Time: 7:00pm
Crafts- Mondays
Time: 10:00am and 12:30pm
Monday, March 18th- St. Patrick Day Luncheon
Time: 12:00pm
Corned Beef Luncheon
Cost; $10.00
Irish Music
Bingo- Thursdays
Time: 12:00pm
Cribbage- Tuesday
Time: 12:30pm
Crafting- Tuesday
Time- 9:30am
KRISTEN’S CREATIVE CRAFTS – Tuesday afternoons
Time: 12:45pm
Tue afternoons in February starting on the 5th
Weave good ole fashion pot holders. We’ll provide the supplies. You provide the labor.
Please call to register.
LOVE LETTERS – Friday, February 15th
Listen to letters in which two people share their hopes, dreams, disappointments, victories and defeats over a 50 year period. A terrific way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
A Staged Reading directed by Susan Walsh.
$10 pp – Fri, Feb 15th @ 6:30pm
Maximum of 60 people so reserve now! Tickets on sale.
Fundraiser for the Senior Center!!!
Concessions available to purchase.
Transportation is available.
NATIONAL PIZZA DAY- Friday, February 8th
Time: 11:45am
Join us as we celebrate National Pizza Day with pizza, salad and a drink.
Fri, February 8th
$5 Fee
Registration begins February 1st. Must register by February 6th. Music will be provided by our Guitar Jam Group and Bingo will follow at 1pm.