Rescheduled to May 23rd Foxwoods Bingo
April 24th Turkey Grinders w/Chips & Dessert
Saturday, April 14th- BENEFIT JAZZ CONCERT – Fundraiser for Theater Under the Shell
Featuring jazz greats, pianists and singers Ronny Whyte and Daryl Sherman
accompanied by Bassist, Boots Maleson.
An evening of Jazz and & Cabaret by three consummate musicians
6:15pm – 6:55pm Cash Bar
7pm – 9pm Jazz Concert
9pm – Reception to meet the artists
Wine & Light Appetizers
Old Lyme Country Club – 40 McCurdy Road, Old Lyme
Call the senior center for more information and to purchase tickets
Checklist for Life
Checklist of Life author Lynn McPhelimy will be here to discuss her resourceful book This program is sponsored by Saybrook and Haddam at will be held here at the Lymes’ Senior Center on Wednesday, April 18th at 1:00pm. reviews Lynn’s book as follows: “Death is certain. Life is not.” So begins this commonsensical, infinitely useful workbook that’s aimed at helping your survivors handle the requisite legal and household affairs after your death. Author Lynn McPhelimy was inspired to write the book when her parents were both diagnosed with terminal cancer and her father said to her, “‘You know when I’m gone, I don’t want the yard all dug up when you’re looking for the septic tank. So here is this little map.'” It’s a book that’s not meant just for the elderly or the seriously ill, but for anyone who wants a handy reference with all the necessary “facts of life” in one spot. This way, your family won’t be left grieving and scrambling around trying to find your Social Security number, or the name of your insurance company, your lawyer, your second cousin who’s supposed to be left your antique lead crystal vase … you get the picture. The book includes the nitty-gritty: writing a will, what music you want played at your funeral or memorial service (that is, if you want one), what should be included in your obituary or epitaph, and a hundred other things you’ve pondered–but never bothered to deal with. Granted, this is scary terrain, but it’ll make things a lot less traumatic for your survivors if they feel organized and know things like where you hide the key to your safe deposit box and which bank it’s with. It also covers the intricacies of your house, with space for recording the facts you take for granted: where’s the damn fuse box? Do you have anything hidden in the attic, under floorboards, or somewhere else? Which sentimental items do you want left with
whom or donated to which charity? What are the stories behind those objects that make them sentimental, anyway? And who’s that person in the back row of the old family photo that’s hidden at the bottom of a shoebox that was stashed in the back of the hallway closet?? In addition to its practicality, this workbook is also meant to be a keepsake, with space for writing down memories of important life events and things you’ve always meant to accomplish, the things you’ve always meant to tell people. In this way, The Checklist of Life also functions as a psychological kick in the pants, inspiring you to actually get out and do those things you’ve promised yourself you’d get around to, “one of these years.” –Erica Jorgensen. Refreshments will be served and books will be available to buy.
NEW 6 Week Cardio Strength Interval Class
NEW 6 Week Cardio Strength Interval Class taught by Marsha Pirie starting Tuesday, April 17th at 5:00pm. Cardio Strength Interval Training will combine strength training using hand weights and cardio exercises, along with core strength training in a timed interval class. Participants should be able to come up and down from the floor with ease. Modifications will be provided. This is a cardio class so heart rates will be elevated to get cardio benefits. The class is 45 minutes in duration. Participants will need a yoga mat, hand towel, and water
Trip Presentation for our Southern Charm Holiday Discovery trip in December
Please join us Wednesday April 11th at 11 am for our Free trip presentation for our trip in Dec 2018 –
Southern Charm Holiday Discover
December 09 — December 14, 2018 • 6 Days • 8 Meals
Historic Charleston, Choice of Boone Hall Plantation or Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum, James Island County Park Holiday Display, Jekyll Island, Christmas Caroling, Savannah, Andrew Low House
Please call 860-441-6785 to save your seat at this free presentation for our SOUTHERN CHARM Trip in Dec 2018
Please be advised that the fuel delivery authorization deadline for the CT Energy Assistance Program has been extended from Thursday, March 15th, 2018 to Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018.
Applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program are being taken at the New London office of TVCCA. Appointments are required. Please call 860-444-0006. The Senior Center office will assist the Senior and Disabled population of East Lyme with their applications. You must call the Senior Center
office to obtain your appointment. Documentation will be required in order to apply for this program. You can get information about what needs to be provided by calling the Senior Center office at 860-739-5859.
To be eligible:
- In a one-person household, income can be NO greater than $34,366. In a two-person household, income can be NO greater than $44,941.
- If you are a renter, the first $12,000.00 in liquid assets is disregarded. Any amount over that limit, when added to the annual gross income must be below the income guidelines.
- If you are a homeowner, the first $15,000.00 in liquid assets is disregarded. Any amount over that limit, when added to the annual gross income must be below the income guidelines.
Please remember all members of the household who receive income must report their income.
CT Veteran Affairs here Thursday, March 15th at 11:15 am
Thursday, March 15th at lunchtime please join us in welcoming CT Veteran Affairs as they come in to give us insight into their agency and what services they have to offer our veterans.
Wednesday, March 21- NEW! – MEDICAL BILLING – Q&A SESSION
90% of medical bills have errors on them.
Join Kerry in a seminar on how to review your medical bill.
Time: 10:30am
Call to register