Volunteer Needed for the Newsletter

Voices newsletter – Volunteer is need to help with the monthly Voices newsletter inserting flyers, folding, labeling and sorting.  You would be responsible to prepare 200 copies for mailing in a timely manner along with helping to insert flyers into 1800 copies on occasion.  You would be needed one day towards the end of the month.  Day of the week will vary based on when we receive the newsletters.

Please see Hilary if you are interested or have questions.


Tuesday, May 1st- Novelty Songs and More! Entertainment by Tim Baffaro

Time: 1:00pm

Tim Baffaro, formerly of the Roseland Combo and Golden Nuggets, will be here to entertain us with his fun songs and music!  Come hear Tim sing novelty songs and play

familiar songs on the trumpet.  Hope you join us to have some fun, good laughs, enjoy some old favorites and maybe even sing along!  It’s sure to be a good time!  Cookies and drinks will be served.

This event is Free.  Please sign up at Reception if you will attending!


Monday, April 30th- Classic Movie Trivia

Time: 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Are you a movie buff?  Have a knack for trivia? 

If so, please join us for Classic Movie TriviaNorwich Free Academy students who are members of the Classic Movie Club at NFA will be hosting this fun event here at the Senior Center.  Test your knowledge on actors, famous lines and other classic film trivia.  Light refreshments will be provided.

Please sign up at Receptionist if you will be joining us!


Connecticut Humane Society Donations- Please drop off your donations at Reception by Friday, April 27th

Let’s help shelter and foster pets feel comfortable while they await their forever homes!

The Rose City Senior Center will be collecting pet toys, treats, food and supplies for the Connecticut Humane Society.  Pet food donations will also help the clients of the Connecticut Humane Society’s food pantry which provides pet food to owners who are financially struggling to make ends meet.

All items donated must be new and unused condition.  Pet food and treats must be in unopened containers, unripped bags, not expired and no container over 40 pounds.

Items that are needed: dog & cat toys (no catnip); Kong toys; dog & cat treats; adult dog & cat food (canned & dry); bird food for pet birds; clay litter; Yesterday’s News litter; litter boxes; paper towels; reusable grocery bags; 55-gal heavy duty garbage bags; towels and blankets.

Preferred pet food and treat brands: Friskies, Fancy Feast, Iams, Purina, Pedigree, Blue Buffalo, Hill’s Science Diet, Wellness, Milk-Bone, Busy Bones, Nylabones and DentaStix.

Monetary donations are also appreciated.  Cash or Check (make check out to CHS).


Scissor, Knife and Blade Sharpening by Razor’s Edge Sharpening Service

Knives $2.50

Scissors/Pinking Shears $5

Non-Electric Pruners/Hedge Trimmers/Garden Tools $5

Electric Hedge Trimmers $10

Chain Saw Chains/Lawn Mower Blades $5

Drop off your items that need to be sharpened to the reception desk by Friday, April 13th.

Be sure to have your items safely stored, wrapped in newspaper in a plastic bag,

with your name, phone number and correct payment included.

**Please make checks payable to Dan Correia**

Your items will be ready to be picked up starting on Friday, April 20th


Deadline for deposit for Sept. trip of Maritimes Coastal Wonders

The last day to make reservations at this rate is FRIDAY, March 9th for our wonderful Collette trip: Maritime Coastal Wonders ! After Friday, rates of this trip are based upon availability. Interested? Come in and see Cindy!

Maritimes Coastal Wonders featuring the Cabot Trail
September 10 — September 20, 2018 • 11 Days • 16 Meals


Halifax, Peggy’s Cove, Cape Breton Island, Cabot Trail, Prince Edward Island, Anne of Green Gables Museum, Choice on Tour, Hopewell Rocks, Fundy Trail, Lunenburg

March 5-March 9th week

The week will be busy with great programs and free events for you to attend!

Monday, March 5th marks the beginning of our SPRING session of classes.

Tuesday, March 6th at 11:45 am is our very first TRIAD Tuesday! 

TRIAD is a group formed from GSC staff, Seniors, Groton Police and Peoples Bank to promote older adult safety and to reduce the fear of crime that older adults often experience. Come in and ask our TRIAD Police Officers your questions.

Wednesday, begins the next session of our ever popular Wii Bowling in the afternoon and Cooking Classes in the evening. This cooking session you will be creating SOUPER SOUPS.

Thursday is our ongoing TECH TALK that happens 9-10 am MIND AEROBICS at 10 am which keeps your mind sharp with games, laughs and conversation.

Last but not least, we have Mc Lew’s Breakfast on Friday beginning at 8:40 am featuring waffles, sausage and scrambled eggs. FUN time!! Only $6 per person.

Gungywamp Hike April 17th

Gungywamp Hike 

with Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center

Tuesday,  April 17    9:30 am-12 pm

Special rate of $12 pp

This is moderate hike. Pre-registration is required.

Gungywamp is an archaeological site of distinct natural and cultural interest. It has rocky ridges, glacial erratics and swamps along with enigmatic stone shelters and structures whose use and origin are open to interpretation. Walk with us through the woods and absorb the mysteries of Gungywamp. This program is suited for adults and families comfortable walking two miles over uneven terrain.

We will park at the Chapel of the Sea Church and walk over

Please call 860-441-6785 to register

102 Newtown Road, Groton, CT  860-441-6785

Focus on Veterans is free transportation service for Veterans

Focus on Veterans is a free transportation service that will drive a Veteran to a medical facility free of charge to some locations in CT, MA, and RI. Call for more information and to schedule your ride:  860-317-1025. Call in advance!