Clayworks- Mondays and Thursdays

Classes offered on Mondays at 10:00am -11:30am

and Thursdays at 1:00pm- 3:00pm.

Paint and glaze your choice of ceramic greenware.  Items will be fired in kilns at the center.  Items to fit all abilities from beginner to advanced

Also offered on Mondays at 10:00am -11:30am

and Thursdays at 1:00pm- 3:00pm.

$32 per resident/ $42 non resident + greenware

** Our greenware costs are VERY reasonable!

Bingo- Thursdays

Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm

Fee: $0.50 per card

Thursdays- Registered Dietitian Deb Downes

Time: 12:00pm- 4:00pm

Meet with our Registered Dietitian Deb Downes privately.

  • weight loss
  • diabetes
  • heart healthy eating
  • cancer (prevention, treatment, recovery)
  • intestinal issues

First visit/Initial Assessment (required): $20 for one hour

Subsequent visits: $10/half hour

Please call 860-441-6785 to schedule your appointment.

Thursdays- Coloring

Time: 11:00am

Coloring- Have you tried coloring yet? This is not your child’s coloring book and crayons. Adult coloring is really taking off in popularity. Coloring has therapeutic potential to reduce anxiety, create focus or bring about more mindfulness. Like meditation, coloring allows the brain to switch off other thoughts and focus. Try it this session!

FEE: $8.00

Free Medicare Information

Susan Beeman, Choices Counselor, will be available to provide free information and assistance about current Medicare choices, Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap), Medicaid, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicare Part D, and other related state and federal programs on Tuesday, November 7th & 14th and December 5th from 9:00am-12:00pm. To sign up for a free one hour appointment, please call (860) 4341605 ext. 240. Please bring a list of your medications with you to this appointment

Drawing and Watercolor

Drawing and Watercolor Tuesdays 10 am to 12 noon, Nov 7 to Dec 19 (no class Nov 21) 6 week class $35. To register call Stephanie at 860 434-1605 ext 204

This class will combine drawing with some simple watercolor techniques and pen that works well for producing on the spot paintings. Students will learn to see and draw the basic shapes of plants, animals and landscapes; and how to add details after they have the basic construction of the forms. For students who wish to only work with drawing materials, all the exercises will also be able to done in black and white. To first class bring what you have for drawing and/or watercolor materials. We will go over a suggested supply list in the first class to see if you need to add anythingDrawing and Watercolor Tuesdays 10 am to 12 noon, Nov 7 to Dec 19 (no class Nov 21) 6 week class $35. To register call Stephanie at 860 434-1605 ext 204

Watercolor Plus

Watercolor Plus Mondays 10 am to 12 noon, Nov 6 to Dec 18 (no class Nov 27) 6 week class $35. To register call Stephanie at 860 434-1605 ext 204

This class is an opportunity to experiment with watercolor and a variety of drawing and collage materials. Playful experimenting will be combined with exercises that will give you a framework to try out new ideas. The instructor will introduce concepts and demos at the beginning of each class. Watercolor experience helpful but not required. Advanced students are welcome to work on their own projects with subject matter and materials that interest them. Individual instruction is given throughout class.

Friday, October 20th- V.N.A.S.C. Sponsored Flu Clinic


Provided by the V.N.A. of SECT

East Lyme Community Center

Fri, October 20th

1pm to 5pm

Everyone is encouraged to get the vaccine – The only exception – people allergic to eggs

Please wear short sleeved shirt

Be certain to bring your Medicare card and ALL of your insurance cards.

If you don’t have your insurance cards or if the VNA cannot bill your insurance company, you will be asked to pay by cash or check.