Thursday, April 19th- Medicare Bootcamp

Time: 5:30pm

Senior Resources Agency on Aging is hosting a MEDICARE BOOTCAMP.

Are you collecting Social Security? Disability? New to Medicare? Turning 65?

Learn about Parts A,B, C & D. When to enroll, alternative Medicare options & Medicare Premium Assistance Programs.

Call to Register!! 860-376-2604

Public Welcome!!



April- Thank you!

Thank you to Senior Center Volunteer Cora Landry for her help with set-up for our Annual St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Fundraiser Dinner.  Also, to the very talented Judy Gray for her wonderful Irish music and songs during the event.

A BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful NFA Honor Society students who served the meal and helped clean up!  We would also like to thank Irene’s Family Restaurant for their donation of pizza to feed the hungry NFA students and of course to Ed Meadows for helping Director Mike in the kitchen!

Thanks so much for everyone’s help!


Thursday, May 24th- Wright’s Farm Restaurant & Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery Harrisville & North Smithfield, RI

Departure: 10:15am

Return approximately at 4:15pm

Enjoy a delicious, all you can eat, family-style chicken luncheon at Wright’s Farm Restaurant!  Your fabulous meal consists of dinner rolls with butter, fresh green salad with Wright’s Farm Classic Italian dressing, pasta with red sauce, Wright’s amazing French fries and of course Wright’s famous, tender and juicy roast chicken.  Included with your meal will be coffee or tea and if you have room – ice cream for dessert!

Following lunch, a short ride brings you to Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery.  Wright’s Bakery specializes in a number of baked goods, including dessert cakes, cupcakes, cream pastries, flaky pastries, pies, bars, sweet rolls and buns, plenty of assorted cookies and much more!

Their bakery is renowned for using only the highest quality ingredients including fresh milk and cream from their own cows.  Fresh dairy products are also available including milk, cream, coffee milk, chocolate milk, cheddar cheese and ice cream!  Be sure to buy some treats to bring home!

 Limited seats available.

Cost: $18   No refunds given after May 16th unless your spot is filled.


Call in Registration begins at 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 11th.  Do not call before 5:00pm.
*At 5:00pm on April 11th, Dial (860)889-5960. When you hear the message saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 for the registration voice mail and follow the instructions.*
This trip is open to Senior Center Members ONLY.  You may register yourself plus one additional member when you call in to sign up.  You must be an up-to-date member.

Tuesday, May 15th- Liver Health Presentation Jeannine Hampton APRN – Connecticut GI

Time: 10:30am

Did you know that diet, diabetes and high cholesterol can affect your liver health? 

Please join us for this presentation by Jeannine Hampton APRN with Connecticut GI in Norwich.  Jeannine will give you some great information about liver wellness and how to protect your liver health.

This presentation is sponsored by the American Liver Foundation.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.



Thursday, April 26th- Seniors Real Estate Specialist Presentation by Susan Sampson – Coldwell Banker

Time: 10:00am

As a Seniors Real Estate Specialist, Susan understands that selling a home can be an emotional time, potentially involving other life decisions.  There are many issues facing

older adults when it comes to deciding to sell their home and Susan takes a no-pressure approach to help individuals navigate their choices and may potentially be able to suggest alternative that would allow seniors to stay in their home.  Susan will also be discussing tips on de-cluttering your home and will have a few handouts that may be helpful to you.

Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


Content by Judy – Like us on Facebook

We hope you’re enjoying this newsletter and the information you get on “Like us on Facebook” and you’ll see a great number of articles covering a wide range of topics. We’re also on Twitter and LinkedIn. And we just started doing Instagram!

We’re everywhere and growing! For the first quarter of 2018 we have 3,936 users on 5,620 sessions with 18,907 pageviews! Watch on Facebook for the chart that shows our growth from the time we started in 2016.

Tell your family and friends about and to “like us on Facebook” so they are up to date too.

Thanks for your support – Judy

Content by Judy – Like us on Facebook

We hope you’re enjoying this newsletter and the information you get on “Like us on Facebook” and you’ll see a great number of articles covering a wide range of topics. We’re also on Twitter and LinkedIn. And we just started doing Instagram!

We’re everywhere and growing! For the first quarter of 2018 we have 3,936 users on 5,620 sessions with 18,907 pageviews! Watch on Facebook for the chart that shows our growth from the time we started in 2016.

Tell your family and friends about and to “like us on Facebook” so they are up to date too.

Thanks for your support – Judy

Content by Judy  – Like us on Facebook

We hope you’re enjoying this newsletter and the information you get on “Like us on Facebook” and you’ll see a great number of articles covering a wide range of topics. We’re also on Twitter and LinkedIn. And we just started doing Instagram!

We’re everywhere and growing! For the first quarter of 2018 we have 3,936 users on 5,620 sessions with 18,907 pageviews! Watch on Facebook for the chart that shows our growth from the time we started in 2016.

Tell your family and friends about and to “like us on Facebook” so they are up to date too.

Thanks for your support – Judy

Content by Judy  – Like us on Facebook

We hope you’re enjoying this newsletter and the information you get on “Like us on Facebook” and you’ll see a great number of articles covering a wide range of topics. We’re also on Twitter and LinkedIn. And we just started doing Instagram!

We’re everywhere and growing! For the first quarter of 2018 we have 3,936 users on 5,620 sessions with 18,907 pageviews! Watch on Facebook for the chart that shows our growth from the time we started in 2016.

Tell your family and friends about and to “like us on Facebook” so they are up to date too.

Thanks for your support – Judy

Content by Judy – Like us on Facebook

We hope you’re enjoying this newsletter and the information you get on “Like us on Facebook” and you’ll see a great number of articles covering a wide range of topics. We’re also on Twitter and LinkedIn. And we just started doing Instagram!

We’re everywhere and growing! For the first quarter of 2018 we have 3,936 users on 5,620 sessions with 18,907 pageviews! Watch on Facebook for the chart that shows our growth from the time we started in 2016.

Tell your family and friends about and to “like us on Facebook” so they are up to date too.

Thanks for your support – Judy