Saturday, August 17th- Recruiting volunteers for Waterstock

Recruiting volunteers to help in parking lot for our hip WATERSTOCK event Saturday, August 17th (see back cover).  Volunteers will be scheduled in shifts from 2pm to 7 pm.  Interested?  Please call Cindy  860-441-6623.


Saturday, August 24th- Turn a Pen

Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm

Have you ever wondered how to make those awesome wooden pens?
Did you know it is called PEN TURNING?
Join us to Learn to Turn a Pen!   This is a FREE event for the community!
No experience needed-  for anyone 10 and older!  All are welcome!

Tuesday, August 13th- Dine Out at Chester’s BBQ

The community gives to the Groton Senior Center; Dining Out is our way of giving back to the community. Each month a Restaurant is featured. Ride the senior van or meet us there. Order a full entrée or just appetizers. An evening outing, socializing and enjoyment!  Please join us Tuesdays for a “socially nutritional” evening .

Saturday. August 17th- Waterstock Concert at Esker Point Beach in Groton

Time: 3:00 to 7:30pm

Free concert with two incredible bands – PIRATES OF PEACE and THE 60’S EXPLOSION SHOW performing throughout the day. A fun celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 1969’s Woodstock a music festival held between August 15–18, 1969.

Our version- WATERSTOCK – is something everyone can enjoy!
Celebrate the event, avoid long drive and traffic and please join us at our own Esker Point Beach to relive (or revisit) the grooving times. Groton Senior Center and Groton Recreation present this community event for any generation.  ALL ARE WELCOME!

Tuesday, August 20th- Annual Beach Party

Time: 5:00pm

Please join us for this celebration of summer and friends !

Menu: Baked ham with pineapple, sweet & sour chicken, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, green beans, apple dumpling, rolls, punch, coffee.

Entertainment by AIRBORNE JAZZ  sponsored by Club 55.


Deadline to sign up is August 16th