The color is Yellow
Must register by May 8, 2017, 2:30pm.
No payment required for this trip.
Must bring money for your lunch.
The color is Yellow
Must register by May 8, 2017, 2:30pm.
No payment required for this trip.
Must bring money for your lunch.
Must Register by May 1, 2017, 2:30pm
No Payment required for this trip, but you must bring money for you lunch.
The color is Royal Blue.
Leave at 9am.
Time: 10:15am
Time: 12 Noon
Time: 5pm – 8pm
Coffee & Donuts ; Complimentary Glass of Beer or Wine then Family Style Lunch: Garden Salad, Pasta, Chicken ala Kathryn & Broiled Scrod w/ Cracker Crumb Topping, Vegetable, Potato, Rolls, Dessert, Beverage COST: $87p resident and $97p non-resident.
Groton Senior Center transportation—We depart at 10 AM
Garden Pots Needed!
We are looking for terra cotta or clay pots of all sizes for our greenhouse. If you have any pots you would like to donate, please bring them to the Senior Center and leave them in the Greenhouse.
The Greenhouse Ladies Thank You!
Rose City Senior Center Community Yard Sale Fundraiser
Saturday, May 20, 2017
(rain date Sunday, May 21)
Time: 9am – 1pm
It’s time for our annual Community Yard Sale!
Our parking lot will become one giant multi-seller yard sale with LOTS of items for sale.
Be sure to stop by and shop for your next “treasure”!
“Senior of The Month”
Dear New London Residents: If you know an outstanding senior (55+ years of age), please tell us about him/her. So many of our seniors are doing great things in the community, and we feel that New London should read about it!