Computer Assistance Volunteer

We are looking for a Volunteer Computer Assistance Instructor.   You must be very familiar with email, internet, and Microsoft Office programs, and be able to explain and assist people with minimal computer experience.  A minimum commitment of one day per week, 1-2 hours per day, is required.

Please stop by Reception and fill out a Volunteer Application if interested.


Thank you Lolita Wood!

The staff of the Rose City Senior Center and the Golden Nuggets chorus would like to thank Lolita for all her hard work and dedication to the group this past year!

Lolita took on the role as volunteer Director of the Golden Nuggets after Bruno Harpin “retired” from directing the group.  We thank you Lolita for all you have done in keeping the group going for the past year!  Lolita is stepping down as volunteer Director of the Golden Nuggets but she will continue to be the piano player for the Roseland Combo.  Thank you Lolita!


TVCCA- August Monday Meals

Aug  7th – Tuna on Grinder Roll, Tomato Soup, Chips, Orange – $6

Aug 14th – Roast Beef on Kaiser Roll, Chicken Noodle Soup, Peach Crisp – $6

Aug 21st – Stuffed Pork Loin, Three Bean Salad, Scalloped Potatoes, Chocolate Cake – $6

Meals are ordered a week in advance!

Please sign up & pay at the Reception window at least 1 week ahead!


Monday, August 28th for Senior Center Picnic

Join us for some good food, great fun and fabulous entertainment!  With “Chef Mike” working the grill, it’s an event not to be missed!  While you are finishing your meal, be entertained by the wonderful music, dance and vocals of Airborne Trio!  Airborne Trio is a Jazz group which incorporates swing, Motown, Island and Caribbean sounds into a variety of songs and theme music.  Sure to be a fun time!

Meal: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Salads, Chips, Drinks and Dessert.

Tickets on Sale August 1st at reception desk.  Cost $7.00 Last day to purchase tickets is Wednesday August 23rd.

Picnic Volunteers needed!  If you are interested in helping out at the picnic (set-up, serving, or clean-up) please let Hilary know.

OATS (Outdoor Active Traveling Seniors) Group

Here is another update for our OATS (Outdoor Active Traveling Seniors) Group~

Monday  July 10th at 10 am at Haley Farm (about 1 hour; easy terrain)
Tuesday, August 22 at 8:30am Groton Utilities hike
Wednesday September 20th  at 1 pm with Avalonia Conservancy at KNOX PRESERVE (approx. 1 mile flat, easy terrain)
As always, call 860-441-6785 or stop by the front desk to sign up for these hikes.. it is THAT easy!

AARP Drive Safety Class

This class will be held on August 18th from 1:00pm-5:00pm. Cost is $15.00 for members and $20.00 for non-members. Checks written to AARP only, no cash will be accepted.


Bingo will be held at 1:00pm on Wednesday, August 1:00pm.  Pay $ 1.00 at the door.

Movie: The Shack

This newly released movie about the spiritual journey a man reluctantly takes after being shook by a family tragedy will be shown in closed caption on August 15th at 1:00pm.

Lunch served 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM

It is nice and cool here at Groton Senior Center. And we have a great variety for lunch today and everyday!

Great prices! Lunch served 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM      ~open to the public!!~

HOT LUNCH, DELI SANDWICHES, SALAD BAR, DESSERTS AND BEVERAGES. Take out meals are available and quite popular! Call 860-441-6785 or 860-441-6771 to order.

This Saturday, July 15th is our WHAT’S IT WORTH? event

We look forward to seeing you Saturday, July 15th at our WHAT’S IT WORTH? event

Groton Senior Center presents
a Community Antiques Appraisal Event

Bring your treasured antiques, family heirlooms, and vintage pieces for consultations with certified professional appraisers specializing in: Stamps, Coins, Jewelry, Dolls, Art, and more!

Saturday, July 15
9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Groton Senior Center 102 Newtown Road, Groton

Larry Shapiro General Antiques
Eldred’s Auctioneers Art & Antiques
Pawcatuck Valley Coin Club 
Mike Westman General Antiques
Will’s Books -Buying & Reviewing Books for 30 years
Nathan Liverant & Son, LLC Furniture,
Silver, Glass & More
Millers Stamp Company
Justine Demetrick Costume Jewelry & More

$5 per item (limit 2 items per person)