FREE Memory Screening

Sign up for a FREE memory screening appointment on January 16th between 1-3pm with Deborah Ringen MSN, RN-BC from the Visiting Nurses of the Lower Valley. It’s free and confidential.

A memory screening is like many other routine health check-ups. It is a simple, non-invasive test designed to gauge memory, thinking and language skills. Screening consists of a
brief series of questions and tasks and only lasts about ten minutes. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up.


On January 16th from 10:00am-1:00pm, Big Y Pharmacy Representatives will be here offering Pneumonia, Shingles, Tdap(for whooping cough), Hepatitis A Hepititis B and Meningitis Vaccines. Please note that most of your patients over 65 should have Medicare Part B and the pneumonia vaccine would be covered. If a patient is not covered under Part B, then they may have a Medicare Part D plan that would cover the vaccine. Patients under 65 may have private plans that would cover the
vaccine, as well. Anyone interested in receiving any of these shots please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up to ensure theybring enough serum and also get an insurance quote for any out of pocket expenses.

Intro to Creative Drawing

Tuesdays 10 am to 12 noon, Jan 9 -Feb27 (no class Jan 16, Feb20)
6 week class $35. To register email Sharon at
This class is for beginners and those with some drawing experience. Learning to draw is a process; letting go and trusting the process can be liberating and bring out your creativity. There will be demos and guidance with drawing exercises that will help students learn to see as an artist sees. Direction will be offered, but students will be encouraged to experiment and develop their own style. The instructor asks students to check the inner critic at the door, and step into an encouraging environment.
Bring a sketchpad, pencils, and an eraser to the first class. A supply list with a several more inexpensive supplies will be handed out then.

Advanced Drawing and Watercolor

Mondays 10 am to 12 noon, Jan 8 to Feb 26 (no class Jan 15, Feb19)
6 week class $35. To register email Sharon at
This class is for students who have taken classes with instructor or have good foundation drawing skills. Three of the weeks the instructor will demo and introduce new drawing or watercolor skills. The other three will allow students the full class to work in either drawing or watercolor with subject matter of their choice. Individual instruction is given throughout all classes.

Are you new to computers, or find them confusing?

If so, this is the class for you. Join us on January 8th from 1-3pm and get hands-on practice with basic computer skills. Learn the various parts of a computer, how to use the mouse and keyboard, and take a look at navigating around the Windows desktop. Computers are available to use or you can bring your own. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up for this free class

HOLLY BERRY BALL dinner dance weather UPDATE!

Due to impending snow in tomorrow evenings forecast we are hopeful to make a decision on whether to hold the event or to postpone it (to perhaps January) based on the next emergency management weather report we receive later this morning.

Friday, December 22nd, AARP Driving Safety Course

Friday, December 22nd is AARP Driving Safety course here at Groton Senior Center 12-4 pm. This course is $15 AARP members, $20 non-members (includes all materials) Register with Groton Senior Center IMPORTANT: Make check out to “AARP”

For anyone 50 or older wanting to drive longer & safer ! Plus most insurances give a discount to those who take this class!

Call 860-441-6785 to sign up


Please come and join us THURSDAY, Dec 7th 1030-1130 am  for our HANDLING THE HOLIDAYS free Workshop!

Our AWESOME Registered Dietitian Deb Downes will be offering a FREE HANDLING THE HOLIDAYS Nutrition workshop at 10:30-11:30 am.

She will tell you tips on how to “enjoy, and not deprive” !! Also, there will be a sampling to taste and helpful information to get you through the holidays!

Storm Preparedness

UConn College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources will be holding a three part series on Storm Preparedness on January 9, 10, &12 at 1:00pm.

January 9 : Be Storm Prepared: Protect You, Your Family, Your Pets and Home presented by Mary Ellen Welch, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, UConn Extension.
When severe weather strikes, it can have a big impact!
The safety of people, pets and livestock is most important!
Develop a family communication plan to stay connected
Get your checklist of items “to-do”.

January 10:  Getting your Go-Pack Ready: Preparing your Kit, Financial Records and Important Household Papers
presented by Faye Griffiths-Smith, Financial and Family Resource Management Educator, UConn Extension
In the event of a severe storm, you may need to quickly evacuate your home to move to a safer location
Be ready in advance by gathering basic supplies, financial records and important documents
Make sure you have appropriate supplies and information organized to help you and your family be better prepared
for storms and other life events

January 12:   Stocking Up: Preparing your Emergency Food Supply presented by Mary Ellen Welch, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, UConn Extension
Stock up on food, water and supplies that can help you weather the storm
Consider what food you have on hand and what may be compromised by power failure or flooding
Use lists of suggested food and equipment, menu ideas and food storage charts to help you determine if food is safe to eat.

Friday, DEcember 19th- Marathon BINGO



Paper sales begin at 12:00, games begin at 12:30.
Bring a friend and enjoy an afternoon  of  fun.