Wednesday, November 20th: November Day-Long Trip- The Price is Right LIVE! at Foxwoods Casino

Trip is open to any adult, 18 years and older.  This trip is Moderate walking.

The Price Is Right Live is the hit interactive stage show that gives eligible individuals the chance to hear their names called and “Come On Down” to win!  Prizes may include appliances, vacations and possibly a new car!  Play classic games just like on television’s longest running and most popular game show…from Plinko to Cliffhangers to The Big Wheel and even the fabulous Showcase.

Playing to near sold-out audiences for more than 14 years, the Price Is Right Live has entertained millions of guests and given away more than 12 million dollars in cash and prizes.

If you’re a fan of The Price Is Right on TV, you’ll no doubt love this exciting, live, on-stage version of the show!! (This on stage, live show is non-televised).

You will also be given a Festival Buffet food voucher and $10 in bonus slot play! 

A Foxwoods Rewards Card or photo ID is required to receive the buffet and slot bonus.

COST: $30 per person  Includes The Price is Right LIVE 2:00 p.m. matinee show ticket, Festival Buffet Lunch, $10 bonus slot play and transportation.  Limited tickets available

This trip will be using the Senior Center bus for transportation.

You are responsible for your own transportation to and from the Senior Center, before and after the trip.

9:45 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich

5:00 PM Approximate return time


*On your registration day, Dial (860) 889-5960.  When you hear the message  saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 and follow the instructions.*

Senior Center Members, Norwich Residents   -Beginning Monday, September 16 at 5:00pm

Senior Center Members, Non-Residents   -Beginning Tuesday, September 17 at 5:00pm

Open Registration (Any Adults, aged 18 and older)  -Beginning Wednesday, September 18 at 5:00pm


Thursday, October 10th- Municipal Roundtable ~ City of Norwich Disability Accessibility

Sponsored by the Norwich Commission for Persons with Disabilities.

​This event presents an opportunity to discuss with municipal employees the ways in which City services and programs are accessible to people with disabilities.  Bring questions and comments.  The Municipal Roundtable is part of the City of Norwich Disability Awareness Week, October 7 -12, 2019.

For written material in large print or other disability-related accommodation, contact Elanah Sherman at least ten working days before the event.   Contact info: or (860) 614-7200.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.

Parkinson’s Support Group- 4th Monday of the Month

People with Parkinson’s, family members, and friends are invited to join this support group to learn about resources and share information.  The group will meet every fourth Monday of the month at 11:30 a.m.  This group is sponsored by the American Parkinson Disease Association.

Contact Susan at (860) 696-5503 or with questions or to register.


Started 9/23/19

Regional Art Show Winners- Norwich Winners

Painting:   Oil-     2nd– Natalie Caron

Painting:   Acrylic-   3rd– Helen Krasun

Painting:  Watercolor-     1st– Ovida Carter

Drawing:   Pastel-   1st– Deborah Gaudet

Drawing:  Pen, Pencil or Ink-    2nd- Marcia Coyne

Photography-      3rd– Donna Weimer

Mixed Media-    2nd– Marcia Coyne

Thursday, September 26th: Lymphedema- Presented by Jamie Picone, PTA,CLT, Hartford Hospital Rehabilitation Network

Time: 10:00am

The World Health Organization estimates that over 250 million people worldwide live with Lymphedema or chronic swelling.  It is a disease that can cause pain, limit our mobility and
cause us to be insecure about ourselves.  Join a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) from Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation to learn more about the causes and effects of swelling, ways to manage it and how participation in skilled Physical and Occupational Therapy can help.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.

Wednesday, September 25th- Bus Trip to the Thimble Islands

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations.  Number of seats very limited.

Departure time: 9:30am

Return time: around 4:00pm

Sep 25th – Due to our large wait list from this previous trip, we will again offer an 11am cruise of the Thimble Islands located in Branford. Lunch will be afterwards at the U.S.S. Chowder Pot. Departure from the Senior Center at 9:30am. Return time around 4pm. Trip fee is $18pp. People on our current wait list will have first priority.  


Wednesday, September 11th- Bus Trip to Slater Memorial Museum and Caddyshack Restaurant

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations.  Number of seats very limited.

Departure time: 9:30am

Return time: around 3:00pm

Join us for a guided tour at the Slater Memorial Museum in Norwich, CT and see what a gem we have in our backyard. Afterwards, we’ll lunch at the Caddyshack Restaurant located at the Norwich Golf Course.

Thursday, November 7th- Day Trip to Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, MA.

Departure time: TBD

Return time: TBD

When registering for any of the below trips, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

DAY TRIPS Registration begins on the dates noted below. Register as soon as you can. Trip counts are required a month in advance to determine if we have the minimum number for a trip to run. Detailed flyers available for all Day Trips. 

Travel back in time with us as we enjoy a morning, guided tour of Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, MA. Enjoy this 200 acre outdoor history museum with time after lunch (lunch included) in the afternoon to wander and explore. Trip fee is $102. A lot of walking. Registration begins Sep 3rd.

Sunday, November 24th- Day Trip to Newport Playhouse & Cabaret

Departure time: TBD

Return time: TBD

When registering for any of the below trips, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

DAY TRIPS Registration begins on the dates noted below. Register as soon as you can. Trip counts are required a month in advance to determine if we have the minimum number for a trip to run. Detailed flyers available for all Day Trips. 

Start your holiday celebrations with a murder mystery romp at the Newport Playhouse & Cabaret for their rendition of “A Christmas Cactus”. Always a good time and a great way to take the stress out of the holiday season. Lunch is included. Trip fee is $80pp. Minimal walking. Registration begins Sep 3rd.

Thursday, December 5th- Day Trip to Norman Rockwell Museum

Departure time: TBD

Return time: TBD

When registering for any of the below trips, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

DAY TRIPS Registration begins on the dates noted below. Register as soon as you can. Trip counts are required a month in advance to determine if we have the minimum number for a trip to run. Detailed flyers available for all Day Trips. 

Another way to celebrate the holidays is to join us for A Rockwell Christmas at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA with lunch included at the Red Lion Inn. Afterwards, we’ll take a leisurely drive through Forest Park’s Bright Nights in Springfield, MA. Trip fee is $110pp. Moderate walking. Registration begins Sep 3rd.