Wednesday, December 5th- Artists and Crafters Wanted! * * * Holiday Craft Fair * * *

Time:   9:00 – 2:00 p.m.

We are looking for art and craft vendors who are interested in selling their handmade items.

Rent a table at our mini Holiday Craft Fair! $20 per 6-ft table.

Call Hilary for more information or to reserve your table! (860) 889-5960

Please reserve and pay for your table no later than Friday, November 30th.  Tables are limited.


Legislative Updates!

Congressman Courtney

will be at the Senior Center on

Wednesday, Sept. 19th at 10:30 AM.

Join us to learn more on senior related issues.


Under the Sea Senior Prom

The Senior Centers of Southeastern CT event

Friday, October 5th   11:30 am  

Port n Starboard at Ocean Beach

Entertainment by: Jose Paolo

Cost: $20 per person.  Make checks payable to “Senior Resources”

Transportation is available for an additional $2pp (paid separately)

Last Day to Sign up and Pay is by Noon on Friday, September 28th


Montville Senior Club Meeting

Friday, September 7, 2018
10:00 AM
Speaker: Senior Resources—
Grandparents raising grandchildren
The Senior Club holds their monthly meeting on
the first Friday of the month at 10:00am. (Unless
Holiday or special event, in which it will be held
the following Friday) Coffee & goodies will be
available before and after meeting.

Wrights Farm & LaSalette Lights

November 30. 2018 – $59.00 – Trip includes:
Luncheon at Wright’s Chicken Farm Restaurant,
Christmas Lights Display at LaSalette
Shrine, Father Pat’s Christmas Choral Concert
& more


September 18, 2018
2:00 PM
Make-Your-Own Ice Cream
Sundae too!
$5.00 request
Come join us for a $5 BINGO and an special
(top your own sundae during break) once again!
Always a fun afternoon with friends and delicious
ice cream! Please sign up if you plan to attend!


September 14th
3:00 PM
$5.00 Donation
DINNER: Baked Ham w/ roasted potatoes
MOVIE: Book Club (new release, was not
available last month—we will watch this
Come join everyone for a great FRIDAY afternoon:
delicious dinner , great friends, and
an enjoyable movie! Wonderful way to
spend the afternoon and support the senior
center! Please sign up if you plan to attend!


Saturday, September 22, 2018
1st day of Fall
2:00 PM
Menu: Appetizer, Soup, Roasted Turkey, Kathie’s Savory Stuffing,
Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Jelly, Dessert & more
Entertainment: live 50’s music
Always a great time, with great people!
Join us for an afternoon of wonderful
entertainment to dance or just sit back
and listen to, great fall inspired menu &
more! Bus is available!
Don’t miss out on the fun!