Free Chess Lessons/Competitive Play

FREE Chess Lessons/Competitive Play Want to learn how to play chess or challenge someone with 6 years of seasonal play at the Madison Chess Club? Paul Duchemin will be here to teach or play a game with you. Call 860-434-1605 ext.240 to sign up for free lessons or game play.

TCCCA- JUNE Monday Meals

June 5th- Stuffed Shells w. Meatballs, Garden Salad, Garlic Bread, Chocolate Cake- $6.00

June 12th- Hot Dog on Roll, Macaroni Salad, Cookies- $4.00

June 19th- Pot Roast w/ Carrott & Onions, mashed potatoes, garden salad, carrot cake- $6.00

June 26th- Chicken Marsala, Potato Salad, Rice Pilaf, Apple Pie- $6.00

Meals are ordered a week in advanced!

Please sign up & pay at the Reception window at least 1 week ahead.



Come join us for  Senior Learning Network – Video Conferencing program.

Thu , Jun 15th at 10am “Intro to Wine Making”

Mon, Jun 26th at 1pm “Wonder of Acupuncture”

Registration begins June 1st. Free.




Fri, June 30th


Pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw, chips, pickles iced tea and strawberry shortcake  provided

by Crescent Point.

Registration begins June 1st. $6pp.

Entertainment by Pierce Campbell.

No Bingo today.


John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum day trip June 15th

Yesterday, Monday marked 100 years since the birth of President John F. Kennedy, The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Dorchester held a ceremonial flag raising at 9 a.m. Look here to see the footage.…/jfks-life-legacy-celebrated-o…/

We’re taking a fabulous day trip to Boston on Thursday June 15th to visit his library and take in Boston with a lunch at Quincy Market then a great fully narrated 90 minute Boston Harbor Cruise. We still have some spots!! But hurry!!

Thursday June 15, 2017 BEST OF BOSTON Trip John F Kennedy Library and Museum stands as a vibrant tribute to the life and times of JFK. Following a brief orientation and history, enjoy the museum on your own taking in the numerous exhibits and informative films. We do lunch on our own in Quincy Market then we enjoy a Boston Harbor Cruise. Discover the historic and contemporary milestones of Boston’s inner and outer harbors during this fun, informative, fully-narrated, 90-minute tour.

$103 per resident .
Includes coach transportation, driver gratuity, admission to museum and cruise ticket.
Estimated Depart: 7:15 am from Groton Senior Center Estimated Return: 7:30pm




ONLINE REGISTRATION is available for almost all our programs, events, trips and special meals.

See a program or event you want to try this summer? Check out our NEW online registration system! You can browse programs, register, and pay for the program of your choice online at from your home or even your smart phone! And of course you can still visit the front desk to sign up as well. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Leadership of Lincoln and the 13th. Amendment

Leadership of Lincoln and the 13th Amendment will be presented by Frank J. Williams, a retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island and one of the country’s most renowned experts on Abraham Lincoln, on June 28th at 1:00 pm.  He is the author or editor of over fourteen books, has contributed chapters to several others, and has lectured on the subject throughout the country.  If you are interested in Presidential History, this is a program you will not want to miss.

PLEASE NOTE: Things you need to Pre-Register for or that may have an Additional cost

Tai Chi (10-wk class) — $45-Beginners call Hilary,

$95-Intermediate/Advanced (Ongoing), call Hilary

Yoga & Chair Yoga — $3/class if paid in advance, $4/class if paid weekly. Call Hilary with any questions.

Preventive Health Clinic — $3-$15, call Hilary or Mike

Podiatry Clinic — $15, call Hilary or Mike

Massage Therapy — $25, call Hilary

Day Trips — See our monthly newsletter VOICES

Senior Center Birthday Celebration Meals — See TVCCA Cafe Day Meals

TVCCA Cafe Day Meals (Tues-Fri) $3.00* Hot Meals. Must order 3 days ahead, by 11:00 am in the Dining Room. *Suggested Donation

Celebration and Monday Meals — As posted in the Dining Room and in Voices

Friday, June 9th- Alex’s Lemonade Stand

Time: 11am- 3pm

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade and join the fight against childhood cancer!
Join PhysicianOne Urgent Care in supporting Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation at the Rose City Senior Center.  Grab a nice refreshing cup of lemonade and please consider making a donation to the foundation.
All donations will go towards ALSF and their mission of funding research projects for treatment and cures; supporting families of children receiving treatment; and developing resources to help people affected by childhood cancer.
Please join us for this worthy cause.