Time: 11:00am
Andrea Deedy will be here to discus ”Find the Hidden Sodium”.
Time: 11:00am
Andrea Deedy will be here to discus ”Find the Hidden Sodium”.
Time: 11:30pm
Menu: Hamburger & Hot Dog, w/Lettuce, Tomatoes & Onion, Macaroni Salad, Garden Salad & Italian Ice.
You must be 60 yrs old. Please sign up!
Time: 12:30pm to 4:30pm
AARP Members—$15.00
Participation in this course will save you money on your automobile insurance. Open to the Public.
Departure Time: 2:30pm
Pay your own dinner and then check out the classic cars or relax on the beach!
Limited Seating. Please sign up!
Time: 1:30pm
Bring your own white t-shirt to our Tie-Dye Class. Then wear it at the 50th Anniversary of Woodstock Dinner & Dance.
Time: 12:15pm
2019 Eligibility and Information on Farmers’ Market Vouchers.
Please sign up!
In House Dates are now being scheduled- Call for an appointment or more information.
Every 4th Saturday of the month is discount movie morning at : mystic luxury cinemas $10.00 includes movie, soda and popcorn. Open to all participants of the Groton Senior Center.
SATURDAY July 27, 2019 10:30 A.M.
Mystic Luxury Cinemas 27 Coogan BLVD Mystic CT
Be sure to register at the front desk so that you will be guaranteed a seat at the theater. Registrations will not be accepted after Friday July 26th at 4:00
For more information or to register call 860-441-6785
Don’t forget you can look at our bi monthly newsletter on line anytime. Currently, our newsletter covers July/August. Click below to see!
Tomorrow, July 25th, at 9 am please join us in our TECHNOLOGY CENTER we talk about Virus Protection.