Stroke:Improving Outcomes Through Action

Join us on December 13th at 1:00pm for a one hour presentation presented by Brad Fowler who is a paramedic and stroke educator for Middlesex Hospital. During the presentation entitled Stroke- Improving Outcomes through Action you will learn about:

Stroke incidence and impact             Who is at greatest risk of suffering a stroke

Causes and types of stroke         What can be done to prevent strokes from occurring

How to recognize stroke signs and symptoms      The importance of early recognition and transport

How to prepare for the 911 response         Available treatment to reverse the effects of stroke

Your role in improving stroke outcomes

Pudd’nheads: Childhood in Colonial America

We are excited to welcome back Velya Jancz-Urban – author, teacher, and creator of The Not-So-Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife and her herbalist daughter, Ehris Urban, on this unique presentation Pudd’nheads: Childhood in Colonial America on December 12th at 1:00pm. This presentation examines the unique aspects of childhood between the late sixteenth and late eighteenth centuries and explores themes including birthing and childrearing practices, parenting, children’s health and education, naming, gender, play, and rites of passage. Providing fresh historical perspectives on key features of children’s lives, this program offers compelling information on colonial children – as well as Native American and slave children, who are too often left out of conventional coverage.

Free MEDICARE Presentation Thursday Nov. 9th

On Thursday, November 9th 6- 7;30 pm we have a FREE presentation for you on Medicare! You MUST register by calling 860-908-7094.

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are age 65 or older and those younger than 65 with a disability. The definition of disabilities used to determine Medicare eligibility is the same as that used for Social Security benefits.

Medicare can be a maze all by itself. It has various components, designated by the letters A through D. Each one provides different benefits. In general, out-of-pocket costs are lower in Medicare than in commercial health plans

Wonderful holiday Day trip Dec 14th

We are offering a delightfully fun day-trip STOCKING STUFFER HOLLY DAYS on Thursday, December 14th.

Everyone will receive a Christmas Stocking at the start of our day. Every stop will include a gift for your stocking!

Our first stop will be at Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston, Massachusetts. HOLLY DAYS has become a sparkling tradition at Tower Hill with unique themed Christmas trees decorated by local garden clubs, and a great shop full of unique gifts.

Delicious lunch awaits us at the Old Mill in Westminster . (Upstairs Dining- NO ELEVATOR) This special restaurant over looks a lovely pond, has a waterfall, and dates back to 1761. Menu: Fresh fruit, Choice of : Pork Chop with Apple Cinnamon Glaze OR Baked Stuffed Filet of Sole Almadine, Potato, Vegetable, Homemade Apple Crisp, Beverage (entree choice in advance)

Next we”ll visit Herbert’s Candy Mansion in Shrewsbury the first roadside retail confectionary operation in the United States.

Our final stop will be the Oakwood Farm Christmas Barn in Spencer, MA This 160 year old barn is filled to the rafters with a dazzling selection of Christmas trim, featuring thousands of ornaments, nativities, Santas, and their own “homemade” wreaths and centerpieces.

We depart Groton Senior Center at 9:15 am with an estimated return 7 pm. Cost is $107 pp

Support Group for Women 60 and Over

We will holding a Support Group for Women 60 and Over on December 7th at 1:00pm. This group will be facilitated by Lisa Navarra, from Senior Bridges and will be sponsored by the Lymes’ Senior Center. This group will give woman a place to discuss issues such as depression, anxiety, poor coping, grief and loss, adjustment issues, family issues, trauma and substance abuse. This group will be a safe and confidential place for women to discuss whatever they may be struggling with. This free group will require a minimum of 4 people to run, so please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 if you are interested in joining.

Tea with Ann Frank

On December 6th at 1:00pm we will be having a Tea with Ann Frank and will be welcoming back Sheryl Faye who will bring alive Ann Frank in an interactive presentation of her life. Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt Germany on June 12, 1929. She lived most of her life in or near Amsterdam, having moved there with her family at the age of four-and-a-half when the Nazis gained control over Germany. By May 1940, the Franks were trapped in Amsterdam by the German occupation of the Netherlands. As the hatred for Jewish people increased in July 1942, the family went into hiding in some concealed rooms behind a bookcase in the building where Anne’s father worked. From then until the family’s arrest by the Gestapo in August 1944, Anne kept a diary she had received as a birthday present, and wrote in it regularly. Our story starts on July 6, 1942 in the secret Annex and gives you a taste of what life was like for her. In this world where there is a lot of hate this a wonderful program about Perseverance, Hope, and Love leaving us all with a stronger message. Please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up. Due to the nature of this program no one will be admitted into the program after 1:15pm.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017- Dinner and Movie “The Baby Boss with Alec Baldwin”

Time: 3:00pm

DINNER: Stuffed Pork Loin w/ sides
MOVIE: The Baby Boss with Alec Baldwin

Cost: $5.00 Donation

Come join everyone for a great Tuesday afternoon: delicious
dinner 860-848-0422, great friends, and an
enjoyable movie! Wonderful way to spend the
afternoon and support the senior center!

Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan
to attend!

November- A NOTE FROM YOUR LIAISON from Billy Caron

Dear Seniors,
As Liaison to the Seniors, I am aware of the
many senior groups that help out and do so
much in our community. I congratulate the new
president of the Hillcrest Group, Mrs. MacNeil,
and thank the Hillcrest seniors for all of the
community support they give throughout the
year and I am sure we can count on them once
again, working with the rest of our seniors this
Holiday season to help our Montville families in
need! I am proud to be your Liaison as I get to
see first hand all of the fantastic efforts put forth
by our seniors with the programs needed for
some of our residents. I would also like to thank
the many businesses in Town and ask that they
continue to support our Montville families in
need! Have a safe and happy holiday season!
– Liaison Billy Caron


If you or someone you know is in need of a Holiday
Food Basket with Turkey and all the fixings,
plus many other food staples, please call Kathie
Peck, Director of the Town of Montville Department
of Senior & Social Services @ 848-0422.
Please call to sign up for our FOOD Baskets for
this Thanksgiving Holiday. Don’t miss out, let us
help you enjoy the holidays. Last day to sign up
is Wednesday, November 15th. Our Baskets will
be distributed on Saturday, November 18th from
9:00 – 12:00 a.m. Must sign up to receive a basket.


If you are a senior or disabled resident in the Town of Montville and will be spending the Holiday alone, please call and sign up for our Thanksgiving Hot Home-Cooked Dinner. Enjoy a wonderful Baked Turkey Dinner with all the
fixings! Dinners will be delivered on Wednesday, November 22nd. Please let us help you enjoy the Holiday and sign
up for a Hot Home-Cooked Meal! Last day to sign up for Dinner is Monday, Nov. 20th 860- 848-0422