The next success could be yours! – CONTENT BY JUDY

After many years working as a Senior Center Director I choose to start my business as a way to help the community learn about Senior Centers and the services and resources available to seniors and their families. And boy, I’ve learned a lot since I started

This idea for developed from area Senior Center Directors exploring how they would change and evolve to accommodate the soon to arrive baby boomers. We talked with Maria Miranda of Miranda Creative and the foundation for a collaborative 9 town senior center website was born.

From that point to now the learning curve has been huge. I’m proud to say that and I continue to grow every day. Maria continues to be my mentor along with Debra Jane, my finance wizard and many others have become my sounding boards.

And then I was fortunate enough for Arlene to become my mentor through SCORE. A retired marketing and strategic planning expert Arlene readily pitches in and is guiding me with the marketing and branding of

We always need to remember we don’t travel our journey alone and in order to meet Arlene I needed to discover SCORE.

SCORE is a wonderful free resource that has the nation’s largest network of volunteer business mentors. There are over 10,000 expert volunteers in 300 chapters.

In 2018, SCORE mentors helped start 32,387 businesses and create 135,687 jobs.

SCORE is a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration and is there to help you achieve your dream as a small business owner. They are there every step of the way to teach and guide you as you grow.

When you go to the SCORE website you can choose “find a mentor”, “take a workshop” or “browse the library”. You can find the SCORE location nearest to you. You can become a volunteer. You can see the impact SCORE makes.

Explore this website. View a webinar. Read an article. Learn how to use your stats and data to drive growth. Take a Workshop.

There are even podcasts you can listen to as you drive to your next appointment.

And yes, everything SCORE does truly is free.

Score will always be there for you to access. Let them help you grow personally and professionally as your business evolves and thrives.

As SCORE says, “The next success could be yours!”

Friday, August 2nd- Special BINGO


Sponsored by the Senior Club
12:30– 2:30 PM
Cost: $5.00
Come and have some fun with the always popular
Special BINGO! Snacks and beverages provided
and lots of fun with some great people!
Come on down and join us or BINGO!

Friday, September 6th- MONTVILLE SENIOR CLUB MEETING- Speaker: Canna Care Docs

Time: 10:00pm

Would you like to learn more about Medical Marijuana? The health benefits received and the process in the State of CT to receive the benefits. CANNA CARE DOCS will provide this free informational seminar on the benefits and answer any questions or concerns. Please sign up if you can attend.

Our meeting this month will have a speaker to be announced.
Come join us for our membership meeting and stay for an afternoon of fun!


Are you someone who likes to bicycle – at a pace where the scenery can be enjoyed? Do you prefer to bicycle on less traveled roads? We are looking for folks who would like to meet up. No definite day of the week or time of the day – just looking for interest at this point. Contact the Senior Center office and give us your name and contact info. Let’s see if we can get a group together.


Waterford Senior Services is offering a program, Open Doors, for those with mild to mid-stage memory loss, dementia, or cognitive challenges


Tue and Thu 9am-2pm

Serving Waterford, East Lyme and New London

Waterford Senior Services is offering a program, Open Doors, for those with mild to mid-stage memory loss,dementia, or cognitive challenges. The program provides socialization, stimulating activities, a comfortable environment, and a place for participants to achieve success. Please contact Senior Services at 860-444-5839 to request an enrollment packet or to learn more about this program.

There is no fee to attend Open Doors. Donations are accepted. This program is supported by the Senior Resources – Agency on Aging with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. All older persons age 60+ are eligible for services


Wednesday, August 21st- Bus Trip to Cruise of the Thimble Islands

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations.  Number of seats very limited.

Departure time: 9:30am

Return time: around 4:00pm

Wed, Aug 21st – Join us for an 11am cruise of the Thimble Islands located in Branford. Lunch will be afterwards at the U.S.S. Chowder Pot. Departure from the Senior Center at 9:30am. Return time around 4pm. Trip fee is $18pp.


Wednesday, August 14th- Bus Trip to Breakwater Restaurant in Stonington

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability.
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

When registering for any of the trips listed below, you can sign up yourself and one other person only. Payment is due upon registration. Please stop by the Senior Center office.

Senior Center Day Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from the destinations.  Number of seats very limited.

Departure time: 11:00am

Return time: 3:30pm

Wed, Aug 14th – Join us for lunch at Breakwater restaurant in Stonington. Shopping afterwards. Departure from the Senior Center at 11am. Return around 3:30pm. Trip fee is $5pp.