures FREE for members, $10 for non-members:

April 3rd at 1 PM: Americas Deadliest Night Club Disasters with the Bow Tie Historian

April 22nd at 1 PM: Famous Figures of the Wild West with Mallory Howard

May 1st at 1 PM: *More* Royal Assassinations w/ Bow Tie Historian

May 28th at 1 PM: Topic TBD w/ Mallory Howard

June 5th at 1 PM: The Guilded Age Mansions w/ the Bow Tie Historian

June 24th at 1 PM: Topic TBD w/ Mallory Howard

Gentle Walk Wednesdays with Wendy

Gentle Walk Wednesdays with Wendy– Meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM, location changes monthly. The walks are easy, fairly flat dirt paths with some uneven footing, unless noted. Gentle pace. Bring a walking stick, water bottle and dress for the weather. Reservations are required. Inclement weather cancels.

Wed.. April 17 at 9:30 AM @ Patrell Preserve, part of Chapel Farm Preserve, 11 Baker Ln, East Haddam. A portion of this preserve is in Lyme. There is a 0.3 mile ADA compliant blacktop path leading from the parking lot to a foot bridge over the Eightmile River. Depending upon group, we will walk the fairly easy 1-mile red dirt trail loop which follows three thousand feet along the Eightmile River and has interesting geological features. Directions: Take 156 to Baker Lane in Lyme, about 7.7 miles north of Halls Road traffic light in Old Lyme. Go 0.5 miles. Turn left into Chapel Farm Preserve parking lot.

Wed. May 15th., at 9:30 AM @ Watch Rock Preserve.

Take A Walk Wednesday With Wendy

-Take a Walk Wednesday with Wendy- Meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM, location changes monthly. The walks are moderate (narrow dirt paths with some uneven footing, rocks, and moderate inclines). Walk is paced to group. Mileage is approximate. Bring a water bottle and dress for the weather. Reservations are required. Inclement weather cancels.

We will meet On:

Wed., April 10th at 9:30 AM @ Hartman Park, Gungy Rd. Lyme CT: Meet at the Main Entrance
parking lot. The unique natural, historic and archeological features in Hartman Park make it a delight to explore. We will look for spring wildflowers. About 2.5 miles. Directions: The parking lot is about 1.5
miles north of the intersection of Gungy Rd, Beaver Brook Rd, and Grassy Hill Rd. In Lyme. From the
Hall’s Rd Old Lyme traffic light, travel north on 156 for 6.6 miles. Turn right onto Beaver Brook Rd and travel 2.7 to left at intersection.

Wed., May 8th at 9:30 AM @ John Lohman CT River Preserve; 33 Colt Lane, Old Lyme CT:

Downsizing Demystified

Downsizing Demystified will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd at 1 PM @ the Old Lyme Town Hall. Whether it be a relocation or simply wanting to tidy up the home, these tasks can be physically and mentally exhausting.   Planning, packing, moving, and dealing with the “stuff” in your home can cause anxiety and sleepless nights. Join Shelia Gavish for a free presentation and some great tips on how you can tackle the difficult task of “Downsizing” so you can “Right-size your life!”

“Building Buzz”

Building Buzz will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd at 11:15 AM @ First Cong. Church of OL. This meeting will take place every 4th Tuesday of each month until we get back into our new building! This will provide a more personalized experience in gaining knowledge about the progress of our new building. Come ask questions, and get in-the-know with updates of the Lymes’ Senior Center!

Halls Road Improvement Presentation

The Halls Road Improvement Presentation will be held on Wednesday, April 17th at 1 PM @ the Old Lyme Town Hall– Join us for this informational presentation facilitated by Howard Margules, board member of the Halls Road Improvement Committee.

Veterans Coffeehouse

A Veterans Coffeehouse held on Wednesday, April 17th at 9:45 AM @ Saint Ann’s Church- Meets the third Wednesday of the month, this program is sponsored by the Lymes’ Senior Center. All Veterans are welcome to join us for fellowship, camaraderie, and of course, breakfast refreshments! This program is free for all veterans in the community.

New Horizons Band

The New Horizons Band will play Tuesday, April 16th at 12:30 PM @ the First Cong. Church of OL.  Two local New Horizons Bands, the New Horizons Band of the Community Music School and the New Horizons Band of Southeastern Connecticut, will present a joint performance at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. The New Horizons Bands are designed to give seniors a platform to learn a new instrument or to revive long lost skills on an instrument from their past. Each band will perform music of various periods and styles, such as marches, show tunes and jazz. We
will also perform several selections together.