HEALTH SERIES Presented By ShopRite Pharmacy

Time: 11:00am – Noon

Topics to be discussed:

October 24th– CHOLESTEROL

November 28th– DIABETES

December 19th– ALZHEIMERS

Please Sign up at Reception.


Immunizations will be available on a drop-in basis during the Health Series.

Immunizations will also be available to individuals 60 years old and older



Immunizations will be available on a drop-in basis during the Health Series.


Thursday, October 5th- Depression Screening

Time:  10am – noon

How Is Your Mood? 

With summer ending and the days starting to get shorter, it is important to take an inventory of your mood.  October 5, 2017 is National Depression Screening Day.  Nurses from Hartford Healthcare at Home will be available to talk with you privately about your mood or any symptoms of depression or anxiety you may have and offer you suggestions on how to improve your day to day mood.

No appointments are necessary.  Just drop-in during the times above for a screening.


Scissor, Knife and Blade Sharpening by Razor’s Edge Sharpening Service

Knives $2.50

Scissors/Pinking Shears $5

Non-Electric Pruners/Hedge Trimmers/Garden Tools $5

Electric Hedge Trimmers $10

Chain Saw Chains/Lawn Mower Blades $5

Drop off your items that need to be sharpened to the reception desk by Friday, October 20th.

Be sure to have your items safely stored in a plastic bag,

with your name, phone number and correct payment included.

**Please make checks payable to Dan Correia**

Your items will be ready to be picked up starting on Friday, October 27th



TVCCA Home Heating Assistance Now Available

Winter is coming and home heating costs can be a struggle for many.  There is help.

TVCCA is now taking applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program which provides assistance towards a homes primary source of heat.  Priority is given to “vulnerable households” with young children, elderly or disabled individuals.  Income and Asset Limits apply:

Household Size:      1                     2            Asset Limits:       Homeowner Renter

Annual Income      $33,881        $44,305        $15,000                    $10,000

Applications can be done over the phone and through the mail for homebound individuals.

To schedule an appointment or for additional information, please call (860) 425-6681.



A big Thank You goes out to all the wonderful volunteers who recently helped at the Senior Center Summer Picnic in August!

Thank You to Eva Blodgett, Paulette DeVino, Bobbie Guertin, Covington Holland, Cora Landry, Michael Lewis, Pat Sanderson, Elizabeth Trudelle and Rene Trudelle who helped with the set up, food preparation, serving and clean up.

Thank You also goes to Joe Landry and Henry Daigneault who helped grill the hot dogs and hamburgers with “Chef Mike”.  Thank You to Airborne Trio for providing some amazing musical entertainment!


October~Artist of the Month- Louise Lemire

This month the display case outside of the library will be filled with wonderful quilts, wall hangings and quilted items from the very talented Louise Lemire.  Louise is a participant in the Thursday afternoon quilting group, the Rose City Quilters.  Louise’s beautiful quilted items on display are for sale and would make a wonderful gift.  It’s not to early to start shopping for the holidays!  Please stop by and take a look!


National ACTIVE AGING WEEK at Groton Senior Center

ALL WEEK Sept 25-29th we have gone out of our way to plan and schedule some fantastic extras for you here at Groton Senior Center because it is National ACTIVE AGING WEEK! The objective of the annual health-promotion event is to give as many older adults as possible the means to experience wellness activities and exercise in a safe, supportive environment. It also promotes the benefits of healthier, more active lifestyles across the life span.
Please take the time to look over our week long schedule and come in and see what we have for you! These are in addition, to our regularly scheduled programs!
Almost all are free! Take part in the many free presentations, get your flu shot, join us for free coffee and pastries for one of the great new COFFEE WITH … and much more! For example, we have samples of our two new classes: Chair Zumba and Senior Karate for any of our patrons to check out!
Then, Friday Sept 29th is our BOLD excursion to Fields of Fire Adventure Park (of Mystic)! Last few years, we have had such a fun groups of 55+ adventurers take on the challenge of climbing the ropes courses (varying course levels like a ski resort) and then happily zip lining through the grand outdoors! There is a fee (quite discounted!) of $32 per person for the 3 hours of FUN. Then we have a treat from Rita’s! (yum!) Please call 860-441-6623 to join this outing!

Free Flu Shots and Health Screening

Free Flu Shots and Health Screenings The Old Lyme VNA will be offering flu vaccinations to Old Lyme and Lyme residents 40 years old or over FREE OF CHARGE (no insurance paperwork necessary!) • Eye Screening (free) • Hearing Screening (free) • Balance Testing (free) – unconfirmed • Blood Pressure Screening (free) The date will be October 21st from 8am to 12pm