Friday, February 23rd- Senior Center Fundraiser Mohegan Sun Concert

Friday, February 23rd
Fee: $100
SkyBox w/ full buffet dinner
2 bars, private area, comfortable seating, & more
Come enjoy dinner & a show with award
winning country group Little Big Town &
full buffet dinner, while helping to support
the Montville Senior Center
See Kathie for tickets!

Membership Required to participate in programs

Yearly Membership runs from July 1st to June 30th.

Registration is required to participate in programs, classes and events at the Senior Center as well as for transportation.

Norwich Residents*: Suggested $25 yearly Membership

Out of Town: $40 yearly Membership

*Financial Assistance Available (Please see Mike or Hilary)


Weather Cancellations

If Groton Public Schools are closed due to weather, all classes
scheduled prior to 3pm are cancelled. A decision to cancel
afternoon and evening classes is made by 1pm. If Groton Public
Schools are dismissed early, classes scheduled after 3pm are
cancelled. If Groton Public Schools have a delayed opening due
to weather, the center will open at 9am. The 8am run for
transportation will be cancelled with a school delay. Morning
classes will run unless an instructor cancels their individual class

Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays- Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy – a licensed therapeutic massage therapist provides this service to seniors.  By appointment.

Antonelle has appointments available:

  • Wednesdays  2  -6 pm
  • Thursdays 11 am -3 pm
  • Fridays 10 am – 2 pm

15 minutes $10;  30 minutes $30; 60 minutes $55

Please call 860-441-6785 to make an appointment.

Thursday, April 26th- Trip to 9/11 Memorial & Museum with time at Chelsea Market

6:30 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich

8:45 PM Approximate return time to Norwich

Your memorable day starts with time on your own to shop and dine at Chelsea Market in Manhattan.  Built in the former National Biscuit Company factory complex, Chelsea Market fills two entire city blocks.  This enclosed building is now home to an urban food court, restaurants and food stores.  Chelsea Market also houses television production companies including The Food Network.

Following lunch, you will be dropped off at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.  Build on the former World Trade Center site, the Memorial & Museum is a tribute to those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.  The Memorial’s twin reflecting pools, each nearly one acre in size, sit within the footprints of where the Twin Towers once stood and have the names of those who died inscribed into bronze panels edging the pools.

Opened in 2014, the Museum tells the story of 9/11 through multimedia displays, archives, narratives and a collection of monumental and authentic artifacts.  The museum presents the intimate stories of loss, compassion, reckoning and recovery in the telling of the story of the 9/11 attacks and aftermath.

COST: $66 per person  includes admission to 9/11 Memorial & Museum and transportation.

Driver tip is not included.  Lunch is on your own at Chelsea Market.

There will be one rest stop on the way to New York and one on the return trip home.




*On the registration day, dail 860-889-5960. When you hear the message saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 and follow the instructions*

Senior Center Members, Norwich Residents

-Beginning Tuesday, February 20 at 5:00pm

Senior Center Members, Non-Residents

-Beginning Wednesday, February 21 at 5:00pm

Open Registration (Any Adults, Age 18 and older)

-Beginning Thursday, February 22 at 5:00pm

This trip has mostly walking (but at your own pace).

Christmas Day Party Wrap Up

The Christmas Party on the 25th of December at the Senior Center was a success again this year!

While snow did stop a few folks from being able to make the event, those who were able to make it to the Senior Center enjoyed great food, fun and a visit from Santa.   Thanks to everyone who donated food, money and time for this special day.  A special thank you to the City of Norwich Maintenance Department employees who plowed and shoveled to help make the event safe.  Without all of their help this year, the party might not have been able to happened.

It was great to see Betty, as she continues to be involved after running the party for so many years.  The new and old volunteers who braved the snow to helped were exceptional and we could not have done it without you.  A special THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered and helped out!

Happy and Healthy New Year to all. See you all again next year!

Celia Siefert, the “Christmas Dinner Lady”



with the Director are available by appointment.  Call if you have questions or concerns regarding Medicare, Social Security, Insurance, Medications, Food Stamps or any other services.


TVCCA Energy Assistance

Winter is still here. Need help with fuel or your electric bill? We are taking applications for Energy Assistance at the senior center. Call to make your appointment and let your friends and family know too!!