Important Information about Classes

Fall 1 Registration dates:
• Residents – August 7
• Non residents – August 14

Fall 2 Registration dates:
• Residents – October 2
• Non residents – October 10

The Fall session runs October 30 through December 22

Fees – Non-residents pay an additional $10 fee for most classes

No Class Dates – No classes will be held October 9, November 10, 23, and 24.

Registration Deadline – Please register before the first week of classes. Any class
not meeting minimum numbers will be cancelled for the session.

More information about Groton Senior Center’s programs and services including
transportation is available on the newsletter rack in The Cove or online at

Club Corner News

Club 55 has been very active this spring
with making donations to organizations
in town. The club donated $500 to the
As Time Goes By Swing Band, $500 to
the VFW for Memorial Day events and
flags, $500 to Recreation’s Inclusion
Program, $1000 to the DARE program,
and $1000 to the Submarine Veterans
Memorial East located in the City of
Groton. The Club also gave four $500
Achievement Awards to Groton High
School seniors Noelle Butler and
Katherine Fairbank, who attended
Fitch High School, Sophia Nelson
who attended St. Bernard High School
and Geralson Withrow who attended
Ledyard High School. The club holds
fundraisers during the year to support
programs throughout the town
each year. The club also donated
$100 to an East Lyme High School
senior who developed a 30 second
public service announcement on the
Senior Center now airing on Channel
2, Town of Groton’s Cable access
channel. Victoria is planning to go on
to college for communications.
The club is now having its
membership drive. Your $5 annual
membership not only funds special
events for seniors and club members
but helps provide the generous gifts

Wednesday, October 25- Movie Showing: Rogue One

Movies are shown the last Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Concession snacks will be available for purchase. Free drinks

​Rogue One
The Rebel Alliance makes a risky
move to steal the plans for the Death
Star, setting up the epic saga to
Rated PG-13

Wednesday, September 27- Movie Showing: Lion

Movies are shown the last Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Concession snacks will be available for purchase. Free drinks

A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost
on the streets of Calcutta, thousands
of kilometers from home. He survives
many challenges before being
adopted by a couple in Australia. 25
years later, he sets out to find his lost
Rated PG-13

Piano Lessons

Location: Music Room

Call David Tubbs to schedule lessons at 860-912-3129.

Tackling Shoulder and Knee Pain. 

Join us September 26th at 1:00pm for a talk by Dr. Piposar from Orthopedic Partners on Tackling Shoulder and Knee Pain.

Thursday, November 30- Trip to Newport Playhouse & Cabaret Restaurant

Daytrip to see DASHING THOURGH THE SNOW at Newport Playhouse.

We leave at 9:45 am & return approximately 6 pm at Groton Senior Center.
At Newport’s only Dinner Theater enjoy their great home-style buffet, a wonderful play in their intimate theater and a fun-filled cabaret in the dining room.
Buffet 11:30am…Curtain 1:00pm Cabaret always follows the play

Written by Jones, Hope, & Wooten Directed by Tony Annicone

Thursday, November 9th-Trip to Goodspeed to see “RAGS”

Time: 12:30pm-5:00pm

We have Center Orchestra/Side Aisle seats for this show.
$74 per resident

Welcome to the new world! Fresh from Ellis Island, a young mother and her son search for lost family and a sense of home as the 20th century beckons. The streets of Manhattan’s Lower East Side may not be paved with gold, but they echo with the music of opportunity, optimism and hope. A ravishing score by the songwriters of Wicked and Annie colors a sweeping saga of America’s immigrant past. Celebrate our rich roots in Goodspeed’s new adaptation of a neglected masterpiece of the musical theatre.

Groton Senior Center bus departs 12:30 p.m.
We ONLY have 20 seats—HURRY while spots last!
Deadline for this trip is November 1st