Saturday, August 19th- ANNUAL CHOWDER PICNIC

Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Potato SalaD and Homemade Chowder!

Only 60 tickets will be sold—Do not wait, these tickets will sell out quickly!

Time: 12:00 pm at the senior center.

Tickets are $7.00pp.


Thursday, August 10th- PASTA & PAINT SUPPER

Time: 4:30pm

Pasta, Oil Painting & Virgin Margarita’s

Create your own masterpiece and laugh while doing it.

TICKETS—Dinner $5.00, Dinner & Paint $10.00

Limited Seating for Painting. Please sign up.

Rescheduled from July.


Thursday, August 3rd- RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE

Save a life by donating blood.

Time: 12:00 to 5:00 pm

To schedule an appointment please call 1-800-733-2767

or visit online at REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG


August- Wish List of Items Needed:

Items Needed: Regular Coffee, Decaffeinated coffee, Napkins, Food service gloves, Plastic forks & spoons, 7 inch paper plates, 5 oz paper cups and 8 oz plastic drinking cups. ENSURE is always needed for those in need.

Wednesday, August 23rd- AUGUST SPECIAL MEAL

Come celebrate summer with us! Pub Burger w/cheese,
on a Kaiser roll with lettuce & tomato, four bean salad,
potato salad & mixed berry pie.

Please sign up!
Suggested donation:  $5.00


Cooking Solo: Easy, Nutritious Cooking for 1 or 2 People

Join us on August 30th to learn how to cook easy, budget friendly and nutritious meals for one or two with a cooking presentation and tasting! This free program is presented by Alisha Gulino, Registered Dietician and Jason Kosky, Director of Dietary Services from Gladeview Rehabilitation and Health Care Center

Friday, August 4th- Special BINGO

Sponsored by the Senior Club

Time: 12:30– 2:30 PM
Cost: $5.00
Come and have some fun with the always popular Special BINGO! Snacks and beverages provided and lots of fun with some great people! Come on down for BINGO! The more, the merrier!

Saturday, August 12th- Tag Sale

Our first Tag Sale of the year and in the new Tag Sale Building— (Town Hall parking lot)

Time: 9:00-1:00pm

We need helpers for the day (please sign up in office or see Anne) and please bring any items you have down that morning as well!