Friday, November 17th- THANKSGIVING MEAL

Prepared by the Senior Center

Fri, November 17th at 11:45am – $8pp

Registration begins November 1st.

Turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed

potatoes, corn, biscuits, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

Bingo will follow.


Wednesdays in November- PAINT WINE GLASSES

PAINT WINE GLASSES for our  Mocktail Party

Wed afternoons in November


Begins November 1st to November 29

Call to register


Senior KARATE Class starts next week! SIGN UP NOW

SENIOR KARATE class starts next week!! This class focuses on balance, improving stamina & mental acuity. YOU can DO this!

Starting November 1st locally renowned karate instructor Ralph Batty will begin teaching SENIOR KARATE class here Mondays and Wednesdays 12:30-1:15 pm.

Students will learn basic karate technique which will strengthen them mentally as well as physically. Mobility and stretching will be a consistent part of class as well as learning fundamentals for self-protection.

Be the first to take part in the Groton Senior Center Dojo!
The cost will be $65 for 8 weeks. (that is ONLY $4 a class!)

Sign up now 860-441-6785 or register online at 

Senior Health Insurance “Medicare Education, Choices, and Assistance”

November 1st from 1-3pm

Senior Health Insurance “Medicare Education, Choices, and Assistance”

Healthcare is one of the most important decisions we make and it’s so imperative we have a solid grasp of the options prior to making a choice. This is especially true for seniors when it comes to Medicare and the many diverse choices and options that you’re faced with in the system. Whether you’re turning 65 and faced with initial enrollment or already have a Medicare plan and are wondering if there’s something better based on your present needs, it’s important to fully understand your choices. You receive information from many sources, but in many cases that can lead to further confusion. We are offering a seminar about Medicare basics, updates, recent changes, and available assistance. The seminar will be presented by John Pitarra Jr. and James Fernstorm of Senior Health Insurance.