Shopping Transportation

Transportation to local grocery stores is available for members only. If possible, please call by 3:00 pm the day before to sign up for a ride. Transportation donations is $1.00 each way.  The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday — Stop & Shop
    • 9:30 am – 11:15 am Yantic / Taftville
    • 10:30 am – 1:15 pm Westside
  • Tuesday — 9:30 am  Lisbon Walmart
  • Wednesday — Shop Rite and Big Y
    • 9:30 am – 11:15 am Westside
    • 10:30 am – 1:15 pm Eastside
  • Thursday — Stop and Shop
    • 9:30 am – 11:15 am Eastside
    • 10:30 am – 1:15 pm City
  • Friday — Shop Rite and Big Y
    • 9:30 am –  11:15 am City
    • 10:30 am – 1:15 pm Yantic / Taftville


  • Yantic/Taftville – Includes St. Jude Commons, Wequonnoc Village
  • Westside – Includes Chase Manor, Westwood Park (Dorsey Building), Eastwood Park, Village Court
  • Eastside – Includes Hamilton Park, Rosewood Manor, Ahepa, Schwartz Manor, Laurel Hill
  • City – Includes Downtown, Lower Boswell Avenue, Blackstone Apartments, Eliza Huntington Home, Greenville (and Starwood Area) Mohegan Park Apartments, Mohegan Village, Sandy Lane Apartments

Nutrition Counseling Thursdays 12 – 4pm

Meet with a Registered Dietitian on weight management, heart healthy eating, diabetes, cancer and more.

First visit – 1 hour (pre-req.)             $20

Follow up visit – 1/2 hour             $10

Call 860-441-6785 to schedule.


Transportation Available with Med Ride II

Med Ride II– Transportation is now available for Senior or Disabled Residents of Norwich/Montville to out-of-town medical appointments. Please call Anne at 860-889-5960 to check for availability.

Saturday, November 17th- Club 55 Harvest Bazaar

Time: 9:ooam- 1:00pm

Club 55’s annual fundraiser is looking for donations of hand made craft items to sell. If you knit, sew, or do any other type of craft, please leave your name and number at the front desk. ONLY handmade crafts please.

Transportation Available to Senior Center

Senior Center– Transportation to the Center is available beginning at 8:30am, with return trips at 1:00pm and 3:00pm. Please call the Center before Noon the day before, to schedule a ride for the next day.

Transportation Available with Wheelchair Van

WheelChair Van– Transportation for medical appointments and shopping is available for seniors needing wheelchair-accessible transportation. Space is limited. Advance reservation required.





Registration is highly suggested 860-441-6785 or

TRIAD is now cooperative partnership between seniors, law enforcement, public safety and human service agencies to improve delivery of services to senior citizens.

This national TRIAD initiative provides a yellow dot to adhere in the car’s rear window to alert emergency response personnel to senior drivers’ and passengers’ medical information stored in the vehicle.

Please bring all current medical information when registering.
Photos will be taken on site. Information cards are also utilized to alert emergency personnel of the injured senior’s family members whose care may be dependent upon the senior, such as a home bound spouse. Event is at Groton Senior Center.

Thursday, December 13th – Trip to A Doublewide, Texas Christmas Newport Playhouse & Cabaret Theater, Newport, RI

9:30 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich

6:30 PM Approximate return time to Norwich

Start with a delicious buffet luncheon with all foods prepared on the premises.

Following lunch enjoy the hilarious Matinee performance of A Doublewide, Texas Christmas!

It’s Christmastime in the newest – and tiniest – town in Texas….Doublewide!  And it’s beginning to look a lot like trouble.  Not only are the trailer park residents dealing with the stress of the holiday season, but they’ve just discovered that Doublewide, Texas is being doubled-crossed by the County.  Spend the Yuletide in Doublewide and let this hilarious comedy make your Christmas merry and bright because there’s no place like a good ol’ Texas-sized mobile home for the holidays!

Following the Matinee, return to your seat in the dining room for a fun-filled Cabaret Show!

Sample Buffet Menu: Fruit Salad, Cole Slaw, Lettuce Bowl, Three Bean Salad, Beets, Cucumber Salad, Rigatoni with Meat Sauce, Meatballs, Roasted Chicken, BBQ Chicken, Glazed Ham, Italian Sausage, Baked Scrod, Green Beans, Glazed Carrots, Vegetable Medley, Sweet Potatoes, Baked Beans, Roasted Potatoes, Rice, Fresh Baked Rolls, Assorted Desserts, Coffee and Tea

COST: $72 per person includes roundtrip motorcoach, fabulous buffet lunch, matinee performance of “A Doublewide, Texas Christmas”, and cabaret show.  Driver tip is not included.

Call Hilary for availability (860) 889-5960

Tuesday, November 27th- Trip to Legends in Concert Holiday Show! Foxwoods Casino, Mashantucket, CT

9:30 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich

4:30 PM Approximate return time

With a festive atmosphere and the best in holiday entertainment, this live tribute show will feature the ‘best of the best’ performances! The all-star line up of amazing celebrity look-alike and sound-alike performers of Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, George Michael, The Blues Brothers, David Bowie & Elvis Presley will performing their signature hits along with holiday favorites!

Known for the hot live band, outstanding choreography, dazzling singers and dancers and of course bright and beautiful sets, Legends in Concert Holiday Show promises to be a festive experience!

You will also be given a Festival Buffet food voucher and $10 in bonus slot play!

A Foxwoods Rewards Card or photo ID is required to receive the buffet and slot bonus.

COST: $35 per person  Includes Legends in Concert 2:00 p.m. matinee show ticket, Festival Buffet Lunch, $10 bonus slot play and transportation.  Limited tickets available

This trip will be using the Senior Center bus for transportation.

You are responsible for your own transportation to and from the Senior Center, before and after the trip.

Call Hilary for availability (860) 889-5960


Wednesday, November 14th- Know the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease- Presentation by Kristine Johnson, Eastern Regional Director – Alzheimer’s Association

Time: 10:00am

Join us for this informative presentation on the 10 early warning signs of Alzheimer’s.  Alzheimer’s is a disease that causes slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills.  This presentation will help differentiate between normal age related forgetfulness and Alzheimer’s disease indicators.   This talk is recommended for anyone

who is interested in learning more about the early detection of Alzheimer’s and related dementias; and will give you a better understanding of those suffering from this disease.

Sign up at reception if you will be attending.