Calling all Lymes’ Senior Center Painters!
We have the opportunity to exhibit our painters work at the Phoebe Griffith Noyes library during the
month of April. If you are interested in having a piece of your artwork shown, please call the Senior
Center at (860)434-1605 ext. 240 or 241 to reserve a spot on the artist wall. Space is limited. For those
who sign up to be a part of the artist wall, we will send you the guidelines for display.
April Save the Dates:
Call (860)434-1605 Ext. 241 or Email to register
Beginner Pickleball– Thursday (April 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th) at 1 PM @ Cross Lane Park
*You can bring your own paddle, or we have a couple paddles to share*
Parade Practice– Fridays (April 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th) at 1:15 @ Rogers Lake Clubhouse
* For Memorial Day Parade, led by Stephanie, all are welcome to join, no dancing experience needed*
Movie Monday: “Chicago”- Monday, April 8th at 1 PM @ the Lyme Library
Special Luncheon– Tuesday, April 9th at 12 PM @ the First Cong. Church OL–
*Sign up and payment due by Tuesday, April 2nd, $3*
Beginner Ballroom Dancing– Wednesday, April 10th at 10 AM @ First Cong. Church of OL
“April Showers” Social Hour– Wednesday, April 10th at 11 AM @ First Cong. Church of OL
New Horizons Band – Tuesday, April 16th at 12:30 PM @ the First Cong. Church of OL
Veterans Coffeehouse– Wednesday, April 17th at 9:45 AM @ Saint Ann’s Church
“Building Buzz”-Tuesday, April 23rd at 11:15 AM @ First Cong. Church of OL
Downsizing Demystified– Tuesday, April 23rd at 1 PM @ the Old Lyme Town Hall
“Building Buzz” Meeting
Hosted by the Lymes’ Senior Center Building Committee, this meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 26th at 11:15 AM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. This meeting will take place every 4th Tuesday of each month until we get back into our new building! This will provide a more personalized experience in gaining knowledge about the progress of our new building. Come ask questions, and get in-the-know with updates of the Lymes’ Senior Center.
Veterans Spring Breakfast
The Veterans Spring Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, March 20th at 9:45 AM @ Saint Ann’s Church- This program is sponsored by the Old Lyme VFW and the Lymes’ Senior Center. All Veterans are welcome to join us for fellowship and camaraderie. This March meeting, we will have a catered
breakfast. YOU MUST REGISTER BY MARCH 13TH for this event, as we need to order food. Although we greatly appreciate the sacrifice that the spouses make as well, this is a FREE VETERANS ONLY
event, pre-registration required. Call the Lymes’ Senior Center staff at (860)434-1605 ext. 241 to register or for more information.
Saint Patrick’s Day Luncheon
On Friday, March 15th at 12 PM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, join us for our annual Saint Patrick’s Day Luncheon! The lunch menu will be corn beef and cabbage, potatoes, as well as soda bread and dessert! You must register for lunch if you wish to eat with us this day. To register for lunch, you must have an updated Form 5 on file with the Estuary, and also call the Estuary to reserve your lunch by 11 AM on Thursday, March 7th. Reserve your lunch by calling the Estuary at (860)388-1611 ext. 216. Form 5’s can be picked up or emailed to you upon request. Lunches are $3 per person, to be paid at the door the day of the event.
“Luck of the Irish” Social Hour
“Luck of the Irish” Social Hour– Wednesday, March 13th at 11 AM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme– Help us celebrate March and St. Patrick’s day with goodies and refreshments! Since our building is closed for renovations, we’ve all been a little detached. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to get together and re-connect with our community and friends! This event is free for all of our members.
Beginners Ballroom Dancing Workshop
Beginners Ballroom Dancing Workshop– Wednesday, March 13th at 10 AM @ the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme– Join us for an hour-long workshop on the basics of ball room dancing! First Congregational Church’s own Sexton, Sean McCarty, is bringing his talent and teaching skills to lead this course! Learn the basics of ballroom dancing, including the box step and basic tips and tricks. The cost for this workshop is free for members, 55 years of age or better!
Tai Chi with Alex
Tai Chi with Alex (March Session)- Tuesdays, March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th at 8:30 AM @ Rogers Lake Clubhouse- Join us as we start a new Tai Chi program! Research shows that practicing tai chi can improve balance, stability, and flexibility in older people, including those with Parkinson’s disease. Practiced regularly, it can also help reduce pain, especially from knee osteoarthritis, back problems, and fibromyalgia. We are offering this program in monthly sessions. To register for a session please call Caitlin at (860)434-1605 ext. 241; payments can be cash or check, and can be brought the first class of each monthly session. March’s 4-week session is $30, April’s 5-week session is $38, for members. Call (860)434-1605 Ext. 241 or Email to register.
Decoupage Shells
When: Wednesday, April 10th; 1—3 PM. Where: Old Lyme Town Hall Cost: $5 for members, $10 for non-members. Create your very own decoupage shells during this arts & crafts class with Mary! Decoupage is all about creating paper cutouts, gluing them to a surface, and then applying varnish to create a hand-painted or stenciled look- something you commonly see at farmers markets or craft fairs that often sell for a high price. With this class, you’ll learn how to create your own!