Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm
BINGO – August Schedule
Time: Promptly at 1pm
For the month of August, Bingo will be played on every Friday of the month.
$1.00 for the 1st card and .25¢ for every additional card up to a maximum of 9 cards.
Tuesday, September 17th- AARP Driver Safety- Smart Driver Course
Tuesdays: September 17th, November 12th
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
The AARP Smart Driver Course (formally Driver’s Safety) is the nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older. It has given millions of older drivers the skills and tools they need to drive safely on today’s roads. In fact, 97% of those who take it change at least one driving behavior.
And the best part? There are no tests to pass – just useful information to keep you safe on the road! You may get an insurance discount after taking this course! Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multi-year discount to course graduates! Please consult your insurance agent for more information about discounts available to you.
Cost: $15 AARP Members $20 AARP Non-Members
Pay by check or cash on the day of the class
Please sign up at Reception starting January 22nd.
AUGUST Special Crafting Workshops
AUGUST Special Crafting Workshops
Let’s get in the GROOVY mood! Let’s also celebrate by creating!
Thursday we have a few spots left for tie dying bandannas at 1:30 pm as we kick off our countdown to our groovy Waterstock Concert.
- Thursday, August 1st Tie Die Day bandanas (5 spots still open)
- Thursday, August 8th Flower Power Headbands
- Thursday, August 15th Love Bead Necklaces
$3 per workshop/Each session meets 1:30– 2:30 pm
Registration is needed by Tuesday of that week
$3 per person. www.GrotonRec.com
Groton Senior Center Events List on Facebook
Looking at our “EVENTS” list on our Facebook page is useful to many! Perhaps, YOU should look too! Especially if you like our special events and trips.
Anyone who likes to travel and would like to have some input
into our 2019 trips should attend our meeting on Wednesday,
August 28th at 1:00pm.
“Road Trip Sing-a Long”
Tuesday, August 27th at 1:00pm for a “Road Trip Sing-a Long” with Judy Hall. Songs will reflect fun places to go and see!
Friday, August 9th- Ham and Swiss on a Croissant
Cost: $3.50 with chips
Friday, August 9th- Movie Showing- Saving Mr. Banks
Time: 12:00pm
Wednesday, August 21st- Annual Picnic and Fair
Cost: $5
Menu: Hot Dogs, beans, potato salad, popcorn, ice cream
Entertainment : Mr. Magic