We Want YOU to join us at WATERSTOCK

Saturday, August 17  3:00 -7:30 pm   

WATERSTOCK – 50th Anniversary Tribute  at Esker Point Beach, Groton

Free concert with two incredible bands —Pirates of Peace and The 60’s Explosion Show performing throughout the day. A fun celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 1969’s Woodstock a music festival held between August 15–18, 1969.

Our version- WATERSTOCK – is something everyone can enjoy!

Celebrate the event, avoid long drive and traffic and please join us at our own Esker Point Beach to relive (or revisit) the grooving times. There will be a  free parking shuttle form Fitch High School to Esker Point Beach running throughout the event. All are welcome!!    

Groton Senior Center and Groton Recreation present this community event for any generation.  Sponsored by our “outta sight”  sponsors :  Hartford Healthcare, Collette,  Advantage Personal Training,  Lawrence and Memorial Hospital and Fairview. 


Looking for a Saxophone or Clarinet Player Would you like to join a great group?

Rose City Senior Center’s concert band, Roseland Combo is looking for a saxophone or clarinet player to join this very talented group!  If you enjoy playing “vintage” music, then consider joining the Roseland Combo and put some “spark” back in your “sparkle”!

The Roseland Combo meets for rehearsal on Tuesday’s at 10:30am.  The group also accompanies the Golden Nuggets choral group on outings and occasionally plays for special events at the Senior Center.

Please contact Hilary with questions or if you would be interested in joining the group.


Art Show Winners

Art Show Winners

Oil-     1st– Natalie Caron

Acrylic-   1st– Helen Krasun

2nd– Madeline MarcAurele

3rd– Beverly Korenkiewicz

Honorable Mention- Helen Krasun, Alice Harding

Watercolor-     1st– Ovida Carter

2nd– Linda Mathre

3th- Estelle Tedeschi

Honorable Mention- Natalie Caron, Dillard Cowan, Carole Davis, Beverly Wood



Pastel-   1st– Deborah Gaudet

2nd– Deborah Gaudet

3rd– Deborah Gaudet


Pen, Pencil or Ink-    1st– Marcia Coyne


Photography-      1st– Donna Weimer

2nd– Donna Weimer

3rd– Dennia Ossont

Honorable Mention- Donna Weimer


Mixed Media-    1st– Marcia Coyne

2nd– Marcia Coyne

3rd– Marcia Coyne


Quilting-    1st– Judy Kuzmenko

2nd -Evon Mulcahy

3rd– Sharon Berry

Honorable Mention- Judy Gordon


Best of Show Winner: Donner Weimer in Photography

Live Senior Leaning Network presentations

Upcoming SLN (“skype-like”) presentations on the following:

– Live Acupuncture August 20th 12:30-1:30

-Live Dive Inter-generational September 18th 2:30-3:30

-Presidential Powers October 8th 12:30-1:30

Tuesday, October 22nd- Trip to see Legends in Concert! at Foxwoods

The all-star line up of amazing celebrity look-alike and sound-alike performers of Stevie Wonder, Sting, Lady Gaga, Freddie Mercury, Donna Summer & Elvis Presley will performing their signature hits and fan favorites!  Each legendary performer not only looks like the star they portray, but use their own natural voices to pay homage to their iconic music counterpart.

Legends in Concert live tribute shows are known for their elaborate theatrical sets, magnificent costumes and full array of incredible special effects, including state-of-the-art lighting, laser and sound systems.  An outstanding cast of accomplished tribute artists, talented singers and dancers, and a live band comprised of some the top musicians in the industry, perform at each amazing show!

You will also be given a Festival Buffet food voucher and $10 in bonus slot play!

A Foxwoods Rewards Card or photo ID is required to receive the buffet and slot bonus.

COST: $35 per person  Includes Legends in Concert 2:00 p.m. matinee show ticket, Festival Buffet Lunch, $10 bonus slot play and transportation.  Limited tickets available

This trip will be using the Senior Center bus for transportation.

You are responsible for your own transportation to and from the Senior Center, before and after the trip.

9:30 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich

4:45 PM Approximate return time

This trip has Moderate Walking.


*On your registration day, Dial (860) 889-5960.  When you hear the message

 saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 and follow the instructions.*

Senior Center Members, Norwich Residents

-Beginning Tuesday, August 20 at 5:00pm

Senior Center Members, Non-Residents

-Beginning Wednesday, August 21 at 5:00pm

Open Registration (Any Adults, aged 18 and older)

-Beginning Thursday, August 22 at 5:00pm



Tuesday, August 20th- Varicose Vein Disease Talk

Presentation by Dr. Hahn – Advanced Vein Associates, PLLC

Do you suffer from aching, tired, or swollen legs?  Do you have unsightly varicose and spider veins?  Come learn about potential causes and treatments for varicose vein disease at this informational talk.

Dr. Hahn is the owner and medical director of Advanced Vein Associates, PLLC.  He is a board-certified physician with extensive experience in caring for patients with cardiovascular disease and venous insufficiency for the treatment of varicose and spider veins.  He has been treating patients in eastern CT for the past 5 years, and recently established Advanced Vein Associates to focus on what matters most: ethical, quality care for his patients.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


Tuesday, August 20th- Senior Center Summer Picnic with Entertainment

Time: Noon

Join us for some good food, great fun and fabulous entertainment!  With “Chef Mike” working the grill, it’s an event not to be missed!  Enjoy a great meal with great friends!  Sure to be a fun time!

Menu: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Salads, Chips, Drinks and Dessert.
(Chicken Burger can be substituted, but must be requested at sign up.)

$7 per person.  Tickets available at reception starting on July 15th.  Payment due at sign up.

Golden Nuggets- Tuesdays

Tuesdays   1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

The group will be starting back on Tuesday September 10th

The Golden Nuggets is Rose City Senior Center’s glee club and they are looking for new members. Singers of any level of experience are welcome to join them. Now is a great time to join this talented group as they start back from their Summer break and start preparing for their Holiday Concert series!

If you are interested in joining the Golden Nuggets, you must join by September 24th.

Anyone wishing to join after that date will be accepted on a case by case basis.