Tuesday, July 16th at 1:00pm for “Who’s DNA is it Anyway- The ability to overcome our genes with our minds” presented by Laura Gene. Registration requested.
Does DAD love Baseball?
“Summer Sounds” : a four week musical series.
Come and enjoy a summer evening at the Lymes’ Senior Center,
26 Town Woods Road
for “Summer Sounds”
a four week musical series.
*Bring your chairs, blankets, dinner, etc. the performances will be held out on the lawn (weather permitting) or inside if the weather is inclement. A free ice cream social will follow all concerts!
July 11th at 7:00pm- The Corvettes Doo Wop Revue
July 18th at 7:00pm- The Cartells
5:30pm Lions Club will be selling hotdogs and hamburgers and drinks before the concert (proceeds go to their scholarship fund.)
July 25th at 7:00pm- Rock Solid Alibi (50’s, 60’s, & 70’s)
August 1st at 7:00pm- Ticket to Ride (Beatles Tribute Band)
Friday, June 14 12:30 pm
An amazing internationally renowned men’s choral ensemble who have been together since 1967 will be hosting their annual reunion gig with us on June 14th! Mens acapella group from late 60’s to early 70’s.Still singing after 45 years.
Please join us for this special performance!
Summer Session Registration
NON RESIDENTS you can register now for our SUMMER Classes!
Summer session runs July 1 through August 23.
Look here at our Discover55 newsletter online:
Mild Cognitive Decline?
Discover Connections
This new program is a welcoming and nurturing program designed for individuals 55 and over with varied needs including those persons with beginning to mild cognitive challenges or anyone at risk for social isolation. The activities are planned to be fun with a purpose. They may stimulate memories or test the brain to solve a problem. New experiences will be offered involving art, music, cultural topics, history and more. This program is a social model for programming and no skilled care is provided by staff. Individuals who would like to participate must be comfortable in a group setting.
Discover Connections is scheduled in eight (8) week sessions as all other programs at the Center. Class will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 am-1 pm. Lunch will be from 12 pm to 1 pm. Participants can bring their lunch or purchase lunch as the Coastal Café in the Senior Center.
Participants must meet with facilitators prior to class for paperwork completion.
Fee $16 for the 8 week session
For more details please call Tomi at 860-441-6785
10 Things to Reduce Your Stress
Wednesday, July 10th at 1:00pm as Karen Pliego from Caregiver Homes presents “10 things to Reduce Your Stress”.
Quilters- Fridays on Jun 15th and 25th
Time: 5:00pm – 9:00pm
This is a sewing group – there is no official teaching but there is much sharing of information. Bring your own material and sewing equipment.
$2pp drop in fee
DANCE w/The Illusions Band – Friday, July 19th
Time: 7:00pm to 10:00pm
NO PARTNERS NEEDED! Everyone welcome!
$10pp Tickets sold at the door starting at 6:30pm.
East Lyme Community Center
Light refreshments available.
Song and Dance of the 1940’s
Tuesday, July 9th at 1:00pm as Jared Day, PhD presents “Song and Dance of the 1940’s” with a focus on the tap dancing and singing of Gene Kelly.