w/Chris Hedden at Great Brook Driving Range Groton
5 weeks $135pp
Starts Thu, June 29th
Balls to be purchased at the range. Clubs are available if needed. Rain or shine. Registration begins June 1st.
w/Chris Hedden at Great Brook Driving Range Groton
5 weeks $135pp
Starts Thu, June 29th
Balls to be purchased at the range. Clubs are available if needed. Rain or shine. Registration begins June 1st.
Residents – Monday, June 5th
Non Residents – Monday, June 12th
Our summer session runs July 3 through August 25
ONLINE REGISTRATION is available for almost all our programs, events, trips and special meals.
See a program or event you want to try this summer? Check out our NEW online registration system! You can browse programs, register, and pay for the program of your choice online at from your home or even your smart phone! And of course you can still visit the front desk to sign up as well. Give it a try and let us know what you think!
We are looking for volunteers to help the Senior Center Master Gardeners with various tasks in the outdoor vegetable garden. This volunteer position requires standing, bending, kneeling, squatting, etc. in order to get the job done. Gardening experience is not required but may be helpful. You will work under the direction of the Senior Center Master Gardeners. Gardening help is needed May – September.
Please stop by the Greenhouse on Monday mornings if you are interested in helping out.
Thursdays 10:00 a.m. on the following three dates June 22nd, June 29th & July 6th.
Join us to learn American Sign Language (ASL) for beginners! In this three part session, you will learn the alphabet, useful phrases and words. You must sign up and attend all three classes to participate. This class will be taught by an NFA student volunteer. Hope you join us!
Class Size is Limited. Please Sign up at Reception.
Jewelry Making Instructor – We are looking for an individual who would like to volunteer their time to instruct seniors in jewelry making. You must provide the ideas and knowledge to teach others.
Please see Hilary if you are interested
Annual trip to Yankee Stadium for Yankees vs. Red Sox. This is a favorite! More information to come!
Monday– Massage Therapy- Therapist: Marie Arsenault
Tuesday– Blood Pressure/ Sugar- Masonicare Home Health and Hospice
Wednesday– Podiatry- Dr. Thomas Walter
Thursday– Hearing Testing/ Aide- Specialist Bob Sawyer
Friday– Healing Touch- Practitioner Cecelia Sullivan & Mental Health Counseling @ UCFS
Screenings are FREE to our Montville Seniors, Donations are accepted. Call for information and details of each of our Health Services at 860-848-0422.
Cost: $89/ pp
Join us for Nature’s Most Awesome Beauty!
Stop by the senior center to get more information about this wonderful trip!
TAKE OUT AVAILABLE!! Great menus, great prices! Open to the public—all ages welcome.
Call for upcoming menus/ registration at 860-376-2604.
Come and get the Foot Care you need. Our On-A-Good-Foot Program can help. Foot care not covered by Medicare will be paid by a grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. A suggested donation of $5.00 is appreciated and helpful, not required. Dr. Thomas Walter, Podiatrist comes to our Center once a month to perform routine foot care. Call for an appointment or details – 860-848-0422.