Call 860-376-2329 to sign up
Concert: Pianist Luke Wojcik
Self-taught Incredible Pianist Luke Wojcik Fifteen year old Luke Wojcik, who plays classical and popular tunes on the piano, will be here to entertain us on August 23rd at 1:00pm.
Wednesday, July 26th – 2nd BBQ of the Season
Time: 4:00 PM
Entertainment: JOHN BANKER!!!
Cost: $6.00 donation
Meal :BBQ chicken, salads, desserts, coffee & cold beverages!
Raffles, good food, good friends, good fun! Don’t miss out!
Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend! Bus is available.
In THE DAY: Techy Teens and Savvy Seniors
It is a win win for our Savvy Seniors and Tech Teens.
Tuesday, August 22nd- Trip to Point Judith and Galilee in Narragansett, RI
Enjoy a beautiful Summer day in Galilee and Point Judith! Your drop off location will be near George’s of Galilee Restaurant. You will have time on your own to enjoy lunch, sightseeing and shopping! You will be within walking distance to Salty Brine State Beach (Galilee Beach) and Roger W. Wheeler State Beach. You will have multiple restaurants in the area to choose from or you can pack a lunch and eat by the water as you enjoy the fishing boats come and go. Be sure to bring your camera, sunblock and hat!
Cost: $3 for transportation. Lunch is on your own.
Bus leave the Senior Center at 9:30 a.m. and returns approx. 4:00 p.m.
Sign up at Reception (by phone or in person) starting on August 1st.
This trip has mostly walking.
Drawing Friday, October 13th- Afghan Raffle
A beautiful crocheted lap-sized afghan (approx. 32” x 54”) in a patchwork design of multiple shades is being raffled off. This afghan was made by a very talented member of the Thursday afternoon Knitting and Crocheting Group. Stop by and take a look at this amazing afghan and purchase some raffle tickets! All proceeds from this raffle will remain with the Rose City Senior Center and will be used towards programs and events.
Tickets are 3 for $1 and are available at reception.
Drawing to be held on Friday, October 13th and you do not have to be present to win!
Regional Art Show Winners!
Congratulations to the very talented Rose City Senior Center artists who recently won ribbons at the Regional Art Show! The art show was on display during the Southeast Healthy Living Expo held at Norwich Tech on July 14th.
Congratulation to Betty Carole Musick (1st in Oil Painting and Best of Show), Natalie Caron (1st in Pastel), Donald Swanson (1st in Mixed Media), Dennis Hancin (2nd in Sculpture), Linda Mathre (2nd in Watercolor), Beverly Korenkiewicz (2nd in Acrylic), and Donna Weimer (Honorable Mention in Photograph).
Congratulations to you all!
Saturday, July 22nd- Tag Sale
Our first Tag Sale of the year and in the
new Tag Sale Building—
(Town Hall parking lot)
HOURS: 9:00am to 1:00pm
We need helpers for the day (please sign up
in office or see Anne) and please bring any
items you have down that morning as well!
Friday, September 22th- “Ritz & Glitz” Annual Regional Senior Centers Event
Time: 11:30 am – 3:00 pm
Where:Port ‘n Starboard at Ocean Beach
Buffet Dinner: Prime Rib, Rosemary Chicken, Vegetables, Red Roasted Potatoes, Rolls, Coffee, Dessert & Cash Bar
Entertainment: Airborne Jazz
Wear your best Ritz & Glitz – Roaring 20’s Attire!
Cost: $25 per person. Make checks payable to “Senior Resources”
Transportation is available for an additional $1 pp or you can drive yourself.
Library Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help in our Senior Center Library. This volunteer position requires standing, bending, squatting and lifting in order to get the job done. You would be needed to help sort and reshelf books alphabetically. Experience working in a library is helpful.
Library Volunteer needed for Fridays (you choose the time) and for Per diem.
This volunteer opportunity is for Senior Center Members only.
Please stop by Reception and fill out a Volunteer Application if interested.