Friday, July 21st, 2017- Senior Center Tag Sale

Would you like to sell your stuff at the senior center tag sale?
We will be having our first community tag sale!
Time: 10am—2:30pm
Rent: $20 / table
Please call us to find out more: (860) 447-5232
(All proceeds go to senior center programing.)

Every Tuesday- Self Esteem Support Group

Time 6:30—8:00


Location: Once a week at the Social Services Building

Come and share your story, offer support, receive the support you need by working together! Offered by Safe Futures, this support group offers hope, peace, and encouragement to all members.

Tuesdays- Self Esteem Support Group

Every Tuesday, 6:30—8:00 PM—FREE—once a week at the Social Services Building—come and share your story, offer sup-port, receive the support you need by working together! Offered by Safe Futures, formerly the Women’s Center, this support group offers hope, peace, and encouragement to all members.

MASSAGE THERAPIST- Fridays or the First Wednesday of the Month

By appointment only.  Please call 860-889-5960 for more information.  You can choose between a Friday or the first Wednesday of each month. $25 PER 1/2 HOUR ~ $50 PER 1 HOUR MASSAGE APPOINTMENTS ARE AVAILABLE TO ROSE CITY SENIOR CENTER MEMBERS ONLY *

Thursday, July 20th- Trip to Red Sox game versus Toronto Blue Jays

Trip to: Fenway Park, Boston, MA
Leave: 8:45 AM Depart Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich
Game Time: 1:35 p.m
Returns: 8:00 PM Approximate return time to Norwich
COST: $98 per person includes transportation and game ticket. Driver tip is not included.

This is a moderate walking trip. (including stairs)

Enjoy a great afternoon watching the Boston Red Sox play the Toronto Blue Jays at Historic Fenway Park. Great seat location on the 1st base side in Grandstand section 11. These seats are located under an overhang (so no sitting in the sun) and have an awesome view of the action on the field!

Our coach bus will drop us off and pick us up right next to Fenway Park. We will arrive with enough time for you to enjoy lunch at one of the many local restaurants outside of Fenway or in plenty of time to watch all the warm-up action on the field before the game. (Game time 1:35 p.m.)

This trip is open to any adult, 18 years old and older.

Contact Hilary for Availability 860-889-5960.

Senior Center Bus- Shopping Schedule

10:30-1:15 WESTSIDE
TUESDAY — Norwich Senior Center to LISBON WALMART 
9:30-11:15 WESTSIDE
10:30-1:15 EASTSIDE
9:30-11:15 EASTSIDE
10:30-1:15 CITY
9:30-11:15 CITY

YANTIC/TAFTVILLE – includes St. Jude Commons, Wequonnoc Village

WESTSIDE – includes Chase Manor, Eastwood Park, Westwood Park (Dorsey Bldg.), Village Court.

EASTSIDE – includes AHEPA, Laurel Hill, Hamilton Park, Rosewood Manor, Schwartz Manor.

CITY – includes Downtown, Boswell Ave, Greenville, Blackstone Apts, Eliza Huntington Home, Mohegan Park Apts., Mohegan Village, Sandy Lane.