Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, July 13 from 1-6 pm
here at Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT 06340
#giveblood #RedCross
Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, July 13 from 1-6 pm
here at Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton CT 06340
#giveblood #RedCross
Annual Regional Senior Centers Event
Friday, September 22, 2017
11:30 am to 3:00 pm
at the Port ‘n Starboard at Ocean Beach
Wear your best Ritz & Glitz—Roaring 20’s Attire!
Buffet Dinner: Prime Rib, Rosemary Chicken, Vegetables,Red Roasted Potatoes, Rolls, Coffee, Dessert & Cash Bar
Entertainment: Airborne Jazz
Cost: $25.00 per person $2 additional transportation fee
Make checks payable to “Senior Resources”
By appointment only starting at 9:00am and this program is FREE.
Would you like to see what programs you might qualify for? What help you can get to make life and your current situation a little easier for you? There might be some great options for you to help you stretch your funds and make everyday living a little bit easier. Please call to sign up!
Presented by Senior Resources Agency on Aging, Medicare Bootcamp will help you understand your Medicare benefits. You will learn about Medicare A, B, C, and D, when to enroll, alternative Medicare options, and Medicare premium assistance programs. This free program will be held on August 8th at 1:00pm. No preregistration is necessary.
Exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and eating a balanced diet are your first steps to a stronger, healthier mind. For an extra benefit, try squeezing in this easy task as often as you can.
Here is the sixth of seven tasks :
“When you do something unfamiliar , your brain fires off neurotransmitters that improve communication between different regions in the brain.” Checked this one off your list?? Find other ways to disrupt your routine: by brushing your hair with your left hand ,for example.
Foxwoods “Legends” is Back! This years singers are Michael Jackson, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Cher and Rod Stewart. Show is at 2:00.
Save the date.
Dinner: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, vegetable, and strawberry shortcake.
Time: 4:30
TICKETS $6.00 Please sign up.
Pasta, Oil Painting & Virgin Margarita’s
Create your own masterpiece and laugh while
doing it.
Thursday, July 20th at 4:30 pm
TICKETS—Dinner $5.00, Dinner & Paint $10.00 Limited Seating for Painting. Please sign up
July 20th is SENIOR DAY. If you would like to go on our bus Thursday, July 20th please call the center. Limited seating.
Farmer’s Market starts July 20th.