Greetings! I hope your holiday season brought you the brightest of gifts – love, friendship, family and peace.

“Content by Judy “is written by Judy Jencks,  the President of Jencks Network, LLC which owns, manages and pours thier heart and soul into

I want to thank you for finding and using and requesting this newsletter. is the first in the nation collaborative Senior Center website. This amazing website has over 75 pages of news, resources and services. Our goal is to keep you and the larger community informed about what is happening at our area senior centers.

As 2017 wrapped up we are pleased to share that has been visited by over 10,500 users and those users have viewed over 52,300 pages. Over 20 companies have advertised this year and all their ads click over to their company’s website. It’s their vision and funding that makes this website possible.

Please share with others and like us on Facebook for even more news and articles!

See more of you in 2018



Greetings! I hope your holiday season brought you the brightest of gifts – love, friendship, family and peace.

“Content by Judy “is written by Judy Jencks,  the President of Jencks Network, LLC which owns, manages and pours thier heart and soul into

I want to thank you for finding and using and requesting this newsletter. is the first in the nation collaborative Senior Center website. This amazing website has over 75 pages of news, resources and services. Our goal is to keep you and the larger community informed about what is happening at our area senior centers.

As 2017 wrapped up we are pleased to share that has been visited by over 10,500 users and those users have viewed over 52,300 pages. Over 20 companies have advertised this year and all their ads click over to their company’s website. It’s their vision and funding that makes this website possible.

Please share with others and like us on Facebook for even more news and articles!

See more of you in 2018



Greetings! I hope your holiday season brought you the brightest of gifts – love, friendship, family and peace.

“Content by Judy “is written by Judy Jencks,  the President of Jencks Network, LLC which owns, manages and pours thier heart and soul into

I want to thank you for finding and using and requesting this newsletter. is the first in the nation collaborative Senior Center website. This amazing website has over 75 pages of news, resources and services. Our goal is to keep you and the larger community informed about what is happening at our area senior centers.

As 2017 wrapped up we are pleased to share that has been visited by over 10,500 users and those users have viewed over 52,300 pages. Over 20 companies have advertised this year and all their ads click over to their company’s website. It’s their vision and funding that makes this website possible.

Please share with others and like us on Facebook for even more news and articles!

See more of you in 2018



Greetings! I hope your holiday season brought you the brightest of gifts – love, friendship, family and peace.

“Content by Judy “is written by Judy Jencks,  the President of Jencks Network, LLC which owns, manages and pours thier heart and soul into

I want to thank you for finding and using and requesting this newsletter. is the first in the nation collaborative Senior Center website. This amazing website has over 75 pages of news, resources and services. Our goal is to keep you and the larger community informed about what is happening at our area senior centers.

As 2017 wrapped up we are pleased to share that has been visited by over 10,500 users and those users have viewed over 52,300 pages. Over 20 companies have advertised this year and all their ads click over to their company’s website. It’s their vision and funding that makes this website possible.

Please share with others and like us on Facebook for even more news and articles!

See more of you in 2018


January 11th OATS Potluck Gathering

Thursday, January 11th OATS Potluck Gathering

Time: 4:30 pm- 6:30 pm

Let’s get together at GSC, network & brainstorm on possible 2018 outings!

Please rsvp to Cindy at 860-441-6623



Thursday, April 26th- Trip to Newport Playhouse Show and Cabaret: Exit Laughing

At Newport’s only Dinner Theater enjoy their  great home-style buffet,  a wonderful play in their intimate theater and a fun-filled cabaret in the dining room. Buffet 11:30am. Curtain 1:00pm Cabaret always follows the play. We leave at 9:45 am & return approximately 6 pm at GSC   $65/resident

Our trips are not just for Groton seniors – they are open to the public.
An additional $10 fee is charged to non resident for trips unless otherwise noted.

Payment is REQUIRED to register for any day trips.

Thursday, April 17th- Trip to Tribute to the Divine Miss M at the Aqua Turf – Show and Lunch

Kathy has been singing the hits of Bette Midler for more than 20 years on stages around the world.  Bette’s repertoire has something for everyone! Big Band, swing era tunes, hip-hop, country, ballads, blues, dance and “Sophie” jokes for a good belly laugh.   Please note: Dancing  will not be offered at this event.  Coffee & Donuts Door Prizes Complimentary Glass of Beer or Wine.  Family Style: Salad/ Pasta/ Chicken Marsala/ Baked Meatloaf/ Potato/ Vegetable/ Dessert. We depart GSC at 10am  $55/resident

​Our trips are not just for Groton seniors – they are open to the public.
An additional $10 fee is charged to non resident for trips unless otherwise noted.

Payment is REQUIRED to register for any day trips.

Saturday, February 24th- Eastern CT Symphony Orchestra ”Paintings and Pictures” at Garde Arts Center

Orchestra Center seats to enjoy ECSO, Toshiyuki Shimada, Music Director and Conductor, Hannah Lash’s This Ease, Maurice Ravel’s Pavane for a Dead Princess , Tchaikovsky’s Variations of a Rococco Theme, Op. 33 featuring 2017 Instrumental Competition Winner Yi Qun Xu, Cellist Mussogorsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.  Pre-concert chat 7-7:30 pm/Concert starts at 8 pm.  We take our own Groton Senior Center bus and have a limit of 12 seats. Let us do the driving—we drop off and pick up right at the Garde Arts Center entry. We depart GSC at 6:30 pm  $55/resident.

Our trips are not just for Groton seniors – they are open to the public.
An additional $10 fee is charged to non resident for trips unless otherwise noted.

Payment is REQUIRED to register for any day trips.

Satursday, January 27th, Trip to Trip to UConn Women basketball at Gampel Pavilion

Game time is noon.  Via coach bus we travel to Gampel Pavilion at the Storrs UConn Campus to see our home team UConn Women Basketball team play against Tulane. Game time is noon.  Departure time TBA.    $ 79/resident

Our trips are not just for Groton seniors – they are open to the public.
An additional $10 fee is charged to non resident for trips unless otherwise noted.

Payment is REQUIRED to register for any day trips.