Women’s Support Group

We will holding a Support Group for Women 60 and Over on September 11th at 1:00pm. This group will be facilitated by Lisa Navarra, from Senior Bridges and will be sponsored by the Lymes’ Senior Center. This group will give woman a place to discuss issues such as depression, anxiety, poor coping, grief and loss, adjustment issues, family issues, trauma and substance abuse. This group will be a safe and confidential place for women to discuss whatever they may be struggling with. This free group will require a minimum of 4 people to run, so please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 if you are interested in joining.

Friday is deadline fo BEACH PARTY BOOGIE event

This Friday is our deadline for our super fun and very delicious BEACH PARTY BOOGIE event next Tuesday, August 15th 5-7 pm



Beef ribs, grilled pork chops, baked cod, monaco blend mixed vegetables, citrus cous cous salad , cranberry walnut chicken salad, rolls, ice cream sandwiches, sea breeze punch, coffee


Register by Friday, August 11th



Upcoming Day trips with Groton

Big E – Friday,  Sept 15

Groton Senior Center and Groton Town Recreation are hitting the BIG E!

Friday, Sept. 15 which is Be A Kid For A Day, Military Appreciation Day .  After talking to other like day trippers, we found out this day is the supposedly the “best” day to attend as far as less traffic, less lines, and cleanliness of the event.  The Big E, also known as The Eastern States Exposition, is billed as “New England’s Great State fair”. It is the largest agricultural event on the eastern seaboard and the seventh-largest fair in the nation. Price includes deluxe coach transportation and admission to the fair. Call 860-441-6623 for more details.

$45 pp We depart GSC at 8:30 am Depart Big E at 3 pm  Return to GSC by 5 pm


Ellis Island & Statue Of Liberty- Tuesday, Sept 26

We have gone the extra steps to most efficiently visit both Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty including with your admission is the new 45 minute AUDIO GUIDE, inviting visitors to relive the immigrant experience as if “they” were the new arrival.  Roundtrip Ferry ticket allows you to depart Liberty Park, NJ and get off at both Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty Island. Friendship Tours arranges the components of the tours. $94 pp (Includes Deluxe Motor coach, Sightseeing & Attractions, Friendship Tours Tour Director & Gratuities to Driver & Tour Director)   We depart GSC at 6:00am Estimated Return: 8:30pm Groton


Garde Arts- Garrison Kieller – Saturday. Oct 7                                     Garrison Keillor, host of one of the most popular radio variety shows ever, brings along to the Garde stage two old friends from the earliest days of A Prairie Home Companion for two hours of harmony and humor!  Let us take care of the driving for you  Groton Senior Center Bus.  $65 pp  We depart GSC at 7:00 pm


Thames River Cruise NLCHS – Saturday. Oct 14

Through the generosity of Cross Sound Ferry, the NLCHS hosts a ferry river tour, traveling up the Thames to Norwich and back discussing the history of this important waterway. US Navy and US Coast Guard lectures;  Craft Program, Wine Tasting and silent auction.  Only 20 spots available    $33 pp   We will depart GSC at 2 pm


Free Hearing Clinic

Free Hearing Clinic Nancy Jablonski & Rene Vicedomini, Audiologist Concierge will be here for a free hearing clinic September 6th from 10am-1pm to provide free hearing testing, hearing aid checks, wax inspection, and listening demonstrations. By appointment only, call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up

Concert: Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy fresh off her Brazilian tour will perform for us both singing and playing her guitar on September 6th at 1:00pm. She performs a variety of genres including covers of artists like Elvis, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Bill Withers and many sing-along songs. She loves audience participation and provides a upbeat, warm, and engaging atmosphere.

Senior Center Variety Show

A special Lymes’ Senior Center Variety Show will take place on September 5th at 1:00pm. If you wish to perform either individually or in a group please contact me by August 14th and plan to attend the rehearsal on August 14th at 2:30pm.

Benefits Enrollment for Medicare

Benefits Enrollment for Medicare

You may be eligible for one or more of the following programs:
Medicare Part D Extra Help/Low Income Subsidy (LIS) program—pays for Part D plan premiums, reduces drug copays and eliminates the donut hole

Medicare Savings Program—pays Medicare Part B premiums

Husky C— Medicaid coverage for working disabled, medical coverage and home and community based services

SNAP—Access nutritious food

Utility Assistance Programs—Access savings to help with heating/cooling costs

Supplemental Security Income— Receive cash assistance through the Social Security Administration

Meet with specially trained CHOICES Counselors who will answer your questions and help you complete and submit applications for assistance on August 31st. Appointments available between 9:00am-3:00pm. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up.


Exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and eating a balanced diet are your first steps to a stronger, healthier mind. For an extra benefit, try squeezing in this easy task as often as you can.

 Here is the seventh of  seven tasks :

  1. Snack on seeds! Both pumpkin and sunflower seeds contain magnesium, and most of us fall short of the 400 mg per day that’s recommended for better health, says Drew Ramsey, M.D. Magnesium fuels brain growth and soothes the nervous system, keeping you calm.


August- Fun Saying

When I was young I was scared of the dark. Now when I see my electric bill I’m scared of the lights.